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Monday, August 10, 2009

To Enter Giveaways...or not!

Even though I do giveaways on my blog, I still enter A LOT of other blogs giveaways. I figure it only takes me a few minutes, and I have a chance...sometimes it's a small chance, but still I have the chance. I just entered a giveaway that I was somewhere around the 2,900th commenter. What are the chances on that one? Slim to none, eh!? Who cares, I really want that stroller!

So, this is the post to say thank you to all those coolio blogs that I have won giveaways off of! AND to inspire some of you to start commenting!

This is a Go-Go Pet, and I won if for Van off of Child.hood. Van is in love with this lil thing. Jasmine (her name today) came with a ball, and actually goes all over the place making noise. Since we don't have pets...this is the next best thing, right?

I was lucky enough to win a $50 gift card to this place...
from Sassy Scoops. This place has some uh-mazing stuff from all over the world, and I can't wait to purchase something unique for my house.

This sAweet hooded towel was won off of Cavanagh's! The hood is super thick, and it is a HUGE towel which makes it very nice for after bath time...or even for the splash pad. =) I can't wait to purchase a couple more for baby #2!!

I won a $100 gift card from Extraordinary Mommy to this place...
Let me also not forget winning a Target gift card and a bundle of children's books from Grandma Lizzie's House!!

AND my new favorite baby item, a Kokopax carrier that I won...

from Sweet Life in the Valley's Retreat...which is an event I still need to blog about! ;)

Did I inspire you to enter more giveaways? I know that every time I win something, I always want to go and enter more!


Cal said...

I have the same feeling about giveaways, doesn't hurt to try!
I love my prize I won from you. Can't wait to go and have a date night with the hubby. I will blog about it too!

Jerilee E. said...

I used to enter every giveaway I saw but stopped when they started using twitter as a way to get extra entries :). I know that's lame... but I just have not figured out twitter yet!! What is my one entry compared with the extra 10 the smart twitter people get?? ;) Also, I never win... but I've won here so i'm getting the urge to start trying the giveaways again! Especially after seeing all the freakin awesome stuff you've won...

Frieda Loves Bread said...

I think giveaways are fun...both for the giver and receiver!

-nick and whitley- said...

ahh! i always get so discouraged! i never want to enter because in my head i'm convinced i'll never win! lol.... but you're making me want to enter more and more!

Kara Herron said...

I have never entered a giveaway, but I for sure will now. I'm jealous that you've won so much! Do you remember meeting me at Moms who make it conference (I'm the one with REALLY short barely-coming-in-cause-I-had-to-shave-it-cause-of-cancer hair. Anyway, I'm wondering if you would do me a favor - would you take a second and look at a new blog I just started?

It just launched today, and I'm really interested to see what people think. If you like what you see, please let people know - I've got a button on the sidebar if you'd like it.
Oh, and I'd really like to feature you on the blog sometime in November. What do you think? Let me know: kara.incrediblewomen at gmail dot com.



vanessa said...

remember that hecka awesome giveaway you won of that superhero cape?!

best one ever

dust and kam said...

i love giveaways! I always try to enter!

I was a little bummed that only a few of you entered my adoption giveaway. boo! I think y'all deserve a runner-up prize for at least trying! I am thinking about that. hmm...

Paige Taylor Evans said...

Wow! You're super lucky! I enter Pioneer Woman's giveaways all the time. One of these days I'm bound to win right?

brandon and jakell said...

I agree...I put in for a bunch of them even though I have the worst luck, ask anyone around me LOL. I was shocked to win that cute banner off your site and since then I keep putting in thinking I might just get that lucky again someday. You have won some cool things! WOW..neat. I just got an e-mail today saying I won 4 tickets to thanksgiving point...I was SHOCKED.. and so excited..I put in for it on 4 differnt if I won them again I can take the whole family for free that would be swweeet!!! better not puch my luck ha ha...thanks for all the give-aways you do, I love them and reading your blog, even if I don't win :)