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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

bottle or al'naturalle

Since I loved all of the advice I got on the post about natural vs. drugs, I decided to do another post for advice.

I tried breast feeding with Van. I can't exactly say that I gave it a good shot. I was a very anxious first time Mother. I didn't think that I was doing anything right, and I didn't want her starving. After a few weeks of pumping, no sleep, and being miserable...I stopped. I always wondered if I would have kept going if I would have enjoyed it or not.
Bottle feeding was super simple, and Paul could help a lot more. Van did have a hard time adjusting to formula, and would throw up A TON. But I was only thinking about my lack of sleep, and my hormones. =)
I think that I want to try breast feeding again. I was my skinniest after I had Van, and was breast feeding...hey what other time in my life will I be able to eat all those calories, and give them to someone else?

What are your thoughts? Pros & Cons? Give me the low down!


Jerilee E. said...

I'd say definitely try breastfeeding again if you feel like you want to! It's obviously the most natural choice. I tried with my first 2 and it was a miserable experience so I did not even try with the others. I love that daddy can help feed if you bottle-feed. I sometimes wish I would have tried one more time but I don't lose sleep over my decision to not breastfeed. I'm interested to see the other comments- their are lots of people that have intense feelings on this topic.

Forsythe said...

For me the best part of nursing is that it is free!!! I breast fed my first until he turned one and I am nursing my 8 month old son right now. Once you get a hang of it you can do it in your sleep. No making or cleaning bottles. Just make sure you have a good pump to help when you are engorged in the beginning and you can freeze the milk for later. Good luck with your decision.

Rebecca said...

I breast fed because I'm a cheapskate. I couldn't imagine spending all that money on formula when I had the goods for free!

I was able to do it for 13 months, and here is my advice.

1. Get the book "On Becoming Babywise."

2. Read it.

3. Follow what they say.

Breastfeeding was so easy because Babywise helped me understand how to differentiate from when Lydia was hungry and when she was sleepy. So I was never feeding round-the-clock. She was able to get on a schedule right away.

It also helped me understand how to make sure she ate enough. I never once put her up to feed and have her not take a full feeding.

And I think because that was the case, I was never over-exhausted. It wasn't like I was feeding her every hour- since she would get a full feeding each time, I would be able to go every 3hours. And my milk supply stayed strong.

We also gave her a bottle right away so that Ryan could do the middle of the night feedings, which was marvelous.

I know some people will disagree with what I've said. And I also know that it doesn't work so well for everyone. Some babies are allergic to what their moms eat. Some moms just don't produce enough milk.

But I would say- try it again. It really is a great experience. But have a plan. A very good plan. A BabyWise plan. =)

Rachel Sue said...

I've done both. Let me tell you: breastfeeding is SOOOOOO much cheaper!

I have totally breastfed my last two babies and it saved us so much money. I complain about it because I can only leave the babies for so long, and my husband can't help, but really, I enjoy having that excuse.

When things are really crazy and the baby is screaming, I'm the only one who can calm him down and I get to put myself outside of the craziness for a few moments of peace with my sweet baby. Plus, it's a great excuse to get out of doing stuff! "Honey, I can't help unload the car, I have to feed the baby!" :)

Frieda Loves Bread said...

First son: had to go back to work w/in a week=bottle fed. Went through all formulas till we got to soy because of colic.
Second son: tried 6 weeks of nursing. Was sucking so hard that he was not getting milk out= miserable baby+mom. Even went to the nurses and demonstrated. They said nothing was wrong with me and that to go to a bottle where we both would be happy.

Try nursing and see if it works for both of you~

Sarah said...

I was nervous that I would not like breastfeeding and would feel like the dairy farm. But, I love it! My baby is 6 months old and it is just this bonding experience.
- cheap!
- portable
- no mixing, measuring, etc needed
- healthier for baby

- YOU have to feed the baby
- it is painful at first (it will go away, I promise)
- takes some learning (no, it is not instinct for you or baby to nurse - only for him/her to suck)
- if you have to do it in public some people feel awkward

Try it out, give it a little bit of time, have good support, and if it doesn't work, bottles are always at the store.

Cranberryfries said...

I'd say give it a go because if you dont' you'll always wonder right?
I breastfed all three of my children.
My first one we had serious issues with (neither one of us knew what was supposed to happen and it took us a LOOOONG time to figure it out).
By my 2nd and 3rd it was smooth sailing.

I pumped a lot with all my kids because I loved having a bit more freedom. It took all of 3 minutes to get the bottle ready and in my opinion it compares well to bottle feeding pros (anyone can feed the baby, it's easy, etc).

However in the end it's important to be happy with your decision. It's hard to do somethign you dislike all the time like that.

Good luck!

Kehl Fam said...


I too was going to suggest to get that book "On Becoming Baby Wise" but someone else already did. So, here I am SUGGESTING IT AGAIN! It was the best thing Jeff and I did.
I breast fed Addy for 7 months, and to be honest I wish I could have done it more. I got really sick and achy and the thought of pumping or nursing sent me over the edge, so eventually my supply diminished.
I was a weird Mom though, I didn't care what it took, I was determined to breast feed her. I wanted the VERY best for her.
It is a HUGE sacrifice though!
I think if your heart is in it, you can do it!
Plus, I truly believe that your body will react to however you are. If you are not all into it, and are stressed over losing sleep, the pain, etc. then you will NOT produce. If you try to relax, be proud of what you are doing and positive - then you will produce and it won't be so stressful!
My point - Give it a try again, but don't beat yourself up if it doesn't work out. (like I did)
You are an AMAZING Mommy! :)

Richter's said...

Unexperienced talking here....
It is better to breast feed because the baby's stomach takes the milk better, because many baby's have a sensitive stomaches to formula. It is your personal choice. If I would ever have a baby, I don't know what I'd do, I am a nurse but I am still afraid of boobs that hang down to the knees. I really don't want Saggy boobs. I am scared to death of that.. If you do breast feed it is a good way to take off the baby weight and more. Would I do it as a diet plan? No I would only do it for the baby. It is the natural choice. and dude its free, But do consider Paul in this discussion because breast feeding does take away a lot of fatherly bonding time..

the nayz said...

I would try breastfeeding again. If you have any concerns, talk to a lactation specialist. While you are in the hospital, you can request the specialist to come in each day to help you out. Talk to Paul about your decision and reasons behind it. If he feels left out, have him give the baby a bath or do baby massages to get that one-on-one bonding time. But remember, whatever you decide, it's just that-yur decision. Don't let others make you feel bad for either choice.

-nick and whitley- said...

oh my heavens sake! i wish with my whole heart that I could have breastfed for longer! brynlee wouldn't latch on correctly, she had the hardest time! and so did I! when the baby doesn't latch on correctly, it's SO painful! I decided that I should start pumping and that I did BUT it was even more painful that way.. i ended up going through all that pain to find out i was just NOT making enough milk. Brynlee was strictly breastfed for only about 3 weeks. and just like you i was SO skinny! i was feeling great about it and lovin' it! but i just couldn't do it any longer. If there is another baby anytime in my future, i think i'll try even harder! I guess I just can't believe everyone that says the pain goes away! haha... it never ever did for me. it was TERRIBLE! buuut that's not to scare you at all.. haha.. i say GO FOR IT! I loved it and i'm sure you will too.. especially with baby number 2 you'll be more calm.

Brenda said...

I have been thinking about this same question for me and my soon to be little girl. I think you and I have shared our experiences together. After reading over some of your comments I think I am going to run and get the book "On Becoming Babywise". It sounds VERY helpful. I don't know if I will nurse for the full year but I do want to try again and maybe instead of 2 weeks or 1 month I can go longer. Good luck with your decision. I'll try not to beat myself up if it doesn't work out as long as you don't -k-.

Burkes said...

My advice is give it a shot. If it sucks then you can go to Walmart at buy formula! :-)
I of course love nursing because it's SOOOO easy for me!

Danielle Mahoney said...

I had the hardest time breast feeding at first. I only have one daughter and it was a nightmare, she even spit up my blood at one point but I will leave it at that. However that said I hung in there and I got the hang of it and so did she and I am so glad I did.
Good luck!!! Whatever you choose.

Unknown said...

I breast fed both my boys and loved it. I worked the entire time I breast fed Andy so the expensive pump was a necessity and a life saver, but I always felt the pump hurt my nipples more than just breastfeeding him naturally. After you hang in there for a month it is seriously not even a big deal at all. In fact, I thought it was more convenient than the bottle because I could just whip it out without having to wait to heat a bottle. Ok, not like I was all whipping it out in public, but you know what I mean.

I also felt like it was healthier for my boys too. They were breast fed till about 14 months old and both never had to take any antibiotics until they were 2. I am DEFINITELY PRO BREASTFEEDING! I think you should try it and if it doesn't work out then at least you tried it.

Lyle Family said...

I thought breast feeding was one thing that I would do again. I was back to work after 6 weeks and had to pump while at work every few hours. But when I got home and in the morning when I had Sarah with me and close it was amazing. I know that at first I lost some sleep, but once there was a schedule down then things started to work out much better. I was more focused on the little time I had with her while I was at home, that it didn't matter about all the other things. I ended up going 9 months and would have gone longer if I could have.

Amy said...

Breastfeeding is hard. It's a big commitment. That said, it is so worth it.

With my daughter, starting out was ridiculous. The lactation specialist was out of town and nobody knew what they were talking about at the hospital. A week later the specialist was back in town and we paid her a visit. I was pumping that entire time because I couldn't get my daughter to latch on (little did I know, I had inverted nipples. who knew?!).

After spending nearly two hours, we got into a better system. However, I was never able to nurse without a shield. My nipples were to inverted for her to latch onto. The shield worked for us (although a bit of a pain-not painful).

After 5-6 WEEKS we were pros and she was on a schedule (thanks to "Babywise").

Give yourself and your baby a fair chance.

P.S. If it hurts while nursing, the baby isn't latched on right. When they are properly latched there is no pain

Lacey said...

It took three babies for me to stick with nursing. It is not easy, and I felt like I gave up too easily with the first two. I found Fenugreek with my third and it saved us. It is an herb that helps with milk supply. I nursed her for a year. This time around I am sad to say that I just "quit" nursing #4 this week at 6 months. I feel guilty and am so sad.

Brandy said...

Oh the joys of breastfeeding. Not really. So for me I tried to nurse my first and he sucked at it. But not literally. He was and I was a horrible nursing couple. I would nurse and nurse and nurse day in and out but nothing seemed to come out. My little boy was small only 5 lbs and 4 oz and I worried about his weight. I spoke to nurses for help and even hired a doula. Still my little guy had sucking problems and I had patience problems. Then someone said "trust your body, trust your instincts and trust your baby". Hhhmmm I was not really trusting much at all. It took me six LONG grueling months to figure this whole nursing this out. But once I did, once we did. It was absolutely wonderful! and free! Then I nursed him tell he was 1 1/2 and went on to nurse my second and third. Good luck. I'm sure whatever your babe gets will be with love and that's all that really matters right :)

vanessa said...

Breastfeeding with Abby for the 1st two months was awful, I should have gone to see a lactaian specialist but felt stupid. Boy I wish someone would have just DRAGGED me there. Anyways I learned to just love nursing and with my second it was a breeze.