Paul had mentioned to Van that there were birds out in the back yard eating her grasshoppers. We used this as an opportunity to explain to Van the circle of life. She spent several minutes yelling at the birds "those are my kids!" and "oh, don't eat Alex!" Even though they were taking her grasshoppers...she was extremely entertained. I let her be, and decided to get ready for the day.
Van came YELLING into the bathroom..."Mommy there is a snake in the back yard!" My first thought is how can Van see that from her bedroom window? Can you imagine my shock and horror when I went in her bedroom to look out the window...and saw this fat snake slithering in the lawn!!?
Okay, so the rake just pissed him off, but it did make him go into the neighbors weeds. That was until he realized that he liked our lawn a lot he slithered into our FRONT yard.
Plan B: turn on the sprinklers!!
Now that was workin'!
We got him all the way into the middle of the street!
We are total wimps when it comes to things like this. Some people would have just gotten a shovel, and taken him out...not us. We decide that we are leaving in the car, and we will just run him over. Good plan eh!? Or not! Paul tries to run him over like 5 or 6 times...trying only to run over his head, and completely missing him in the process. We give up, and leave the gross snake in the road. the. end.
*update* Paul comes to pick me up...he assures me that he saw it dead in the gutter. He takes me back to the "site" and miraculously it is gone. Hmmm, does that mean that we have a gross snake still slithering around the neighborhood? Why yes it does ladies and gentlemen!
Holy Cow! that is one big friggin snake!!You so crack me up with=
"Ladies and gentlemen"-I am so addicted to Sell Party of 3-Who needs public television or even cable when I can just click on your blog and be entertained!
Thanks for sharing!
ooxoo Me
wanna know what's even more eeewww eww gross... read this post AFTER taking ambien... I swear the snake is slithering in the pictures... that is a definite sign that I need to go to bed now.... hope the snake doen't come around again!
I think I would freak out! I like my snakes behind the glass.
Oh my word! That is a huge snake!!!
Lance says that is a rattle snake. Was it??? that is awful. I hate them.
two words - Oh Sick!!
Dale is completely afraid of snakes, he freaks with 4 inch grass snakes, can you imagine this huge thing and Dale, it would be very entertaining to watch. But, Dude you can keep him, and hopefully he didn't have little baby huge snakes like this in near by weeds or ditches. At least Paul looks brave. Good luck with all your critters, and will see you in a week and 1/2. P.S. Don't invite your backyard friend. CRAZY!!!
omg, that is the funnest thing ever. wow, all that effort to kill a snake...but i'm sure i would be doing the same thing as vince would be wanting to keep it as a pet.
You should've called me. Don't you know I'm an expert snake remover? Okay, maybe not expert, but I don't mind snakes. I would have taken care of it for you.
oooook that officially gave me the chills!!!!! GROSSS!!!!
OMG we have tons of snake from the horse field behind our house but i have never seen anthing that big. I was LMAO when tammy was telling me the story. First thing this morning I loggin on to read you funny story loved it. Thanks for sharing.....
AH! That is even bigger than my nightmares last night! That is just awful. I am so sorry that was in your yard- but I am also SO glad it was your yard and not mine!!! I'm ALSO so glad I didn't see pictures before we went out to the bus stop yesterday- she may not have gone to school at all! She is still talking about it today, asking if it will be there when she goes to the bus. Mark SAYS he saw a dead snake on the first road into this whole housing area- I should know what that road is called, huh? I bet it was just sleeping and is now under my bed.
Oh My!!! I would be so scared! I don't think I would be able to go out into the yard for a couple days. Smart move to try and run it over! Love it.
Oh.My.Gosh. I wouldn't have known what to do! It's brave of you to stand there and take pictures though! Yikes I hope he's dead now and I cannot believe running him over 5-6 times with a heavy car didn't kill him!! That is insane!
That thing is HUGE! I still don't know why you were trying to kill it? ha!
Now I will never go outside barefoot again. Or bare anything for that matter.
Lol. I can just see you guys reversing and going forward, reversing and going forward, again and again.
I remember watching my grandpa and dad cut a rattlesnake in half with a shovel. Not a good memory.
The Bullsnake (Pituophis catenifer sayi) is a large non-venomous colubrid snake, widespread in the central part of the United States, northern Mexico, and southern Canada. It is a subspecies of the Gopher Snake (Pituophis catenifer).Bullsnakes can be found throughout the central United States northern Mexico, and southern Canada. This includes the U.S. states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Ohio, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, *****Utah*****, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming.
~from Nathan
[edit] Description
i HATE snakes.
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