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Monday, November 30, 2009

Dream Dinners. Our Review.

Dream Dinners came to us at the perfect time. I had been sick for weeks with Vin, and cooking is minimal at my house to begin with...then you add me being sick, it was non existent for way too long.

Dream Dinners is a place where they provide a menu, all the ingredients and supplies to make your menu item, and a work station to prepare it all. I was invited along with some fellow bloggers to come make three dinners...take them home, save them for a rainy day, and try 'em out! It was just that, a DREAM!

I was not raised on frozen meals, and I worried that I would have a hard time eating Dream Dinners. Paul and I have become a little bit pickier as of recently, and lucky for us, Van will eat anything. Paul and I were extremely impressed. Everything tastes fresh, like it's never been frozen, and it's easy for people like myself who don't cook. We were even able to have meals that I would never attempt to make like, Chicken Paella.

This is such a perfect idea. Going to have a baby, and have to rely on your husband to plan meals for a week or so? Use Dream Dinners. Not a good cook, but you for some reason decided to invite people over for dinner? Use Dream Dinners. Don't like to cook like me? Use Dream Dinners. Can you see why I thought that this was such a good idea?

question #21

Brought to you by Jill

What advice do you have for a couple who are going through a hard time relationship-wise?

I am definitely not qualified to answer this question. LOL. My marriage is not perfect. What works for me, doesn't work for some people. What some people put up with, maybe I wouldn't. I don't judge people who decide to get divorced, I think that it is necessary in some cases. All relationships are full of highs and lows, I wish that every day was full of roses. Relish in the highs, and learn to cope with the lows. Remember what is important to you. Money is a temporary happiness, friends come and go, and we all deserve the BEST.

You wanna ask me a here!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

question #17, #18, #19, & #20

Brought to you by Tiffany...

How long have you been blogging, and what made you start?

This is the post where I explain how my blog got started, and why I did it. =)

Brought to you by Jill...

Is there any blog that you hate but just can't seem to stop reading every day?

If I really hate a blog, I just don't read it. There are sooo many good one's, I don't have time to waste reading bad one's.

What is your most favorite blog and why?

Really, I can't pick one. Honestly. My Google Reader has hundreds of blogs I love to read. From Dooce to I Totally Forgot You Go Here...I love 'em all!

What do you do when you have "blogger's block"?

I do a couple of different things...

I take a break.
I ask Paul or Van to guest post for me.
Or I brain storm with my co-workers about ideas.

Would you like to join in on asking me questions? Click here to ask away!

a letter to my children.

van and vin,

thank you for letting me be your mom.

you two are my biggest challenge and biggest reward.

i'm already madly in love with you vin, and you haven't even made your appearance.

i can't help but giggle at you van, your personality is so entertaining.

nothing is better than us being all together.

santa has big surprises for you both, please be good so he doesn't skip our house. okay?

love you,

Saturday, November 28, 2009

love this idea.

I recently won a giveaway for a FREE photo shoot from Make It Work Mom {dot} com, and have Jennifer Eliason take our family photos. Paul and I were a little nervous, because we had never been out of a Kiddie Kandids studio. We didn't know what to expect, and Paul really doesn't like his picture taken at all. We chose Wheeler Farm as our background, and the weather for a November day was wonderful!
We were more than pleased with our experience, and seriously I am in love with the pictures she was able to get of the three of us...and my bulging belly!

After I got my pictures back I may or may not have gotten a little addicted to her blog, I have a habit of that. She is doing something uh-mazing this holiday season for the Schiess Family. Jennifer with all of her talent is taking these phenomenal Santa pictures, and donating the funds to the Odette Foundation Fund. Odette Schiess is a one year old little girl that is battling Leukemia. Every year I spend way too much money on Santa pictures at the mall, and they don't look nearly as cute as Jennifer's awesome idea!! Not only that, but you are helping a family in need this holiday's a win, win!!

Go get all the information from Jennifer's blog, and seriously you won't regret using Jennifer's mad skillz to get your most precious memories captured this holiday season.

question #16

Brought to you by Vanessa
What brings you joy no matter what?

Of course I couldn't just pick one thing! =)

Click here if you wanna ask a question.

Friday, November 27, 2009

our thankgiving.

Was pure bliss.
Slept in.
Early Turkey dinner that tasted fantastic.
Took hott baths.
Snuggled on the couch.
Played card games.
Giggles and cheating.
Saw New Moon.
Arcade games.
A promise to do it exactly the same next year, but with our Vin.
We made good traditions.
I couldn't ask for a better Thanksgiving.

question #15

Brought to you by Vanessa

What was the hardest day of your life?

I am really not trying to get out of answering this question, but it is impossible to narrow down one hard day. I have had a pretty action packed life, and as sad as it sounds there are probably too many "hardest day of my life" moments.

I don't dwell on them, I have moved on...and I am happier, because I think of all the more positive moments in my life. I have been extremely taken care of in my life, I think it kinda makes up for all the crap I had to put up with at one time or another.

Click here if you wanna ask a question.

Sassy Scoops...

It's official. I have been asked to become a Sassy Scoop. What does that mean exactly? I get to go with 7 other fabulous ladies and get the local scoop on anything from food to fashion.
This past weekend the Sassies went to the Utah Museum of Natural History and the Utah Museum of Fine Arts with our families. It was definitely a lot more fun than I thought it would be. Van is begging to go back, even though I may have scarred her for life by playing with a worm. =) There is a lot to see and do, and I can't wait for you guys to get the full report on our experience on Sassy Scoops...after the Thanksgiving break, of course.

Come meet all the Sassies, and leave some groupie love.

Monday, November 23, 2009


I'm taking a break from questions. I still have a list to work on, I have lots of good ones stay tuned.

Paul and I have been looking forward to this Thanksgiving for weeks now. A day off from all the hard work we have been putting in, lots of delish food, and movies...oh yes, we will be going to see New Moon. Of course what makes it even better, it will be the three of us together. There is nothing better than us as a family.

There will be reservations early, sports in the afternoon while taking cat naps, and lots of food of every will only catch me (said in the quietest voice) cooking during the next month. I will whip up some stuffed mushrooms for Paul, something undecided for myself, and Van has picked out gummy worms as her must have on Thanksgiving day. I am sure she will down a bucket of popcorn, and because it's a holiday I will let her order a Dr. Pepper on the rocks at the movie theater...She is her Father's Daughter.

I really am thankful. Yes I have a list of stuff, just know it's long...

I have decided I am going to follow the trend of my good friends Vanessa and Emily and take a few days off of my blog. I will be back soon, maybe even as soon as Black Friday. I can't stay away too long, I love blogging. I need a few days off to gather my thoughts, enjoy my clean house, play, and remember everything that I am so thankful for!

Happy Thanksgiving.

PS Can't wait to share my new family pictures...she made us look super hott!

question # 14

Brought to you by Vanessa

What do you see other parents doing with their kids that drives you nutso and you swear you would NEVER do?

I have now been a Mom long enough that I actually have learned you should never say "I will never do that!" Because you just might end up doing it. LOL. I think what drives me nutso is when people who have never been a Mom or a Dad give advice. What I feel like saying is "just you wait until you have your own!" Parenting is not easy, there is no manual, and all you can do is your best!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

question #8, #9, #10, #11, #12 and #13

I chose to do these questions in one post, because my answers are simple.

Brought to you by Debbie...

What is your favorite fashion accessory?

I wouldn't say that I was really in to getting dolled up. I rarely wear more than my wedding ring, and I prefer my Dr. Marten's over stilettos! Ya'll know I have an extreme obsession with my Dooney & Bourke I would have to go with that as my favorite accessory. This would be my newest addition to my collection...My dream (paid) job?

If I could pick any job, I really would work at a scrap book store...nothin' spectacular huh?!

If you had to dress up as a Disney character (like the real costumes at Disneyland) whom would you prefer to be?

I never have put much thought in to this, but I did my research...drum roll...I would be Jessie from Toy Story 2. Yup, yeeehaw!!

Do you prefer to use a pencil or a pen?

Since I am not in elementary school where they make you use a #2 pencil, I would choose pen.

Besides having your cute baby what's something you look forward to doing next year?

Since I can't pick having Vin, I shall pick the 12 weeks off of work that I will be taking when he does arrive! That is pretty fantastical!! Van and I have plans of watching movies in our pj's, popping popcorn, and eating fruit snacks. It will be pure bliss, my house might even stay cleaned...because I can't even imagine having 9+ extra hours in my day that are usually spent away from home.

I think it only appropriate to ask your opinion on on french fries. Where do you find your favorite?

I am sure that I am going to get crap for this answer, because it isn't anywhere spectacular...I actually don't like the food they even serve other than the fries.

BURGER KING! Really, really! I am a skinny, golden brown, semi-crunchy french fry girl. I don't like Five Guys fries, I don't like Carl's Junior, and I don't like Apollo Burger either. I am pretty picky.

Would you like to join in on asking me questions? Click here to ask away!

Friday, November 20, 2009

question #7

Brought to you by Debbie...

What is your favorite movie?If I were being truthful, I don't like to rewatch movies. We didn't even start buying DVD's until after Van was born. It is rare if I ever want to see a movie again. I am well aware that this is weird, I have been told numerous times.

This was probably the hardest question for me, and not because I have so many to choose from. When I was little our family didn't watch shows like Goonies...shocking right? I remember watching Hook a lot, but my all time favorite was always Annie. I still will listen to the music, and yes I have introduced Van to this movie too!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

question #6

Brought to you by Callee...

Approximately how much money a month do you all spend on eating out?

Most people ask if we still go grocery shopping even though we eat out. Yes, we still spend on average for our little family of 3, $100+ a week on groceries. Then we usually spend on average $15-$20 on going out to eat for lunch. We then also eat out for dinner most nights as well, because I am at work it is done separately...and we are more skimpy. I would say that is about $10 for all of us. AND let's not forget our bakery bill! Paul has to have dessert with our meals. He goes a few times a week, and I wouldn't even be able to venture a guess as to how much he spends on treats!

I will let you guys do the math, because I am pretty sure that Paul and I don't want to see the digits!!

Our goal recently has been to eat at least every other day at home. I can't say we are doing amazing at it, but I am cooking at least a couple of times a week...we had to start some where, right?

i know, right?

I have to say "Sandra" sure made an uproar last night. Between my phone ringing off the hook, Facebook messages, and made for a busy night for me. I haven't checked my Google Analytics yet, but I'm sure my numbers doubled just from her comment.

I felt like I couldn't let her comment go without a response, and I couldn't go without saying a big thank you to all of my fantastic friends who left me groupie love.

When thinking about how I wanted to respond to the question of "Why do you not talk to your parents?" I wanted to be respectful to my siblings, and I also wanted to not create a source of tension and drama. Just because I don't talk to my parents, doesn't mean I don't talk to my siblings. I also know that my family reads my blog. Including my very cute, very under age nieces that check up on their cousin Van daily.

I chose to not tell the whole story, I didn't expound on every nitty-gritty detail. It was a personal decision, and one that I stand behind still. I don't think that the decision I made is for everyone, I wish that I didn't feel like I had to make it for myself. I never said that I am a perfect Mom, but I do try my best...I think that we all try to do that as parents.

This decision wasn't made over night, and wasn't made because of one situation. This decision wasn't made because of Van, it was made because I needed it for myself. I needed to be me. I needed to spread my wings, and I needed to be free.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Because Once Upon A Time I Was A Groupie!

question #5

Brought to you by an anonymous commenter...

Why don't you speak to your parents?

Thank you anonymous person. I giggled, and then had one of those moments where you call your BFF and say "It is going to be a fabulous week on my blog!"The best advice I ever got was actually from my Father. I wish that I had saved the e-mail so that I could give it to you word for word. It goes something like this...Do exactly what makes you happy. He always told a story of living a miserable life, and doing what everyone else wanted him to do until he turned 40. My parents got divorced around that time, and that is when my Father decided to start living for himself instead of everyone else.

My story is maybe a little similar to his. I always made decisions that would make everyone else happy. I never had much of a voice in my family. I am the baby, and out of everyone I am the quiet shocking as that is to some. More times than not I would end up in tears, and not from being overly sensitive either. Unfortunately I wouldn't stand up for myself, because they were my family. I would always take it out on Paul instead.

A little over a year ago Paul and I went through the roughest few months in our whole marriage. Paul finally realized that he has depression, and insomnia. We were both frustrated, and instead of hearing things from my family of encouragement, I heard negativity. This is when I decided to make the biggest decision of my life, and stop talking to my parents.

I wanted my little family to be different than what I was raised in. I wanted to show Van that it is okay to have a voice, it is okay to not agree with me, you don't have to have drama, and you are loved and supported no matter what decision you make. I don't want Van to come to me with something, and then have to worry about all her siblings finding out. I wanted to change my future, and I wanted to be happy.The first couple of weeks were hard, I won't lie about that. I had to explain to Van why she would no longer be hearing from her Grandparents. I had to figure out where my place in life was again, but when I found never felt so good. I had the best Thanksgiving and Christmas last year that I can ever remember. I found out that Paul and Van are my family...they really are all I need.

Would you like to join in on asking me questions? Click here to ask away!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

question #4

Brought to you again by Jerilee...

How do all you blogging ladies find each other? When you become a bigtime blogger, does the Secret Awesome Blogger Club contact you and perform some sort of initiation?

I loved this question. Jerilee is so freakin' funny! For me it was like dominos. (a.k.a. Vanessa) has Nature Days, and Art Days. I decided that I wanted to go, and I actually did. All these bloggers were there, and then Vanessa and I became friends. She actually initiated me. {wink} Vanessa invited me to a little get-together at Jyl's house, and then I was hooked on these awesome ladies.
(My initiation party)

Monday, November 16, 2009

questions #3

Brought to you by Jerilee...

I would like to know how you and Paul met?

It was the summer of 1998. I had made a lot of bad decisions. I had stopped going to church, dropped out of high school, and I stopped talking to most of my closest friends. I can't remember why my Mom decided to move from the stompin' ground that I had always known, but she did. We moved to a pretty ghetto area of Salt Lake. I still didn't want to go to church, but I told my Mom I would go with her so she didn't have to do it alone.
In all of my life I never remember inviting the missionaries over for dinner, probably because my Mom was single...and that is not allowed. I don't know what got into her, but she invited them one Sunday at church.

At the time I was still trying to get rid of an exboyfriend that was hanging on for dear life. He was pathetic, really. The missionaries show up for dinner, and it was my exboyfriend, my Mom, my cArazy brother Kyle, and me...with Elder Sell and Elder Tate.
This is where our story began! Elder Sell hated being in Utah, and I loved to make people happy. We soon began writing notes, hanging out for dinner appointments, I went to church to see him, and I was in love. Our notes turned from random questions about each other to love notes. I still adore reading through them, Paul has always known what to say to make me feel amazing.
Elder Sell finally decided that Utah was not for him and went back to sunny California in November. I had really low self esteem, and thought that I would never see him again...maybe he was just lonely, and was using me for attention. We talked on the phone a lot, and his first trip to Utah in January of 1999...Paul would ask me to be his wife. We would realize that we couldn't handle the long distance relationship stuff, and were married in the San Diego, Calfornia Temple in April of 1999.Everyone together say "AAAaaah!" =)

Would you like to join in on asking me questions? Click here to ask away!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

questions #2

This questions is brought to you by Kristina P.

What is the one thing you hate about blogging?

Blogging really is something that I enjoy, but after Kristina asked this question I could come up with a bunch of things I hate. I narrowed my answer down to one thing, but it was harder than I thought.

#1 thing I hate about blogging...people who hide behind anonymous comments.

It is funny to me that the only way people dare say some of the stuff they do is if no one knows that it is them. Weird really.

Would you like to join in on asking me questions? Click here to ask away!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

question #1

Brought to you by Meagen...

Is it okay for me to do a blog post like this on my blog? I love this idea.

Of course it is Meagen. I love when people like the ideas that I come up with while I am sitting in the confines of my green cubicle walls.


Would you like to join in on asking me questions? Click here to ask away!

Friday, November 13, 2009


I have this habit of over sharing. It embarrasses Paul, and people at work most of the time just laugh at me. I sometimes wonder why I don't have a problem telling my boss that I accidentally peed my pants while I threw up the other day, or that I...see I am over sharing again. =)
So, I got to thinking, what do people wonder about me? Do I share enough that I am not in the least bit mysterious? Have you ever had a question about me that hasn't been answered?
Now is your chance...what do you really want to know about me? I will answer everything, no joke. I will answer every question that is in this comment section in a post. Depending on what you ask, I guess some might not require a whole post. We shall see.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


I have never had any problems with spam in my comment sections. I have always allowed "anonymous" comments to be made, and I really hate the word I choose not to bug others with it on my blog.
It changed for me this week. I have had a bunch of spam...very annoying. What is weird to me is that they choose a post from July to put the spam in. Different advertisements, but all the same post.
Does the word verification bug you, like it bugs me? Should I just turn off "anonymous" comments? Or should I just deal with it, because honestly it takes me like three seconds to delete them permanently?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

a note from Vin

To my Daddy and Mommy:

Thank you for finally deciding on a middle name for me. I was feeling left out, because my big sister has one. I think that I'll like my middle name, and I think I even like his music!

I want you to know that I am very different from my sister. Mommy, you can now give up on having me kick for Daddy. I don't like to perform for anyone...I know Van does, but I don't. I like to do everything on my own time, and I am kinda liking it being our thing.

I am sorry that I have made Mommy so sick, and making her grumpy for you Daddy. What can I say? I am a picky eater just like she is, and I like to show her my dislike in food. I will now stop making her sick, and only beg for an occassional bean and cheese burrito with green sauce...from Del Taco, of course. I will also wake Mommy up every night to let her know that I am there in exchange for the sickness. =)

I can't wait to make my appearance. I have waited for it to be my turn for a long time, and even though you are nervous for a boy...I'll try to be on my best behavior!

I love you,

Your Baby Boy, Vin

Wordless Wednesday: I am feelin' this SASSY!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Vin __________ Sell

Vin's name came pretty easily. We knew before I was even pregnant what he would be named, if we ever were to have a baby boy. We never have been able to come up with a middle name. Paul doesn't want his name incooperated, like most men do. It would be easy if that was the case. I am half tempted to not do a middle name. I don't want to just pick any old middle name, I want a family name. There is not much of a selection when it comes to boys names that Vin wouldn't absolutely kill me for naming him. I know you don't use a middle name, so should we even bother with one?

Monday, November 9, 2009

sprinkle cap.

Long before we knew that Vin was a boy, my friend teased me about having to use a "Pee-Pee Teepee" for our new little one. We laughed and joked...until I found out that boys do really pee on you when you change their diaper! What?! Gross! Although I have had worse sprayed on me...TMI.
I went to a fun party thrown by Mona-Kay this past weekend, and guess what I found for Vin?? Sprinkle Caps! Yup, I will not be getting anything sprayed on me from that thing! I obviously don't know if they work great or not, because I don't have a baby boy to use them on yet...I will keep you posted. Until then have a good laugh at what the sprinkle caps looks like, because I have laughed every time I have looked at them!

You think that you need some of these sprinkle caps...go to Eighty Daisies.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

All Our Stockings Are Hung...

Yes, I realize we give Thanksgiving the shaft at the Sell home, and it's okay with me. Don't get me wrong we celebrate it, but with our Christmas decorations up! I had every intention of cooking Thanksgiving dinner this year, because last year we went to Little America for Thanksgiving dinner. Then I came home from work a couple of nights ago, and Paul says "Where are we going to eat for Thanksgiving this year?" I guess that is my out of cooking. =) So while I hunt for our Thanksgiving place to dine, I thought why not adorn my home with the Christmas spirit! Well, and I also thought I was feeling good today, and you can't chance that...motivation kicked in! Our tree is up, Christmas music is playing in the back ground, and the smell of pine (Scentsy, of course!) is filling the air! Bring on Santa, because we are ready!

Friday, November 6, 2009

my randomness.

(random picture taken today...20 week-ish)

Today I have been smiling.
I feel normal, and I feel good.
I was awakened by my growing baby boy inside me kicking.
Some may get annoyed by this.
It has never felt so good, makes me worry a little less.
I laughed about everything that happened yesterday.
Family pictures were rawkin'.
Can't wait to share.
It's Friday. I have a weekend around the corner.
BFF is coming to town. It's been too long. I miss her.
Paul and I are going to start eating healthier...wish us luck.
Going grocery shopping tomorrow to fill the fridge up with "good stuff".
I am starting to put Christmas decor up. Can't wait to have it complete.
I love having Santa visit,
and I think that Santa might need to bring Vin a thing or two this year. =)
Just to clear things up, I have been asked numerous times what Vin's name is.
It is not Vince. ;) It has to do with Vin Deisel. He's hott, right?
What are you doing this weekend?
What random thoughts are going through your head?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

20 weeks.

Yup, we made it to the half way mark! Pretty exciting if I do say so myself. This week I received news that I worried over, but realize there is nothing that I can do about it...and Paul in his wisdom told me to stop worrying over the possibilities. The Dr. will do another ultrasound to check on Vin's heart in 4 weeks. We will also have yet another ultrasound after that to check on my "other problem" that might cause me to have a c-section this go around. I'm not thrilled about this idea, but I also don't want to put Vin in any kind of jeopardy. I will hope that things fix themselves, which seems to be a possibility still.
So, what do you do when you have stress or worry? SHOP! While Van and I shopped for new attire for family pictures today...we couldn't help ourselves at Target. Oh yes, Vin will be dressed in elephants, cars, and bugs...and all sorts of colorful stuff! I might be getting a little excited over all the orange that he will be wearing! =)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Did I forget you?

Paul says that I might have forgotten a few key people in my last post. I didn't intentionally do it, but I did wonder if my post was getting too long. I am not known for word-E posts. =) So, here are the peeps that Paul says that I must add to my list of awesomeness!

Debra was once my coworker. She has 3 daughters that are my similar age, and she treated me just like one of them. Debra planned a baby shower for Van, and was my only friend that came to the hospital to see her. Debra and I had a bond, but it definitely grew the day that Van was born. Debra had a son that died as a baby, and his birthday was the same day as my Van's. Debra told me the day that I announced I was pregnant that I would have Van on his birthday.

Weird Emily is not to be mistaken for all of my other Emily's, and was given the nickname Weird Emily because she can pull off dressing like Rainbow Brite without a problem. Our daughters have the same name, and she went out of her way to be my friend always!

Lynda is who we consider our Van's Grandma. Lynda worries about the three of us, and always will make sure that we have a plan. When we only had one car, and Paul just so happened to lock the keys in it...Lynda was the one that drove me 35 miles to take him another set of keys. Lynda is the Mom I wish that I had, because she is just pretty much amazing!

Amber was my old neighbor. Her son Grayson was Van's first friend. Amber is always thinking of someone else. She has brought us numerous little gifts, and has even brought popsicles for us when we were sick. Amber is a life saver!

Nicole aka Nicki is so genuine. Paul and I have always loved her. We went on a double date with her and her hubbs to a Jazz of my fondest memories of her.

Bishop Terry was there for Paul and I in some of our weakest moments. He gave us some of the most sound advice, and gave us both blessings when we had no one. I will never forget standing in his office, and him giving me one of the biggest, best hugs ever...he made us feel important, and loved.

Okay, so as soon as I get this posted, I am sure that I will think of 5 million coworkers that I have loved and adored, 1 million neighbors, and 3 million friends! You all know that you are what makes up my family.

Monday, November 2, 2009

For Those Who Have Been There For ME!

It's been over a year since I decided to stop speaking to my parents. I get a lot of questions about this topic. The one that I get most frequently is "What do you do without family?" or "Don't you guys miss out on a lot?" My entire life there has always been someone that has been there for me when I needed it. I don't need to be related to have someone mean the world to me. I also want to teach Van something...just because you are related doesn't mean anything. You still deserve respect, and respect is something that is earned.

My life has always been a challenge. There is and always has been a person that awaits me after or during every challenge that helps me. I started thinking today about all those special people that I share my life with, and I wanted to share them with you...and these are not in any order.

Vanessa is my calming when I have a storm brewing. She is that person that I e-mail with while I sit in the bathtub late at night. She is my bandaid.

Awhile back I won a giveaway on Kamie's blog. She was giving away mixed tapes of her favorite songs. Somehow Van got a hold of one of them, and now listens to it every night for bed. It makes me smile. It makes Van smile, and it is just what we always need.

JoAnne is my boss. Honestly she gives me so much time off, it's ridiculous. She invites me to her ward parties, and has even invited me to Thanksgiving multiple years in a row. It is nice to have someone that I can go to and say "I need a Mommy day off!"

Margaret (also known as 6 pk on my blog) has a contagious kind of happiness. Every time I see her she rubs my belly, and is giddy about Vin. She is over the top nice to Van!

Jerilee is my church friend. The only person I have borrowed eggs from in my neighborhood, and the one that makes me feel like coming to church. I don't think that Jerilee realizes how much she really does mean to me. I feel like a fish out of water when I am at church, and she is my comfort zone.

All my cute nieces, the package you sent to Van for her birthday was spectacular. Of course the rawkin' jewelry is fantastic, but the special notes that now adorn her bedroom make us smile. Thank you.

Kristina doesn't realize how much her comments on my blog mean. How she keeps up on blogs is incredible. Loves.

Callee likes to keep it real. That is one of the many reasons why I love my Coke drinkin' friend. We need to plan a Maverick run when Vin comes out -k-?

Landon is the bestest lunch buddy, and I appreciate that he pretends to agree with me...even if he doesn't.

Camille has amazing giveaways, and I just so happened to win the family photo shoot. It really has given me something to look forward to! Oh, and she is a pretty amazing person too!

Tammy is my cubicle mate. I have known her since I was 12, don't ask her how old that makes her! ;) Tammy is the one that will watch our Van, while I bring our new son into this world. Tammy is the one that I text secrets to, even though we sit 5 steps aways from each other. I look forward to work, because I have her to talk to.

Then there is Janet, Krystal, Paige, Sam Jo, Rebecca, Steph, Mrs. R, Leisha, Kim, Whitley, Kendahl, and Brenda...hugs and kisses to my ladies!

Of course my list wouldn't be complete without BFF, Shane, Jackie, Sista, Paul, Van, and are what makes up my family, and that is what I couldn't be happier about!

So does this answer your question as to how I make it without my parents? Any other questions for me?

color away.

This weekend was rough. Van got grounded from her TV for a week. So, can you guess what she is doing right now? Coloring with her tower of Crayola crayons. Thank goodness she loves it, and I printed enough pictures off to make her busy for hours. I hope that the winner enjoys this as much as we are today.

Michelle said...
very cool tower. We did Christmas cards with our pic in coloring page form one year, then we had Jenna color it and we made color copies for the card.

Send me an e-mail Michelle.
I will let you know what info I need so that you can receive your tower.
Happy coloring!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

a good cry.

This is our Van after she has had a good cry.
What I am finding out is that I need a good cry every day to make it through.
Although I am really excited to add Vin to our family, I am really tired of being sick.
Sunday's are definitely my worst day of the week.
Every night I pray that I wake up and feel good. Most days it doesn't work.
Paul and Van might want a new Mommy if this lasts any longer.
Crossing my fingers that 20 is going to now be my lucky number.