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Thursday, January 31, 2013

a day by the hour.

Really my day started at 5:30 AM, but I was entirely too tired to think about taking pictures. So, I started at a reasonable hour of 8:00 AM.

{8:00 AM}
Devin was excited to have earned Hotel Transylvania, and wanted to watch it first thing this morning. This box it came in is his new favorite thing to carry around.
{9:00 AM}
Devin doesn't love the snow, but I decided to ask him if he wanted to go play outside. He shockingly said he yes. We didn't last long, but both of the babies had fun.
{10:00 AM}
Some of us played puzzles, and some of us tried to eat the puzzles.
{11:00 AM}
Devin takes his nap. Oh, and yes he has about every blanket we own in his bed...funny kid.
{12:00 PM}
I need a treat. Not naming any names, but someone is teething...and is crazy grumpy.
{1:00 PM}
As long as I give Bina my undivided attention, she is happy. It is making for an incredibly unproductive day.
{2:00 PM}
I try again to give baby Bean a nap, and bribe Devin with the treat drawer if he will stay quiet. Which was unsuccessful if you must know.
{3:00 PM}
Car pool with new reading material that we got in the mail today.
{4:00 PM}
I needed a break, I needed real food. Paul had no idea what he was getting himself into when he said he would watch Sabrina. I took Savannah and Devin to CafĂ© Rio for Lu-nner, and we picked up a treat for Daddy for watching the grumpy baby.
{5:00 PM}
Homework. Blarg. Everyone seems to congregate around us, and Savannah is learning roman numerals. I loved the note she gave me.
{6:00 PM}
Bath time in the sink for the babies, again. We have another working tub, but it isn't awesome for giving babies baths in.
{7:00 PM}
Getting ready for bed. Playing not so quietly, but playing together. I call this a success.
{8:00 PM}
Kids are all asleep, and I don't want to move from here.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

kinda wordless wednesday: cuteness overload

It has a been a long week. We have a problem with our bathroom. Good thing 2 of the 5 people in our house fit in the kitchen sink. Unfortunately they both splash large amounts of water all over my kitchen, but it doesn't make them less cute!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I finally got around to taking Bina to her 6 month well child visit, and she is well on her way to 8 months. Eh. Better late than never, right?
Stats for her at 7+ months.
Weight: 20.2 pounds {92%}
Length: 27 inches {67%}
Head: 17.5 {88 %}

Fun facts about her...

I never thought that I would call her Bina, I actually wasn't a fan of that nickname at. all. Devin has always called her Bina, and what do you stuck! I am pretty sure we will be calling her our "Bina-baby" forever.

{this wasn't posed, Devin really does just love her so very much!} 
If you cough or sneeze it makes her laugh.

Her favorite toy in the bathtub is Paul's shaving cream lid. She likes to be on her belly in the tub, and tries to crawl {which is about the funniest thing to watch}.
She finally likes and wants food, but not baby food. If you give her anything but what we are eating...she gags and makes faces. Something like this...
She looks so much like Savannah, and yet if you look at her just right...she looks so much like Devin. I just think it says that all of our babies look alike.
She loves to play with Daddy's face, and he is really good at getting her to sleep. I will nurse her, and then Paul will take over the rocking, singing, and snuggling before bed.

If I raise my voice to the other kids, Bina will always start to cry. I have a bunch of sensitive kids.

aaand that is all friends.

Until 9 months, which is right around the corner.


Monday, January 28, 2013


I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for supporting Savannah with all of your orders for Girl Scout cookies. She exceeded her goal, and then some. We are anxiously awaiting the cookies so that we can come visit all of our friends.

She was thrilled when she got a check in the mail from Grandpa Sell telling her she could buy a couple of boxes for herself.

She was ecstatic when my friend Kendahl sold 127 for her...yes, that is not a typo...OVER A HUNDRED BOXES! {Totally deserves caps.}

Whether you ordered 1 box or 10, we appreciated every single order. Savannah is going to a Summer camp, and the money she earned pays for her to go. So, thank you.

Much love from us!

Friday, January 25, 2013

a work out journal {week 2}

January 21, 2013

It was a holiday today, but I had every intention of working out. I did learn one thing, if I don't work out in the morning...I always will find something else to do and never work out. Lesson learned. I was grumpy some of the day, mostly because I am so afraid of missing a day of working out. I don't want to fall out of this pattern, because I have already done that so many times.

I keep reminding myself that I am making small changes, because I don't want to overwhelm myself. I still eat pretty much exactly what I want, but instead of going days with no water...I added a few glasses a day. This may be small progress for some, but it is huge for me.

January 22, 2013

I was excited to get to work out this morning. {I know, where did that come from!?} Three days off was too much time, and my body was craving some butt kickin'.

Paul watched the kids {thank you!} so that I had a full hour of uninterrupted working out. It was hard, but I can already feel my body becoming stronger. This week is a lot less emotional.

I am strangely looking forward to Spring, because I know that I will be strong enough to start running again outside...
January 23, 2013

This week is feeling like a flop. The church was closed for cleaning, the Geek Squad didn't come on time, and now I have already showered for the day.

January 24th, 2013

The kids didn't sleep a wink last night. I drank my weight in Coke. I am grumpy. I just want to sit on the couch, and veg...working out is definitely not in my cards today.

January 25th, 2013

I woke up feeling emotional. Probably because I have only worked out once this entire week. I am discouraged, but am reminded that sometimes things aren't going to go exactly as planned.

I left for my workout late, and missed half of the instruction. Luckily this group of ladies I work out with is beyond supportive and awesome!! I found a girl to help me the entire time, and she pushed me to really get a good workout in. I am going to be sore, but she kept reminding me that I had the weekend to recover.

I came home happy, and loving that my body is telling me to exercise.

Two weeks down folks! I can do this.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Shutterfly Valentine Giveaway

I already have talked about Savannah's school not participating in holiday class parties. She isn't disappointed, because she doesn't know any different. It does leave me wanting to do more celebrating at home, because I have so many fun memories of class parties. Who didn't just love making the Valentine box to take to school?

Last year we decided to do Valentine cards, and we tied it in with our Operation Snail Mail goal. This year will be similar, but Savannah has made a lot of friends that we will be able to deliver Valentine love to as well.
I have become slightly addicted to personalized cards. I love being able to add pictures, names, and little love notes on cards. We definitely don't buy the grocery store cards anymore.

This year we are loving the new Valentine styles that Shutterfly is offering, and if you aren't familiar with all their card options...they have a Classroom collection that are the cute little cards for your kids.

What do you do for Valentine's Day? Do you plan on buying a personalized Valentine gift? My favorite is definitely the Desktop Plaque {I ordered one a few months ago with a picture of Paul and I printed on it!}. I feel like Valentine's day is not just for love birds anymore, it is for everyone to celebrate how much we love each other.

So here is the giveaway friends.

Shutterfly is going to give one lucky reader, 50 – 4x5 Stationery Cards {these are small classroom cards} and  1 - 5.5x5.5 Desktop Plaque {which trust me you will LOVE THIS!}.

  a Rafflecopter giveaway Disclosure: I was given cards and a plaque for writing this post, but all opinions are my own. We really can't wait to send out Valentine cards again this year, and hope it will be a tradition that will stick around for a long time.

Monday, January 21, 2013

working on a goal.

In December while I was thinking about goals I was going to set for the new year, I had this desire to start having more pictures taken with me in them...with my kids, of course! I even had my friend Kim come over, and take some of Sabrina and I together.

I actually have never had a problem with getting my picture taken, but after a couple of babies in 2 has left me feeling a little more camera shy. I wrote about my simple goals for 2013, and then a few days later a blog I read had the perfect post to sum up why I wanted to set this goal. 

Last week I got the pictures that Kim took in December, and every. single. image. gave me the warm fuzzies. Kim has a way of making you look and feel beautiful, and somehow manages to get all the emotions in a every image.
Kim already knows that I feel like I will forever be indebted to her for the beautiful pictures she has taken of my family. These pictures of Sabrina and I, just sealed the deal.
I am so excited to keep this goal going, I just wish that Kim could follow me around and take all of the pictures.
I hope that my children will look at the pictures of me lovin' on them, and know how much I truly adore each of them. I love that they are all so different, and bring something completely different to our family.

aaaand just because I can't resist sharing, here is a couple of the pictures Kim took of just Sabrina after she woke up from her peaceful slumber...

Friday, January 18, 2013

a work out journal. {week one}

January 14th, 2013

Gosh, it is sad that playing Just Dance makes me sore, and tired. These kids can run circles around me. At least I didn't just sit and watch like I usually do, I got up and played with them. I am making small changes, and that feels good.

January 15th, 2013
I had plans to attend a workout at a church nearby for the first time. I woke up, and saw on Facebook they were struggling to find someone to teach. I was kind of excited, because that could totally be my excuse to miss out. Of course, they found someone.

I quickly got ready, and realized I didn't have anything that could contain my chest for working out {I'm still nursing.}. That is a good enough excuse to miss.

I finally got the kids dressed, myself dressed, snacks, and I was out the door. Devin didn't want to get in his car seat, it was a struggle...and I kept telling myself what a bad idea this all was. I got half way to the church, and realized I didn't bring water...maybe this would be my way out.

I pull in, make my way to the gym, and don't see the person who was suppose to meet me {Brandie, I still love you for skipping out on me!}. This is so hard for me. I sit at the back, almost in tears, wishing I could just disappear.

I wish I didn't have to try to be skinny. I wish that I liked working out and eating healthy. I wish that this was easier for me.

A nice lady named Tammy comes to welcome me, I feel a tiny bit better...until we start working out. I feel pathetic, I feel old, I feel like I want to quit.

After an hour of working out, I load the kids back in the car...and want to cry all the way home. I know I am going to be sore, I know this is going to be a long journey, and I know I have to keep doing this.

January 16th, 2013

I was better prepared this morning, and had everything in the car so I wouldn't forget things like my water...again. Mat and a new sports bra were purchased last night to help me. I did feel better about my appearance, amazing what a good sports bra will do. I was still grumpy about working out, but I tried to have fun while putting myself through hell. Squats, push-ups, pull-ups, running, jump roping, and the list goes on. My legs were jelly when I tried to walk to the car.

Working out with the kids comes with a set of complications. I had to break to change a diaper, I had to yell at Devin to stop rolling the yoga balls into people, and then Sabrina wanted to be held. I had to remind myself to just keep moving, even if that meant holding Sabrina while I did laps around the church.

As I was working out, and watching Devin be active, my grumpiness washed away a little. I know I need to do this for me, but my kids need to see me do this too. I was never a skinny child, and have struggled with my body image. It is only fair that at age 31, I start changing that. I want to teach my kids I can do hard things, and that it is fun to be active.

January 17th, 2013

I can't move. Exercise makes me cranky, and diet is a swear word to me. I want quick results, I think I may need to eat my feelings today. Paul is rewarding me with a date to the movies, and I love that he is so supportive.

January 18th, 2013

I completed a week of exercise. I DID IT! I feel accomplished. Sore...yes, but I did it. I am ready for next week. My legs are incredibly sore, and I was scared to work out today. As soon as I got going, the pain went away. This will get easier, I just need to be patient.

I am thankful for this group of women that welcomed me in, and have taught me how to lift weights, do a burpee {ouch!}, and lots of other things. I am ready for this new beginning.

Hoping next week is slightly easier, and less emotional for me. I will be writing my thoughts down daily and sharing on Fridays. Oh, and a weekly picture of're welcome. :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

lessons learned about being a SAHM

I have spent the past 7 or so months having a love/hate relationship with being a stay at home Mom...most of the hating has to do with me being hormonal. I have learned a thing or two about myself, and what works for us. I specifically remember one day telling Paul that I should have never quit working, I was going nuts. Good thing Paul talked me out of going and begging for my job back. What I thought would be an easy transition for me, wasn't...and I had to learn to love staying home.
I am learning to not be so hard on myself.

I have learned that just because I stay home, doesn't mean my house is going to be spotless. Some days all I can do is keep the kids fed, clean, and happy.

I am learning that I have to stay at home most days, because my babies thrive on nap schedules. This means that my standing lunch date with Paul has been scratched. I make Devin and I a simple lunch at home instead, and then we take good long naps.
{she makes laundry look good.}

I have learned that I really like Monday's for structure, and I still look forward to a Friday. I don't love getting Savannah to school early in the mornings during the week.

I am learning it is okay to ask Paul for help. At first I had this idea that because I stay home, I had to do everything. Paul is awesome to see when I am struggling, and most times I don't have to ask. It is hard for me to admit I can't do it all.
{making a mess trying to find gems. this was a fun kit, and grandma sell totally gets brownie points.}

I have learned that I am lucky to stay home with these kids of ours. As I rocked Sabrina to sleep for her afternoon nap, I realized I couldn't ever remember doing this with Savannah. I love having no where to go, and everything that I could be doing doesn't feel as important as this moment.

I am learning that I need a bedtime, I also need to make time for me...which includes blogging, running to the gas station, or a late movie with my lady friends.
{if van only knew what he did while she was at school.}

I have learned that it is always easier to wake up after a long night knowing you don't actually have to get ready for work...pajama days are awesome.

I know that I will constantly be learning, growing, and getting better at this new gig. I will always be grateful for this opportunity, because I know what it feels like to be a working Mom.
{Devi is totally anti-camera right now,
but the girls are always happy to pose for me.}

Monday, January 14, 2013

7 + 2 + newborn = crazy town.

I found this post in my drafts, and I wondered why I never published it. Maybe I didn't want to come across ungrateful, or that I didn't have it all together. I look back on those first few months of having 3 children, and can't believe we made it. It was hard, like really hard for me. It makes me smile to see how far we have come in such a short time. I can go in public with all my kids, and not feel the anxiety come on.

When the kids are all in bed, Paul and I talk about how Sabrina can't be our last when we can make such cute babies. I was the girl that thought I might not get to have one baby of my own. Paul was the boy that didn't want any kids. :)

Even if it is crazy town over here, I love having a car full of kids {and secretly would love a mini van}.

July 2012
Even though I feel like we weren't cut out for having kids 2 years apart, here we are. Sometimes we find ourselves laughing, because it is just that entertaining.

In the middle of the night I was sitting in the rocking chair with Devin in my right arm, Sabrina in my left, and I cried. Mostly because I am so tired, but a small part of me is feeling like I am failing. It is so early in the game to think that, but it is the truth. How am I ever going to give these two babies of mine the attention they both deserve?
I don't complain about the cost of having two in diapers, but I do feel like I am always changing one. Paul even decided he would be in charge of all of Devin's poop-e diapers, if I would take care of Sabrina's. We easily change 20+ diapers a day, oh yes...super fun stuff. 

I feel like the only conversations I have consist of how well kids slept, how many times babies have pooped, and when the last time little people were fed. Absolutely thrilling, right? Don't bother trying to have a deep conversation with me, I am too tired...and most likely won't be able to follow along.
Going out alone with all 3 kids is scary for me. The getting in and out of the car safely is a joke. Devin hasn't figured out that cars are dangerous, and has decided he doesn't like the help of his older sister. I am sure I will figure this out sooner or later, but taking 2 kids in public is like a cake walk now. Funny how that happens.
I am sure that it will all get easier, actually I know it will. I try to tell myself that I can do hard things, and that I need to live in the moment. One thing I know for sure is, I am glad that I am not doing this alone, Paul always comes to the rescue when I need it.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

girl scout cookies.

The time has finally come folks!!
This girl is selling Girl Scout Cookies.
In the weeks leading up to the cookie kick off, I think I have been just as excited about this as she is. It is fun to watch her be apart of something that she loves, and is really excited to be doing.

She set a goal to sell 100 boxes of cookies. We went to the meeting, and the troop goals were waaaay more than our little 100 boxes. Sooo, if you want to buy cookies, Savannah is your gal.


$3.50 a box

The 8 flavors are...

Savannah Smiles
Dulce De Leche
Thank u Berry Munch
Thin Mints

Pay when they come in at the end of February, and Savannah will deliver them to you.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Sometimes when you are thinking of your resolutions for the new year, do you automatically think of failure?! Maybe it is just me, because of how many times I have said that I was going to lose weight for the new year...and it has never happened.

This year I really do want to get my body back. I started New Year's Eve, and have made little changes to attempt to get more physically fit. Check back with me in month, okay?!

I wanted to pick a word for 2013, and I decided on RECONNECT. It can mean so many things, and that is why I liked it so much.

I need to put down my cell phone, and reconnect with the people I am really suppose to be spending time with.

I need to reconnect with Paul, and go on more dates.

So, 2013 is my year to reconnect.

I started thinking of some simple things that I wanted to change in the New Year...
I want to wear more jewelry.
I want to put my contacts in more.
I want to make my bed.
I want to plan a few family road trips...NOT to Twin Falls. :)
I want to cook more.
I want to do more service.
I want to be in more pictures with my kids.
We actually started having family prayer at night, and have been good at we need to get the hang of it in the morning. Maybe even add a FHE lesson once a week, because we already have plenty of family time.

I am thankful that a new year always brings that time to ponder what we can do better. We can always hope the new year is better, and more amazing...can I get an Amen?!