What is your favorite movie?

This was probably the hardest question for me, and not because I have so many to choose from. When I was little our family didn't watch shows like Goonies...shocking right? I remember watching Hook a lot, but my all time favorite was always Annie. I still will listen to the music, and yes I have introduced Van to this movie too!
One of my brothers-in-law is the same way. Hates to re-watch movies. You're not alone in your silliness.
I knew you would pick Annie! I would have thought it was strange if you had picked something else, all though I do remember us watching Hook a few times.
I love Annie and don't tell anyone but so does Lance. Good movie
oh I love me some Annie!!
"The sun will come out tomorrow-betcha bottom dollar that tomorrow they'll be sunnnnnn!!
ooxoo Me
When I'm stuck with a day! That's gray! And lonely or(looney)-I'll just stick out my chin and grin and sayyyyyyy-"Tomorrow!-Tomorrow! I love ya! tomorrow-There's only a-day a-wayyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Repeat!"(But with all the vigor one has-I mean really let loose!!
I'm finished!
Sorry- all the days of rehearsals on the Annie set in Jr high came flooding back!
love ya tons!!
ooxoo Me
I even watched that this week! Awesome! :)
Ah- Annie! Leapin' Lizards. I remember watching Hook a lot, too. And Willow. There are only a select few movies I can watch more than once now. I honestly don't think I could come up with a favorite movie.
We love Annie! Brooke was in the play so we used to listen to the CD, will have to pull it out again Good Times Good Times =>
6 pak
funny about Hook, my little brother named his rooster, Rufio...he was a mean little rooster. Attacked my little sister. Haven't been able to watch Hook without laughing since then.
I agree with Annie, I love Punjab
I have to admit, I didn't know this one! I barley remember Annie but I did LOVE Hook!
My kids have LOVED Annie. It's a fav in our house too. That is funny though that you hate to rewatch because I LOOOOOVE it. :) We own a lot of DVD's and I watch so many movies a week it's crazy.
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