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Monday, August 31, 2009

ya think!

I am not even kidding when I say, I want this outfit! Do you think that I could pull it off? I am pretty sure what my closest friends will say, but you tell me! This chica is off of one of those tween shows that Van and I are completely addicted to, in case you were wondering!

Monday Already.

I know this is how I feel about starting a new week, but at least one of you will start the day out with a bang! The extra points really paid off for the Scentsy giveaway, and I guess the number one comment spot must be pretty lucky...because Krystal, you are the lucky winner of a Scentsy plug in! Oh, and did I mention that Sam Jo is awesome, and brought over a scent for you too!? I didn't. Oh, my bad!

E-mail me Krystal so I can get you the loot!
Happy Monday!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

KT Naturals

I swear I don't look this big IRL, I am not even joking. I did just stop dry heaving long enough to take these, but still! I must have been having a "moment" this morning, or maybe my camera's setting...I dunno. I can't think of a good explanation right now, but when I have one...You will know! Kimberly from KT Naturals let me try out her foundation and blush. I never know what to put on, and I wonder if people can really tell that I even tried to look presentable. I guess after looking at the photo's, there is a difference, huh?

This mineral makeup is light weight so I didn't even notice that I had a foundation on...which I love. It is great for sensitive skin, it is a natural sun screen, and it doesn't seem as expensive as those brands you find at the store.

I have been having some skin issues since lil' raspberry has been on board, and I do have to say I enjoyed playing dress up...I hardly ever take those extra minutes I need to in the morning.

So, what is your favorite brand of makeup, a tip for this newbie makeup girl, or if you've got nothin', just say hi! =)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

our funny girl.

I love that Van says really funny things!
She makes me laugh A.LOT.
Like this day... "Mom, I am going to go work out in my bra, okay?"
Did you know that a rolled up shirt is a bra? Me either!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Food Review: JCW's - The Burger Boys

Okay, I have debated about doing this food review, because the day that I went...I didn't feel well. Quite frankly my food wasn't good at all, but I don't blame that on JCW's, I blame it on our little raspberry. When I asked Paul about his burger he said "it was an above average burger!" I need to go back, I know. I can't give JCW's a good review from my first experience, but I didn't even try a shake for heaven's sake! I have heard so many good things about them. AND I didn't even get a burger, I got a turkey thingy with cheese.

Does this look good to you? Even now looking at it, I think eeewww! I probably tried the wrong thing too! Okay, so since I know I am going back...What should I try? I promise next time to not go when I feel yucky, and I will bring you a better review of the food.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thankful Thursday: DRUGS!

I am excited to announce that I no longer feel nauseated, and this I am very thankful for!! My Dr. gave me miracle drugs, and I can be semi-normal now. It has been weeks since I have felt good, and now I can EAT!! Can I get a what, what!?
Although I did look at the BMI chart that the Dr. gave me, and according to the chart I can only gain 15 pounds my whole pregnancy. Um yeah, that isn't going to work out for me!!

Happy Thankful Thursday...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

bottle or al'naturalle

Since I loved all of the advice I got on the post about natural vs. drugs, I decided to do another post for advice.

I tried breast feeding with Van. I can't exactly say that I gave it a good shot. I was a very anxious first time Mother. I didn't think that I was doing anything right, and I didn't want her starving. After a few weeks of pumping, no sleep, and being miserable...I stopped. I always wondered if I would have kept going if I would have enjoyed it or not.
Bottle feeding was super simple, and Paul could help a lot more. Van did have a hard time adjusting to formula, and would throw up A TON. But I was only thinking about my lack of sleep, and my hormones. =)
I think that I want to try breast feeding again. I was my skinniest after I had Van, and was breast feeding...hey what other time in my life will I be able to eat all those calories, and give them to someone else?

What are your thoughts? Pros & Cons? Give me the low down!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


These past few days have been emotional. Just ask Paul. I cry at the drop of a hat, I mostly cry because I don't feel like myself. I don't cry because my pants don't fit, I don't cry because I can't drink Coke, I cry because there isn't a moment in the day that I feel okay. It is draining.
AND then today happened. I got to see our little "raspberry" at almost 10 weeks, and then I realize it is going to be okay. I am going to be okay. If this was all for nothing, I wouldn't be okay...but it isn't for nothing. I get an awesome gift at the end.
I love you, raspberry!

Scentsy. is. the. best. PERIOD.

Since I am completely in love with Scentsy, it is the kind of giveaway I really get excited about. I would usually say food, but ya know. Please tell me you have tried Scentsy out since my last giveaway? Paul is even a fan. Seriously.
I wondered if a plug in would do as well as a big warmer and folks...I am here to tell you that I have a pretty big master bedroom, and a plug in does the trick.
They are coming out with a new catalog with new warmers and scents in September. I was lucky enough to get together with Sam Jo for a sneak peak, and I swooned over the whole catalog! I am pretty sure I might need almost every one of their new scents, and let's face it...I even have a pregnant nose.
Sam Jo wants you to try a plug in. I chose it could match every one's decor. If you don't need one...Christmas is only like 120 days away, and who doesn't need an extra present for that one person you might forget?!

If you really wanna win, here are your extra entry opportunities...

5 extra entries if you blog about it, tweet about it, facebook it, or become a follower.

10 extra entries if you e-mail me your address, and Sam Jo will send you a catalog!

Just leave all the deets in one comment, please.

Thanks for playin'! Can't wait to see who the lucky winner is!!! Contest will end August 30th @ Midnight.

Monday, August 24, 2009

New Kicks!

When does Van not need new shoes!? Seriously we buy them SO much. It is a bit ridiculous! These new kicks are my favorite yet...
AND Van has already conquered tying them ALL BY HERSELF!

It is the small things that make me happy, I know!

You should love

Brenda, because decided that you should be the lucky winner of the Kroger gift card. I hope that you go and take advantage of the Mega Savings Event that is running until September 2nd. =) The rest of you can too! I know that I am still drinking Sobe that I got for a killa deal!

Until tomorrow friends.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


I am the crazy Auntie!

But I can make her giggle...

I loves you Alice in Wonderland!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Food Review: Dairy Keen

I apologize beforehand if my enthusiasm isn't what it usually is about food. I continue to eat (I have to, duh!), but now-a-days a half a slice of toast is hard to get down. =( We still eat out, you didn't think I would actually start cooking now, did you? Of course I wouldn't do such a thing. I don't pick or have cravings...except Jamba Juice...oh my sweet Jamba Juice.
I left you last week on our mission to find the best burger in Utah. Paul didn't agree with my pick of the cheeseburger at Jack and Jill's Bowling Lanes Cafe...we then quickly planned a trip to the Dairy Keen in Heber, Utah so that he could show me again just how splendid a "Train Burger" is at Dairy Keen! Dairy Keen's theme is obvious by the name of their burger. They don't have a play land, but this place is so much fun for kids...and it is even entertaining for adults. Just look at their cute drive thru...They of course have a cute train ride outside that we never forget to put quarters in. AND an adorable picnic table train that all the kids can take their kids meals outside to eat on. Nothing to do with the food, but I always LOVE their toys in the kids meals. With Lego tables, a train that runs over head at all times, a bunch of different trains to play with on a table...Van finds it very hard to eat. She is often running between the table and whatever is catching her eye at the moment.

This is Paul's pick for the best burger in Utah, and you didn't think that we would have a burger and not a shake!? The chocolate icecream for me, and the cookie dough for Paul...we compromise on pretty much everything. {wink}

I have another burger joint named JCW's lined up for next was a suggestion by one of my readers. You know who you are.

Dieting is not for me, a muffin top is what I'll be!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Art Work.

When I was young I used to create art work, and named it a "scribble picture". I loved making these type of pictures, and created such pictures into my teens. I would make faces out of these pictures, animals, and sometimes I would just color them like Van did today... What I thought was funny about her making a "scribble picture" is that I never showed her how. Not that there is a technique. I woke up this morning, and found her sitting on the couch frantically making multiple "scribble pictures". It was great way to start my day, to remember something that I loved in my childhood...after yesterday's post...I needed it!

My Life.

My life has not been easy. From a very young age I learned that people do stop loving each other. Family doesn't mean a lot, because you can always opt out at any time. People tell lies to each other. People don't always like to tell the truth to their own selves. Just because you have children doesn't mean you wanted all of them, and doesn't mean you will be good parents just because you can have them.

My world was a mess, AND then I met Paul.

I think that it took Paul a year after he married me to finally convince me that he wasn't going to leave me every time we had a fight. It took lots of time for the wounds from my childhood to finally scab. I am not sure that you ever really heal, but things do get better.

Paul taught me that even though I didn't have a lot of great examples, I can still be a good Mother. A good Wife. A good friend. AND a good person. Paul taught me that it's okay that everyone doesn't like me, and in return I don't have to like everyone either. I can have an opinion, and can voice it...and not be ashamed. I don't have to agree with everyone, and not everyone is going to agree with me.

Paul is my best friend, and for that I am grateful. We have made a family that is my one-and-only constant that I know I can always depend on. I feel safe around Paul and my daughter. As I sit here with my big ol' belly, sick as a dog, I am thankful for Bri/Vin too!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thankful Thursday: Uncle Dale and Auntie Jenny

We don't have much family around. The family we do spend time with we love and adore. Paul's Uncle Dale and Auntie Jenny came to visit us yesterday from Wisconsin. We were excited, and enjoyed their short visit. It is always weird to me to think that Paul's Uncle is just 2 years older than he is. It is more like spending time with siblings.
Thank you Uncle Dale and Auntie Jenny for coming to play with us. We wish we could live closer, but we are thankful that we get to see you when we do! Loves!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

the debate begins.

Should I or should I not give birth naturally?

I wanted to with Van. I made it to about 7 cm, and Paul and the nurse talked me in to an epidural. The epidural started to wear off just about the time I needed to start to push...I'm not going to lie, it was painful. I swear I thought that I wasn't going to make it through. Oh, but I did make it through, and I was kind of glad that I had a little glimpse in to what natural childbirth at the end felt like.

Here I sit 5 years later toying with the same idea, should I try it this time?

I want your opinions. Do you think that it is just pure craziness to not use modern medicine? Do you feel like you are empowered when you have a natural childbirth? Maybe even more bonded with the baby? Let the comments roll in.

Things You Shouldn't Do In The FIRST Trimester...

  • Don't sleep in the same bed as your husband. All of you tossing, turning, and snoring will wake him up.
  • In the middle of the night while you are feeling nauseated...don't go turn on the Food Network, even though it is the only thing on. It will make you dry heave multiple times.
  • Don't try to write a food review for your blog, because you may or may not think the food looks good after you have already eaten it. Again dry heaving will occur.
  • Try falling asleep thinking of a Jamba Juice that you can't have at 3 works like a charm!

That's all for now! I am sure that I can come up with a few more for you, if needed!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

never plan anything.

Paul always has a plan. Paul also has OCD. It is being more controlled now with medication, but we still make a lot of plans. Every night before I go to bed, I say "What is the plan for tomorrow?" We had a plan when the day started today, and do you think that one thing that we had planned actually went like it was suppose to?! It was a nightmare, but as I sit here's okay, we're okay. We made it through the day living by the seat of our pants, and it was fun.

Our brand new crane machine was delivered,
and it didn't work.
What was suppose to be an hour project,
turned in to hours.
We sold the old crane machine,
and Larry was suppose to be there at 12:00.
Oh, Larry got a flat on the way from Vegas,
and was 90 minutes late.
We were suppose to meet Uncle Dale and Auntie Jenny at our house.
Well, we ended up meeting them at the bowling alley
where we were sitting for hours!
I was suppose to go to work tonight.
That didn't happen, because I was too busy with our family!

I decided that what we had planned wasn't nearly as much fun as what we actually did. We are going to try having less plans, and more going with the flow.

Kroger Family of Stores Mega Savings Event!

Who is really in to all of this couponing business? You know how much I actually cook, but I do still have to go to the grocery store. AND I still love a good deal when I see 'em. I don't know if you have noticed all of the great deals that are going around?! Lots of big names are doing great stuff...maybe because all of the kiddo's going back to school...I dunno! I just know that we all should go shopping, and save us some money!!
MyBlogSpark was nice enough to invite me to take "the Kroger challenge"! Pepsi Co and General Mills are sponsoring this AWESOME event!! Don't know what "the Kroger challenge" is? You are about to find out, because one of my lucky readers will receive a $30 gift card...just like I go to a Kroger family store, and see just how much you can get with your $30. I would show you just how succesful I was, but really it would just make you discouraged...I did that well. =) All joking aside, there was a ton of great deals from Eggo's to Sobe Life Water (which have become a staples in my daily routine).

Okay, sooo here is your chance to win. Comment away, and we shall see who will be taking this challenge with me!

May the best couponer win!!

Giveaway runs until Midnight on August 23rd!

Monday, August 17, 2009

new ads.

I am hoping that no one has come to my site in the last 24 hours. If you have did you notice the new ads? Well, um yeah so I put up baby products, and it put sex swings as one of the ads!! Oh em gee!!! I didn't even notice, until Paul said what kind of ads are running on your site?? So, I apologize if they have offended you, I did not intentionally put them on my site. I will clear things up, and hopefully you won't see that again...if so you know what's up!! =)

Is It Monday Already?

It is that time again?! Another winner to be announced?!! So the $25 Gift Card to Bath and Body Works so she can buy all the Plumeria her little heart could ask for...or as much as $25 will buy. LOL

The winner is 6pak!
E-mail me girl. I can hand deliver it, send it snail mail, or have a carrier bring it to you! {wink}
Thanks again to everyone that enters the giveaways!
Hopefully your turn will soon be coming soon!
Don't give up!
I have a list of great giveaways that you won't want to miss!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Van learns new tricks

I was always curious how Van would learn how to do things like cart wheels, flips, hand stands, etc. Maybe 10 years ago I would have tried to teach her something like this, but I do not have it in me anymore. I finally figured out how she is going to learn...Tae Kwon Do. She is still mastering a cart wheel, and man it is funny to watch.
For your viewing pleasure...and never mind all my giggles in the back ground!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I wondered...

We just passed the 8 weeks of pregnancy milestone (but who is really counting, right), and I wondered when Van would ask...

"Is the baby coming out soon?"
Yes, it is going to be a long 32 weeks...if she continues to ask!

happy birthday to my BFF!

Holy smokes I have got to be one of the luckiest girls to call Emily my BFF!!! Seriously. I love her! We met at work, and became friends after I came back from maternity leave with Van. I honestly wasn't sure if our friendship would last after she quit...but it has!!I love that BFF doesn't mind taking a million pictures with me, coming over to my house for movie nights with my family, and coming to my rescue at all times! Even at the ER we can have fun, and laugh at the situation.
BFF...I hope that you have a fabulous birthday! Thank you for being apart of my life, and I don't know what I would do without you! Loves you long time girl!!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Food Review: Jack and Jill Bowling Lanes

Way back when I had the debate about the BEST hamburger that I have EVER had..and it wasn't Five Guys...I have been on a mission to find the BEST! I finally found it at a place that you would not suspect, Jack and Jill Bowling Lanes in Pleasant Grove.
The cheeseburger is probably just as expensive as the other place, but it is actually worth it. AND since they not only have fries, tater tots, and waffle fries, they have ONION RINGS! I love onion rings, and especially really crispy ones like theirs!
So next time someone asks me what the next burger is that I have had...I will most def have the answer!!
On our mission to find the BEST we tried a few places, look for my reviews in the coming weeks. Paul and I have a different idea what is the BEST. {wink}

Dieting is not for me, a muffin top is what I'll be!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Human Bungee Cord...

Who needs to tie things down when you can just let someone ride in the back of the truck?!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Mom's Make Money Blogging DOT com

Here are some questions that I frequently get asked when people find out I have a blog.

What is your blog about?
I always say it is a blog about nothing. Seinfeld got away with it, so can I.

How did you start your blog?
Truth be told I didn't start my blog. My friend Kerstin bugged me about doing a blog for months (I was too busy doing Myspace). Finally she didn't bug me anymore, and just did it for me...and yes I am thanking her now for that.

My blog soon became my sanity. Paul and I were "falling apart", and had completely different priorities. We never had fights, we just didn't talk at all. We just were roommates for a long time. It was my blog who kept me company while we were in this funk. I almost had my blog for a year before Paul even read a thing that I had written on the www for everyone to read.

How did I get the idea to make money?
I have another friend to thank for this...Vanessa! Vanessa runs three very successful blogs ,, and the third we will talk about in a minute. =)
I went to my very first Art Days that Vanessa puts on through her blog, and got to meet her for the first time. She approached me with the idea of making money through my blog, I was clueless. I couldn't believe that people were actually making money doing something that I loved to do. Vanessa took me under her wing, and was my mentor...and still is. She invited me to my first blogger get-together, and believed in me. She believed that I could make money, and gave me confidence.

How do you make money?
This is the question I am getting more frequently. This is the hardest question to answer, because there is SO many ways to make money. I am still learning. That is where Vanessa's other blog comes in She is giving out all her secrets and tips in videos, audio, and a 7 month course. I signed up, and I am so excited to learn more. She is an inspiring Mom blogger, and someone that I really look up to. There have been multiple times I have wanted to give up, and Vanessa has this way of lifting you up. After watching the first video I already felt rejuvenated, and ready to work hard again!

Thank you Vanessa for being my friend, my blog mentor, playdate pal, and just plain awesome...I {heart} you!

Oh, and Did you have any other questions for me?
I am pretty much an open book. {wink}

Wordless Wednesday: Bowling Playdate

Thank you Lyndi...Van had fun with you!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Summer Social Retreat '09

(photo by fotohok)

I am not a very outdoorsie gal. I love riding in the car through the canyon, but hiking would not be something on my agenda. April from Sweet Life in the Valley planned an eventful day of fly fishing, horse back riding, and the Heber Creeper aka Reins and Trains for a bunch of local bloggers in the beautiful Midway, Utah!

Obviously you can imagine what I chose to do...Reins and Trains. I boarded the train with 7 other bloggers, and away we went through the mountains. We enjoyed ourselves. Kami and I even found the snack cart halfway through our journey.
(photo by Kami)
We laughed, got to know each other, and had a lot of fun. Halfway through the train ride the "outlaws" came, and tried to steal us off of the train...the only problem we didn't know we were suppose to get off. Ooops! So, after the minor misunderstanding we met up with the "outlaws", and went on a fun wagon ride back to Soldier Hollow for the rest of the event.
(photo by Kami)

(photo by Fotohok)
Thank you April for putting on such an awesome event for all of us! You are awesome!!! I had sooo much fun! Oh, and the swag deserves a whole post! LOL!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Bath and Body Works Giveaway!

Just because I adore anything that smells good I decided to give ya'll a chance to win a $25 gift card to Bath and Body Works. =) Tell me what your favorite scent is...and you are entered!

My favorite is rainkissed leaves, and Paul's has always been apple. Yes, my husband uses smelly is one of the many reasons why I love him!

This giveaway ends August 16th @ Midnight.

To Enter Giveaways...or not!

Even though I do giveaways on my blog, I still enter A LOT of other blogs giveaways. I figure it only takes me a few minutes, and I have a chance...sometimes it's a small chance, but still I have the chance. I just entered a giveaway that I was somewhere around the 2,900th commenter. What are the chances on that one? Slim to none, eh!? Who cares, I really want that stroller!

So, this is the post to say thank you to all those coolio blogs that I have won giveaways off of! AND to inspire some of you to start commenting!

This is a Go-Go Pet, and I won if for Van off of Child.hood. Van is in love with this lil thing. Jasmine (her name today) came with a ball, and actually goes all over the place making noise. Since we don't have pets...this is the next best thing, right?

I was lucky enough to win a $50 gift card to this place...
from Sassy Scoops. This place has some uh-mazing stuff from all over the world, and I can't wait to purchase something unique for my house.

This sAweet hooded towel was won off of Cavanagh's! The hood is super thick, and it is a HUGE towel which makes it very nice for after bath time...or even for the splash pad. =) I can't wait to purchase a couple more for baby #2!!

I won a $100 gift card from Extraordinary Mommy to this place...
Let me also not forget winning a Target gift card and a bundle of children's books from Grandma Lizzie's House!!

AND my new favorite baby item, a Kokopax carrier that I won...

from Sweet Life in the Valley's Retreat...which is an event I still need to blog about! ;)

Did I inspire you to enter more giveaways? I know that every time I win something, I always want to go and enter more!