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Friday, November 27, 2009

question #15

Brought to you by Vanessa

What was the hardest day of your life?

I am really not trying to get out of answering this question, but it is impossible to narrow down one hard day. I have had a pretty action packed life, and as sad as it sounds there are probably too many "hardest day of my life" moments.

I don't dwell on them, I have moved on...and I am happier, because I think of all the more positive moments in my life. I have been extremely taken care of in my life, I think it kinda makes up for all the crap I had to put up with at one time or another.

Click here if you wanna ask a question.

1 comment:

Cranberryfries said...

Thats a hard question for sure. Hopefully the hard days make us stronger but we try to move on and not remember as much.