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Friday, February 29, 2008

Feb 29th is SPECIAL!

It's crazy to think that we found out on Feb 29th, 2004 that I was pregnant with Savannah! Where does the time go? I look at her today in amazement!

Jazz Game!

I won tickets to the Jazz game on Wednesday. It was the BEST game to go to! Detroit has the number two record in the league, and the Jazz won!! They came back from being 17 points down. The crowd was crazy, and Paul and I both lost our voices!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

It's my turn to say CHEESE!

It's only fitting that after all these years that Savannah would want to start taking our picture. I have been a good sport, and she is actually starting to get pretty good at it. I think we have a little photographer on our hands! =)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Heart Day!

The day started off rough, because I told Savannah she had to wear pants. BUT it got a lot better when I ended up getting a dozen gorgeous red roses from Paul!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sugar & Spice and EVERYTHING nice...

I am so glad that Savannah's best friends are her cousins. She loves all of them so much. They all play so well together. We just wish that we lived closer.

Friday, February 8, 2008


When I look at Savannah I wonder how she got so lucky! She has the most beautiful blue eyes, cherry red lips, and that cute button nose!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Hide & Seek

Savannah has such an imagination, and is so creative. When she said the other day she wanted to play Hide & Seek with me, and this is how I found her I had to laugh out loud!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Vending is not for the weak!

Yesterday for the first time I got to go to Idaho with Paul for a vending day. I must say that I appreciate Paul WAY more! We started at 5:00 AM, and didn't stop until 11:00 PM. It made for a long day. It was cold, my pants were dirty and wet from the snow, I was tired, and I missed Savannah more than anything. The bright spots of the day were definitely the FOOD! In Kimberly, Idaho we were able to meet up with Kyle and my Mom for pizza. The company was definitely better than the food. It was a nice way to end the long day. I will never complain about staying home on Idaho days again. Sitting on the couch being bored is way better. =)

Friday, February 1, 2008

My Super STAR!

The one thing that I love about Savannah is she isn't afraid to try EVERYTHING!! She will be the first one to dance in front of a crowd or even sing ;). She waited in a line of people to get up on stage to sing to Hannah Montana. She is my SUPER STAR!