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Sunday, January 31, 2010

sister friendly.

A little over a year ago I posted about Paul and I being in charge of "Sharing Time" for the children in our church. It was shortly after that, I was put in to the Primary Presidency, and have been charge of "Sharing Time" a lot more. Let me just say that Paul's idea from a year ago has been my ultimate stand by.

I have successfully pulled off being THE Sister Friendly in our Primary, and I am darn proud of it. =) The kids love it, I love it, and guess what? I have some serious knowledge of The Friend Magazine. Yes, I can tell you where the hidden CTR ring is found, and I can even tell you pretty much every story cover to cover.

What you need to be Sister or even Brother Friendly?

An apron with lots of pockets sewn on.
Knowledge of The Friend Magazine.
The pockets bulging with prizes for right answers.
That is it.
Easy, right?
The prizes in your pocket could be anything from stickers, candy, custom t-shirts, or even CTR rings.
What kind of prizes did your Sister Friendly hand out?
What is your "Sharing Time" stand by??

Friday, January 29, 2010

nesting. or something like that.

I wouldn't say that I'm nesting yet. I think that I have been being lazy for far. too. long.

This is what it looked like last night after I cleaned out Van's closet... Yup, 4 huge bags of size 5 clothes. Van is officially in the "big girl" section now.
Not our baby anymore.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


I always think that it's fun to try to predict stuff.

Right before Van was born we thought that she would look like me.

Big brown eyes, brown hair...we were so wrong.

We even questioned in the delivery room after seeing what she looked like, if we had picked the right name for her. That full head of blond hair, and those gorgeous blue eyes really threw us off. I thought that she would weigh less, Paul thought that she would weigh more. The only thing that we really had right was...she was indeed a girl!

This time around, I have already started making speculations and predictions.

Since Van was bigger than I thought, and Vin is measuring 2 weeks ahead of what he is supposed to...I'm predicting him to be 8 pounds, and 5 ounces! Oh, and since my prediction is Vin will weigh more than Van...he is going to be a little longer than Van at 21 inches long. He has to have hair, because that old wives tale says if you have insanely horrid heartburn (like I do) your baby will have Vin will have brown hair. I gotta have a baby that not everyone questions is really mine. After looking at the ultrasound pictures, he indeed is going to have his sisters nose, I think. He will be perfection in my book.

What do think Vin will look like, weigh, etc?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I'm sick.
Really. sick.
I'm not myself.
I'll be back though.
I guess this is what maternity leave will feel like. ;)
Sorry Paul and Van...
I promise I'll be normal again.
Thank you Paul for watching Van, and making my bedtime 7:30 pm last night.
I love you two...and Vin right now is very undecided. LOL.

Friday, January 22, 2010

maternity leave.

Yes, I will be taking a maternity leave from my blog.

The question is...
How long should I take off?

Should I make Paul update my blog when Vin arrives?

I know I want to soak up all of the baby goodness that will be at the Sell house!

It makes me all giddy just thinking about the new baby smell.

That smell should be bottled and sold for serious cash!

oh, and all of the new baby sounds that I will be enjoying.

I'm sure I won't ever want to break away long enough to blog,
because I might miss something. anything.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

did you know?

The way I feel is really complicated and even a little confusing to even myself. My body tells me I'm pregnant sometimes, my heart tells me I'm going to have a new baby sometimes, and my brain even tells me I'm going to need to start planning for Vin sometimes...but I still don't always believe it. Never do any of these happen at the same time or stay for very long.

Life around the Sell home hasn't changed since I've been pregnant. I still wake up and take care of Van. I work with Paul most mornings. I take Van to preschool. I go to my own job at night. I stay up too late, and I'm tired the next day. We still go out to lunch, dinner, movies, and we still like to play in the arcades a. lot. Oh, and that pesky cleaning and grocery shopping that needs to happen around the Sell home hasn't gone away just because I'm pregnant either.

There are little reminders here and there that are starting to make it feel a little "real". Van decided to do a little nesting...she took tags off of clothes and took toys out of the plastic. She set up the area where we will wash those few bottles we might need to use, and we even had fun with that hand-me-down baby monitor (thanks Tam, works like a charm!).

I, on the other hand, keep telling myself that we have plenty of time...all the while another week goes by. aaah! I have made a list of stuff to buy at the grocery store, but haven't actually bought anything off of it yet. I did find these cute shoes, but after the last ultra sound when I saw HOW HUGE his feet are...I think he might have to wear them home from the hospital...and that will be it. =)

I feel like I am the only one not preparing, and I'm the next in line. Has anyone else experienced this? Or am I just going crazy? I might go with the crazy right now, because I started crying on the way to work today...again!

remember when?

now look at it... i guess i could say that time really is flyin' by.
and this picture was even taken at least a week ago. =)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

shopping for clothes for our children.

Now that Van is going on 21...oh wait, I mean 6...she has an opinion about her clothes. I didn't know that it would happen so young. About 6 months ago was my first attempt at getting clothes that she woud wear, liked, and at the same time things I didn't mind either. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. She did end up with a few things that I would never pick, but I was okay with it. Van and I definitely have different taste. You can probably guess that she likes things that have a little sparkle, and she most definitely will pick something with an animal on it versus a plain shirt.

I have finally started to shop for clothes for Vin. Turns out boys are way harder to shop for than girls...even as babies. My first attempts at shopping almost ended in tears. I got frustrated quickly that everything I was finding had something on it.

I started asking all my friends where they bought the cute boy clothes. Turns out there is a lot of stuff out there. I also found out that I don't mind that some of his clothes will have cute stuff like this on them...
(this cute shirt is actually off of my friend, Emily's, cute huh?)

Where is your favorite place to shop for baby clothes? Crazy 8's is one of my top places as of right now thanks to my friend!! =)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Wasatch Woman of the Year Event.

I love being inspired and having awesomely strong women to look up to. It makes me want to be a better person just reading and watching these women around me. I was reading Vanessa's blog, and came across a post talking about the Wasatch Woman of the Year Event...I decided it was a must attend in my book.

They are doing a lunch at the Salt Lake City Hilton, and will recognize uh-mazing and inspiring Linda Hill who adorns the cover of the Wasatch Women Magazine this month.

After reading through all of their experiences it made me realize what a difference one woman can make. You can accomplish what you set out for, and even go beyond. Most people sit back and let life happen; these women have decided to not just sit back and let it happen, but make it happen. These are the women that make lemonade out of lemons.

Wanna join me for lunch and get inspired?

Can't wait to see my friends there with me.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

eating better.

When I first learned that we were expecting a baby, I hadn't lost those extra pounds beforehand like I had planned. At my first Dr. appointment when she gave me that packet of information I laughed when I read the paper saying that my ideal weight gain would be 10-15 pounds for my whole pregnancy. I even brought it up with the Dr. and she said it would be even more ideal if I only gained 10 pounds...gah!

Now that we are in the home stretch of this pregnancy...I have only gained 2 pounds so far. I feel successful, but seriously I know these next months are when I will be at the most risk for blowing up. =) With Van I craved lots and lots of healthy food, I still ate junk...but I loved drinking milk, and I loved eating fruits and veggies. Vin on the other hand is my little sweet guy...I only crave sugar. I have figured out how to make home made slurpees, we make lots of smoothies, and I even have been baking. When My Blog Spark contacted me and asked if I would review the new Yoplait Frozen Smoothies and help spread the word for General Mills...I couldn't pass it up.

You have no idea how much cereal Van and I go through. We can down two HUGE boxes of cereal in one week, and not even think twice. When I get a craving for chocolate, I pull out my box of Lucky Charms. It always hits the spot, and has just enough sugar to take away the craving...and I don't feel nearly as guilty. Especially since General Mills is known for reducing the amount of sugar in their cereal.

Just when we got sick of our home made orange julius' we were introduced to Yoplait's greatest invention EVER. It's easy, it's a nice change, and it is a healthier choice over my sugary slurpee goodness I have invented. LOL.

What do you do to try to stay healthy? What are tricks you use to cut down on the cravings? I need all the tips I can get, because those 8 pounds are going to be quickly gained!

*General Mills and Yoplait (clicking on this link will take you to a coupon) provided me with free product through My Blog Spark...

Saturday, January 16, 2010

update. and winner.

Let's be honest for a second. I stink at updating my side bar info. Sometimes every so often I will randomly add someone, or change a link from "Friends and Family" to "Private Poops". I don't ever use my links on the side bar, I always just add everyone to my google reader...except if you are a "Private Poop"...that doesn't work.

So, I decided I need to change that. If you want to be added to my side bar, or you have changed to being private, or you just wonder why I haven't put you where you think you should be...comment. Otherwise I will think that I am not doin' so bad, and will keep everything the same.


oh, and the winner of the $25 gift certificate said this...

I am so in! Except I can't take Adam. He seriously has meltdowns because his shoes always suck.

You know who you are, and thought that you should take Adam so that his shoes would {hopefully} not suck. =) E-mail me your addie, and I will snail mail it to you.

Friday, January 15, 2010

belly shots. lots of 'em.

I don't necessarily like the way I look (see previous post), and while I was pregnant with Van I wanted no part in having my lovely shape documented well. I learned from that mistake. Van loves to look at pictures of her in my belly. I actually like looking at them too! With Vin I have been much better, I don't take belly shots weekly...but I have a lot more. Even looking back at my "5 week belly shot" with Vin, and I don't remember being that small. Although I am really forgetful. =)
My philosophy has always been YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MANY PICTURES!

So, my 2010 will still be filled with way too many pictures of my children so I don't ever forget that they were once that small.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

maternity meltdown

Today I had what I would call a "maternity meltdown". I don't like the feeling of not being in control of my own body, but as hard as I try to stay "normal"...I still have crazy moments.
I was getting ready, looking at my ever changing body, and suddenly I I really have to be seen like this? Oh, and the water works came. Paul was busy working in the garage, while my sweet Van was trying to comfort me. When Van couldn't get me to stop crying, she immediately said "I'm going to go get our Daddy!" I hurried to tell her that I didn't want Daddy to know...but she was already gone.

While I tried to make it look like I hadn't been crying...Van and Paul reappeared. Paul said all the right things, and knew nothing would make me feel as good as a trip to buy me a new outfit.
Van and I are lucky to have a good Daddy in our house. He takes good care of his girls. As the days get closer to our Vin making his appearance, I think that Paul is starting to like the idea more and more of some testosterone to balance this family out.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

good day.

today was better than yesterday.
that is all i can ask for, right?
i won't be going to NYC with my bestie bloggin' friends. tear.
everything happens for a reason girls. sniff, sniff.
and since i needed something to distract me...
i went to dinner with my friend "deli".
it has been almost 8 years since we saw each other.
she made it okay that i wasn't going to NYC.
thank you are just what i needed.

Monday, January 11, 2010

advice. because we all like to give it.

Let's face it when you only have a child every 5 1/2 is like starting all over again. I have asked probably just as many questions this time around as I did with Van. Just because I have one, doesn't make me a pro at it...
I swear there is a billion baby products out there. I feel overwhelmed and lost every time I go to the baby section. I can't even seem to fall in love with most of the clothing. sigh.
I saved a few things from Van for Vin...but most things have already been passed on to my nieces, thrown away during our last move...or sold.
Paul swore that we needed a swing for Van. We bought it. We assembled it. She HATED IT! I didn't even remove the tags. We are crossing our fingers that we get some use out of it this time around. Right now Van's baby is loving it. ;)
This is where I need your help. There is a lot of baby products out there, and a lot of stuff we need. What do you swear by? What do you think would make bringing home baby #2 easier? Give me what you think needs to be on my list of stuff to buy.

Friday, January 8, 2010

i hate doctors...except mine.

I hate Doctors. I really do. Did I already discuss this? Oh, I did...well, let me just tell you I hate 'em again! I rarely went when I was pregnant with Van. They only tell you how much weight you have gained, and other various bad news they usually can't do anything about. I haven't changed my mind, I still hate going...but it is a little more necessary with Vin, and my sanity. Vin is doing good, still measuring big, but that doesn't mean anything. I will probably go a week over my due date. My Doctor is reasurring, and understands my hatred for her office. We dicussed our breech baby boy, and I fell in love with her (still hate going though). Never were the words of c-section brought up, or getting started, at any point. She has an understanding of my plan, and will make sure that we get Vin in the correct "position" to carry it out. Our first attempt will be my next appointment. She never mentioned how painful it might be (very thoughtful of her), and she spoke to me with confidence that it will work. After discussing my birthing plan, she looked at my chart...looked at me...and said so you don't want to come back in two weeks huh? To which I replied...No. We compromised...3 weeks it is! =) Love her. So glad she is our Dr.

my style.

We all have a style of blog that we like to read. Some people like blogs that are hilarious, like my bestie Kristina's blog...if you don't read it, you should. These blogs I mostly stalk, because I don't feel funny enough to comment.
Some people like looking at crafty blogs. Since I barely have time to shower now-a-days, I just like to admire the bloggers who are crafty. I am hoping one day I will look at those blogs, and find the time to do all the fun projects.
Some people like looking at style blogs. I look at them, and think "I wish I had a body to wear skinny jeans!" One day. Maybe.
Some people just look at their family and friends blogs to stay updated...because it takes a lot of time to stalk everyone. I should know, because I have all of these kind of blogs in my Google Reader.
If I had to tell someone my favorite style of blog it would definitely be those bloggers that decide to share their trials. The bloggers that take their tragedy, and inspire everyone around them by their words. The bloggers that are going through devastating times, and yet still find the right words.
I share with you some of the blogs that are most near and dear to my heart. All of these people have endured or are still enduring something that no one should have to go through. All of these bloggers are brave.

Jackson Family
I totally forgot you go here
The Spohrs Are Multiplying
The Gledhill Family
Sage Eldredge
Love the Life You Live
Miracle Mason
Living for Eden
My most recent addition to my blog stalking is this blog Pics and Kicks. Go read and comment. I think Kimmie said it best in her blog post "Let it change you."

Thursday, January 7, 2010

a baby. a plan. and then reality hits.

When I was pregnant with Van it was well known that Paul was in denial thinking she wasn't a baby at all, and was sure that I was going to be giving birth to a kitten. We didn't "plan" for months like some expecting couples do. I remember buying her dresser less than 3 weeks before her due date. I also remember feeling "ready" on the morning I got induced. The diaper bag was packed, her room was set up, we had diapers, bottles, blankets, clothes...we were "ready"!! I laugh at all of that now. Nothing prepares you for what is to come. No amount of baby sitting, no amount of being around children, and no amount of "stuff" will make you ready.

We were anxious to bring our sweet Van home, and so naive. Who knew that first night home Van would wake up every 90 minutes? Who knew that Van would hate the dark, and would sleep longer with the light on? Who knew that she would cry so hard when we struggled to give her that first bath? Who knew that she wouldn't take those binki's that everyone swears by? Who knew that she would absolutely hate her car seat, and would scream for the whole duration of car rides? We definitely did not know any of this. It was an adjustment, especially after almost 6 years of it just being the two of us.

Some people learn from mistakes, I don't seem to be one of those people. I said "I'm ready to be pregnant!" Little did I know what was to come. An ER visit, quick trips to the Dr's office to check on our little raspberry, 6+ ultra sounds, 20 something weeks of throwing up, false labor long before braxton hicks start, let's not forget he is still breech, I have to take sleeping meds to get a little shut eye (they don't work), and pain pills so that I am able to walk. I guess that is what I get for saying I'm ready to be pregnant, huh?

With less than 10 weeks right around the corner...I am NOT ready for what is to come. The crib hasn't been delivered, and neither has the dresser or rocking chair. We don't have a diaper in the house, but I did manage to buy an outfit for Vin to come home in. I'm not ready for the pain that my Dr. will cause by trying to flip Vin...if he doesn't do it by himself. AND I am definitely not ready for my sleeping schedule to drastically change...although he is giving me a good dose of that already.

So here's to a smooth sailin' 10 weeks, a few more appointments left, and of course another ultra sound!

**After saying all of this, I would do it all again for my Van and Vin! Muah!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Jack and Jill Bowling Lanes Giveaway

2009 was good to the Sell family. One of my very first posts of 2009 was about being a supportive wife when it comes to Paul's business. Now that we are venturing into 2010, I have decided to keep that similar goal with this year as well.
Jack and Jill Bowling Lanes was definitely Paul's project in 2009. We have spent hours and hours sitting at the bowling alley. We have become regulars at the cafe, and we have decided not only do they have spectacular food...but the donuts are killer!We started with one new arcade game and ended with 8. From a new air hockey table to Big Buck Safari Hunter...we have enjoyed adding and playing all of them!! Our Van really gets into it too.The air hockey table is one of our newest additions, and has already had many competitive battles on it.
We have gotten quite addicted to vending machines. We can't even pass up playing machines that belong to someone else. On Christmas day while playing at The District...Paul won an iPOD shuffle and a gift card! It only cost him $1!I don't think that I ever looked at a vending machine, and thought to myself "that is someones livelihood"...until we started on this adventure. It has been quite the trip that is for sure. We realize it takes all of you to make us successful, and for that we thank you!

Because we spend so much time at Jack and Jill, and have grown quite fond of this location...we are doing a giveaway of a $25 gift card to one lucky reader!! You can eat at the cafe, have a fun play date, a date with just your sweetheart, or take the whole family there!
Just comment.
Make sure you or someone you know is willing to drive to American Fork, UT =)
Giveaway will go until next Friday the 15th of January.
*Oh, and just so someone doesn't get after me, Paul bought the gift card with his own one bribed us to talk about Jack and Jill. Mmmmkay!

Preschool Drama.

Our little Van started preschool today. It was something that she wanted, and something I could have put off forever. I work nights. Van goes to preschool in the morning. It makes our time limited. {shed a tear for me now}
If you have ever experienced our Van IRL, you know she isn't shy. She is great at making friends. She doesn't even bat an eye when we leave her...she enjoys new scenery.

Just as I expected when we drove up to the school, Van was anxiously awaiting for me to drive away. I was proud that I didn't even shed a tear. I went back home to quiet and emptiness. I know I sound pathetic...but ya know...she is my only child (for now at least). I didn't even know what to do with myself. I missed my little helper, and my noise. Oh, and if you know me at all, I absolutely hate being by myself.

I counted down until I was able to pick her up. I was so excited to see how it went, what she learned, and if she even missed me. I fully expected her to not want to leave, and to beg to go again. What I didn't expect is when she saw me she busted in to tears, and ran and jumped in my arms as fast as she could. She whispered in my ear "Momma, this has been the worst day EVER! I just want to go home, and will you hold me!" I couldn't believe it, my child actually missed me for the first time!!

Once the tears stopped, I finally got the story out of her...

"Mom, two boys were being annoying and obnoxious. They kept following me, and my teacher finally had to put them in time out!"

After talking to the teacher she didn't really miss me...two boys have a crush on our Van, and didn't stop bugging her. Daddy has joked with Van numerous times about staying away from the boys. She didn't want Paul to know, because she thought he wouldn't let her go back. Oh, we are in for trouble with our cute, outgoing girl. Her first day of "school", and she can't keep the boys away!!

Friday, January 1, 2010


I do have to say that I have loved reading everyone's New Year's resolutions. I just wish that I was as ambitious as all ya'll. I'm not. I have been thinking about my resolutions all day, and although I have some serious resolutions I have been thinking about...mostly there have just been a lot of resolutions that I think I'll make just because I know that I will accomplish them.

Here is my list.

Have a baby in 2010. Done.
Lose 10 pounds. In March I know I will lose 10 pounds.
Blog. Duh, of course I will.
Not read a single book. Done.
Try not to cook. Totally there.
Maintain my messy house. Done.
Get off Coke. Who am I kidding, I would never set this goal.
Work out. I hope, but not promising.
Maybe I could say I will work out 1 time the whole year. Done.
Turn 29. Oh yeah, April 6th baby!!
Giggle. Of course.
Play. Wouldn't have it any other way.
Vacation. Yup.

I have a good feeling about my 2o10. I think these goals are goin' stick!!