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Saturday, August 15, 2009

happy birthday to my BFF!

Holy smokes I have got to be one of the luckiest girls to call Emily my BFF!!! Seriously. I love her! We met at work, and became friends after I came back from maternity leave with Van. I honestly wasn't sure if our friendship would last after she quit...but it has!!I love that BFF doesn't mind taking a million pictures with me, coming over to my house for movie nights with my family, and coming to my rescue at all times! Even at the ER we can have fun, and laugh at the situation.
BFF...I hope that you have a fabulous birthday! Thank you for being apart of my life, and I don't know what I would do without you! Loves you long time girl!!!


Brenda said...

What a cute post. Friends like that are the best! Happy Birthday to Evonne's BFF.

Krystal said...

happy birthday BFF! Every girl deserves a friend that great!

Emily Christine said...

This just totally made my day! I love you girly! Thank you so much for being apart of my life!

Sam Jo said...

Happy Birthday Miss Em! Love you with all my ♥!