If you have ever experienced our Van IRL, you know she isn't shy. She is great at making friends. She doesn't even bat an eye when we leave her...she enjoys new scenery.
Just as I expected when we drove up to the school, Van was anxiously awaiting for me to drive away. I was proud that I didn't even shed a tear. I went back home to quiet and emptiness. I know I sound pathetic...but ya know...she is my only child (for now at least). I didn't even know what to do with myself. I missed my little helper, and my noise. Oh, and if you know me at all, I absolutely hate being by myself.
I counted down until I was able to pick her up. I was so excited to see how it went, what she learned, and if she even missed me. I fully expected her to not want to leave, and to beg to go again. What I didn't expect is when she saw me she busted in to tears, and ran and jumped in my arms as fast as she could. She whispered in my ear "Momma, this has been the worst day EVER! I just want to go home, and will you hold me!" I couldn't believe it, my child actually missed me for the first time!!
Once the tears stopped, I finally got the story out of her...
"Mom, two boys were being annoying and obnoxious. They kept following me, and my teacher finally had to put them in time out!"
After talking to the teacher she didn't really miss me...two boys have a crush on our Van, and didn't stop bugging her. Daddy has joked with Van numerous times about staying away from the boys. She didn't want Paul to know, because she thought he wouldn't let her go back. Oh, we are in for trouble with our cute, outgoing girl. Her first day of "school", and she can't keep the boys away!!
so cute...guess it's time for "the talk" you know the kissing and cooties talk
Well I miss you.
And that is such a cute story. Hopefully she still has that aversion to boys when they are following her around at 16... LOL
how cute. She for sure will have the boys after her..look at that face she is adorable! You will be busy once she is old enough to date! Good thing she will have Vin to be her body guard! :)
My CamRee has the boy problem too and it started in Preschool as well and it use to upset her, each new class she goes too she instantly has boys chasing her, she loves it now and just grins and hides when we find her little love notes she gets from school, (she gets them almost daily, they sneak into her desk!)its so funny to watch this stage in their lives and how they react.
I remember that first day.. when she was my only one, and how I felt that same emptiness inside,
***HUGS*** I too hate to be alone! I couldn't wait to have her back home. Her first day of pre-school she came home all excited to tell me all the things I do wrong... I sang words to songs different, I did everything different and not the right way the way her teacher taught her..because teachers are always right and mom doesn't know the right way! I was suddenly only second best in that aspect and thought for sure she would come home excited to see me because she missed me..boy was I wrong.
The joys of parenting. Being a mom is the greatest blessing in the world even with all the emotions!
hahaha cute!
Tell her it's not going to get any better but she'll love it when she gets older (as long as they're not creepy boys, of course). It wouldn't be preschool without a little drama!
Of course she would have the boys chasing after her!
That is so funny. What's even funnier is the little misconceptions kids get in their heads- that she thought she wouldn't be allowed to go back because Daddy wouldn't like the boys flirting with her. So funny!
Oh, wow! You guys ARE in trouble!!! I just love Van!! Such a cutie pie!
What a little cutie pitootie!
Such a cute story! I love her personality. You are totally going to have your hands full :)
You made it! One of the biggest and sometimes hardest day of your life. I cried when Tyler went to his first day of school. I had Brett at home but I still missed my sweet Tyler. I'll admite, I still miss him... at times.=)
My girlie has/had the same issues- also the girls can be jealous and catty so look out!Happy Parenting!
ooxoo Me
that's great!! I have a little cutie pie who looks a lot like Van... and the boys just ADORE her... her mom is a teacher at school and about died when I told her that her 7 year old has a boyfriend who she holds hands with, lol...
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