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Thursday, January 7, 2010

a baby. a plan. and then reality hits.

When I was pregnant with Van it was well known that Paul was in denial thinking she wasn't a baby at all, and was sure that I was going to be giving birth to a kitten. We didn't "plan" for months like some expecting couples do. I remember buying her dresser less than 3 weeks before her due date. I also remember feeling "ready" on the morning I got induced. The diaper bag was packed, her room was set up, we had diapers, bottles, blankets, clothes...we were "ready"!! I laugh at all of that now. Nothing prepares you for what is to come. No amount of baby sitting, no amount of being around children, and no amount of "stuff" will make you ready.

We were anxious to bring our sweet Van home, and so naive. Who knew that first night home Van would wake up every 90 minutes? Who knew that Van would hate the dark, and would sleep longer with the light on? Who knew that she would cry so hard when we struggled to give her that first bath? Who knew that she wouldn't take those binki's that everyone swears by? Who knew that she would absolutely hate her car seat, and would scream for the whole duration of car rides? We definitely did not know any of this. It was an adjustment, especially after almost 6 years of it just being the two of us.

Some people learn from mistakes, I don't seem to be one of those people. I said "I'm ready to be pregnant!" Little did I know what was to come. An ER visit, quick trips to the Dr's office to check on our little raspberry, 6+ ultra sounds, 20 something weeks of throwing up, false labor long before braxton hicks start, let's not forget he is still breech, I have to take sleeping meds to get a little shut eye (they don't work), and pain pills so that I am able to walk. I guess that is what I get for saying I'm ready to be pregnant, huh?

With less than 10 weeks right around the corner...I am NOT ready for what is to come. The crib hasn't been delivered, and neither has the dresser or rocking chair. We don't have a diaper in the house, but I did manage to buy an outfit for Vin to come home in. I'm not ready for the pain that my Dr. will cause by trying to flip Vin...if he doesn't do it by himself. AND I am definitely not ready for my sleeping schedule to drastically change...although he is giving me a good dose of that already.

So here's to a smooth sailin' 10 weeks, a few more appointments left, and of course another ultra sound!

**After saying all of this, I would do it all again for my Van and Vin! Muah!


Laura Marchant said...

I try not to be that person but when my girlfriends without kids get to talking I just laugh in my head and think, they have no IDEA! But neither did I before kids.

Captain Dumbass said...

I'm not letting my wife read your post.

Michelle said...

I'm so sorry you are struggling so much with Vin. Just make sure when he's a teenager that you show him this post to guilt im

Jules AF said...

Man, I'm not looking forward to having children.

Emily said...

Yes, they're worth it but you only really remember that when they're sleeping like angels. And if they don't sleep like angels then, well, good luck! ;)

Tiffany said...

Sounds like you need a baby shower!! William is now making up for making me have kankles and morning sickness because he tells me ALL the time that he loves me and thinks I'm beautiful!

Jerilee E. said...

It's so easy to forget what a new baby brings.. besides all the love and joy :). I always managed to forget about all the hard stuff by the time they were 10 months old...and get knocked up again. Which is why I had 5 kids in 6 years :P. It really is all worth it, though! Or I would have gotten Mark fixed after the first time Dominic peed on me.

Paige Taylor Evans said...

This post gives me a lot to think about! Good luck getting everything ready. 10 weeks is still a good chunk of time right? Though I'm sure you want Vin home now now now!

Brenda said...

Our first was hard. Our second (after 4 years) and third (4 years after that) so much easier. Does it get easier with each child? I think so just because of the experience that you go through with each one. Yes, things will be different with Vin but you will find that things will come more naturally to you this time around... at least I hope and pray they do.
Your going to do an amazing job, just look at Van.=)

Unknown said...

I am one of those who had it so easy the first time (albeit quite a bit of morning sickness) that I made up for it tenfold the second time around! Horrible pregnancy, emergency gall bladder removal, several hospital stays and endless terbuteline injections to prevent premature labor.

Then she came a week late.

Ahh, my diva. And no, she didn't sleep either. But, my first one did, so I subscribe to the theory that if one doesn't sleep, then the next one will! Good luck, I hope you have an easy (as can be!) end of pregnancy!

Unknown said...

I was WAY OVER PREPARED for my first (had my hospital bag packed like 3 weeks before he came) and had a 9-month supply of diapers already stored in a closet (seriously!). After 20 hours of labor and a baby who cried ALL NIGHT LONG, I had no idea what I was in for! But then my second came and he was just an angel, slept perfect. I'm hoping for an easy, happy baby for you!! And it will be so nice to have Big Sis around to be a great helper!

Krystal said...

this made me giggle a little... mostly because I feel that whenever I DO have children, nothing will surprise me... I think all people who have never had kids probably say this, but I really do feel like I'm prepared and ready for the mommy days whenever is does happen... when I was 13, my aunt had her first baby and would always have me sleep over and take the night shift so she could sleep, so I remember those days well! But I'm sure being a mom is like nothing I can imagine!!! Here's to hoping little Vin turns his butt around!! :)