i hate doctors...except mine.
I hate Doctors. I really do. Did I already discuss this? Oh, I did...well, let me just tell you I hate 'em again! I rarely went when I was pregnant with Van. They only tell you how much weight you have gained, and other various bad news they usually can't do anything about. I haven't changed my mind, I still hate going...but it is a little more necessary with Vin, and my sanity. Vin is doing good, still measuring big, but that doesn't mean anything. I will probably go a week over my due date. My Doctor is reasurring, and understands my hatred for her office. We dicussed our breech baby boy, and I fell in love with her (still hate going though). Never were the words of c-section brought up, or getting started, at any point. She has an understanding of my plan, and will make sure that we get Vin in the correct "position" to carry it out. Our first attempt will be my next appointment. She never mentioned how painful it might be (very thoughtful of her), and she spoke to me with confidence that it will work. After discussing my birthing plan, she looked at my chart...looked at me...and said so you don't want to come back in two weeks huh? To which I replied...No. We compromised...3 weeks it is! =) Love her. So glad she is our Dr.
thinking about these appts make me honestly cringe
it's makes it a little easier when you actually LIKE your doctor :)! I'll keep on hopin' that he turns for you. It was a little bit not awesome when they turned Sage- but it wasn't as bad as I was expecting, either. Our situations were a little different, though. they gave me some sort of injection first- uterus relaxer, I think.
It's interesting to hear a different point of view because I LOVED going to the doctor. Granted I liked my first doctor way more than the one I have now but I always looked forward to my appointments.
I'm glad that you like her even if you hate going. It makes a big difference to the overall pregnancy I'm sure. :)
Okay, this may sound weird, but before my last baby was born I took hypnobirthing classes, which is basically relaxation, but the hypnotherapist that I took the classes from talked about working with a few women whose babies were breech. I don't know exactly how it works but she has gotten a few babies to turn with out all the pushing and shoving. It may take a couple of sessions. If you are interested I'm pretty sure I have her email or her card around here somewhere.
Loving your doctor definitely makes those visits more bearable, though like Debbie, I actually loved my appointments. And I too took a hypnobirthing class and she shared with us some ways to try and help the baby turn on its own. Might be worth looking into!
I love the pics of you and Vin! You are amazing! Your almost there!
Bless your heart! I'm soooo happy that little Vin is getting nice and plump for you! What a strong boy!
My baby was breech and I took a homeopathic remedy (cost $6 from a local health store I trust) and she turned! It was fabulous!
Hoping little Vin will turn on his own so you don't have to go through the dr. turning him. (hugs!)
Have you tried getting on your hands and knees on the floor(doggie style) and rocking your hips? Its supposed to turn your baby. My last baby, Harrison was just like your Vin, kind of sideways in there clear up to the day he was born. My midwife slipped her hand in there when I was dialated all the way and guided his head to the opening. It was amazing and I loved her for it. I am terrified of the 'C' word, though I hear its really not as bad as you might think.
Anyway good luck with the rest of your pregnancy and try to have a better attitude about doctors. There are a lot of them that are uniterested and jerky, but there aer a lot that really want to help people, sounds like you've found one of those good ones.
You look so stinkin' cute!! Hoping that little Vin flips for you. Hannah was breech until 34 weeks and then she flipped on her own. Hopefully Vin will be a good little boy and flip on his own as well. Give Van some hugs from us!!
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