Now that we are in the home stretch of this pregnancy...I have only gained 2 pounds so far. I feel successful, but seriously I know these next months are when I will be at the most risk for blowing up. =) With Van I craved lots and lots of healthy food, I still ate junk...but I loved drinking milk, and I loved eating fruits and veggies. Vin on the other hand is my little sweet guy...I only crave sugar. I have figured out how to make home made slurpees, we make lots of smoothies, and I even have been baking.
When My Blog Spark contacted me and asked if I would review the new Yoplait Frozen Smoothies and help spread the word for General Mills...I couldn't pass it up.
You have no idea how much cereal Van and I go through. We can down two HUGE boxes of cereal in one week, and not even think twice. When I get a craving for chocolate, I pull out my box of Lucky Charms. It always hits the spot, and has just enough sugar to take away the craving...and I don't feel nearly as guilty. Especially since General Mills is known for reducing the amount of sugar in their cereal.
Just when we got sick of our home made orange julius' we were introduced to Yoplait's greatest invention EVER. It's easy, it's a nice change, and it is a healthier choice over my sugary slurpee goodness I have invented. LOL.
What do you do to try to stay healthy? What are tricks you use to cut down on the cravings? I need all the tips I can get, because those 8 pounds are going to be quickly gained!
*General Mills and Yoplait (clicking on this link will take you to a coupon) provided me with free product through My Blog Spark...
Only 2 pounds? I had no idea that could be OK. Interesting.
When you start out chubby like me, it's okay to not actually gain any weight at all. =)
ah, healthy. We've been trying that. Our favorite right now is smoothies, too :)- nonfat plain yogurt, frozen berries, a little ice, milk and either Splenda or Truvia sweetener.
I bet you really won't gain much more weight these last weeks. I always gained the most before 30 weeks... and it was always WAY waaaay more than 2 lbs!
I *love* the yoplait smoothies... they have sold them at costo for about 2 years, but now they have more flavors available at regular grocery stores... oh how I love those things! This post just reminded me that I want to make a smoothie, because I just bought an awesome blender yesterday!! Time to put it to work ;)
We've been smoothie making around here, but green smoothies instead
I use rice milk, throw in a handful of spinach, kale, maybe a cucumber or avocado (yes, avocado!) then some frozen fruit or berries (buy the big bags at costco), some banana maybe, whatever fresh fruit you have on hand works too-I used pineapple yesterday, add some honey or sweetener of choice and then blend it up. Looks disgusting but tastes good. Seriously, I'm getting creative with how I get my kid to eat veggies and it's good for me too.
I'm in the same boat with SUPPOSED to gain only 15 lbs. BLAH! I am WAY JEALOUS because I swear I've already gained a million lbs and I'm not even showing yet!!
When I was pregnant with Andy I gained 8 lbs in one week. AHHH! Hopefully I've learned my lesson and will be better this go around. (Although I did make chocolate chip cookies last night and ate 2 for breakfast this morning!! ha ha)
Oooh I love Lucky Charms in place of candy. I do that too! But then I have to watch myself because I can eat bowl after bowl! =)
Pretzels. I eat them all the time. They're crunchy so that little bit of chewing work makes my mouth feel satisified. And they're salty- which tends to satisfy me even when I want sweet. Plus, they're kind of filling, so you don't have to go and binge on other stuff.
When I want sweet and only sweet, it's a handful (and NO MORE! yeah right) of frozen chocolate chips. I think the crunch helps with cravings. Or something like that...
I'm starting to exercise again to help combat MY pregnant wife's cravings. I actually had a smoothie for dinner, but the lemon pie my wife made last night and the chocolate chip cookies she made this morning are all screaming from the kitchen. SCREAMING!
Good for you! You know what else helps with sweet cravings: dill pickles. I ate them all the time with my first two pregnancies!!
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