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Thursday, January 21, 2010

did you know?

The way I feel is really complicated and even a little confusing to even myself. My body tells me I'm pregnant sometimes, my heart tells me I'm going to have a new baby sometimes, and my brain even tells me I'm going to need to start planning for Vin sometimes...but I still don't always believe it. Never do any of these happen at the same time or stay for very long.

Life around the Sell home hasn't changed since I've been pregnant. I still wake up and take care of Van. I work with Paul most mornings. I take Van to preschool. I go to my own job at night. I stay up too late, and I'm tired the next day. We still go out to lunch, dinner, movies, and we still like to play in the arcades a. lot. Oh, and that pesky cleaning and grocery shopping that needs to happen around the Sell home hasn't gone away just because I'm pregnant either.

There are little reminders here and there that are starting to make it feel a little "real". Van decided to do a little nesting...she took tags off of clothes and took toys out of the plastic. She set up the area where we will wash those few bottles we might need to use, and we even had fun with that hand-me-down baby monitor (thanks Tam, works like a charm!).

I, on the other hand, keep telling myself that we have plenty of time...all the while another week goes by. aaah! I have made a list of stuff to buy at the grocery store, but haven't actually bought anything off of it yet. I did find these cute shoes, but after the last ultra sound when I saw HOW HUGE his feet are...I think he might have to wear them home from the hospital...and that will be it. =)

I feel like I am the only one not preparing, and I'm the next in line. Has anyone else experienced this? Or am I just going crazy? I might go with the crazy right now, because I started crying on the way to work today...again!


Michelle said...

you're just going crazy. My theory is that with 1 child already, you can't stop every day life as easily as you can when you are pregnant with #1, does that make sense? You have to keep on with every day life. Of course, this is only a theory

Jules AF said...

Oh my gosh. I LOVE THOSE POLO SHOES. I can't describe how much I love them.

Kristina P. said...

So cute!

I just had dinner with one of my best friends. She's due on the 4th. It's her first and it's so weird to think that there will actually be a baby at the end of all this.

Jerilee E. said...

I did nothing to prepare for Brandon. Really. We had no diapers in the house (except size 4's)... it's a good thing the hospital sent us home with some! Turns out babies don't need much besides diapers, blankets and a family :).
Those shoes ARE adorable!

Tiffany said...

Why do you need to get ready? Sounds like Van is doing a FAB job for you ;)William looked like he had giant feet too but he didn't, so you might be surprised at how long Vin will wear his cute Polo shoes!!! Oh if you don't already have a nursing cover I know where you can get a cute free one online, LMK!! I'm going to order one even though I won't be needing it for 5 or 6 more months...

steenky bee said...

Well, our kiddos found us through adoption so my experience was a little different. I remember not daring to take any of the tags off anything for fear that the Birth Mom would change her mind. Once I held both of our babies, I remember thinking "I can't believe anyone trusted me with such a special gift!" and fretted that they would barge through the door and take them back. On our second adoption, we decided to through caution to the wind and remove all the tags and have faith that our little boy would be with us. Well, that little boy ended up being a little girl, but the stores were awfully nice and liberal with their return policies when we explained our dilemma. I can't wait to see the baby get here! Thanks for stopping by my place on my inaugural post for the year. I was terrified! (This comment is so long, I think it actually qualifies as a second post....)

Camille said...

Your nesting time probably just hasn't hit yet. Most likely because life is still "happening" around you!
I say just let Van get things prepared while you try and take it easy! :)

Emily Christine said...

I love those shoes. So cute!

Bethany said...

I was totally this way with both my pregnancies. Everyone bought stuff and my friends came over to help set up the room(s). I on the other hand just went about my regular business. Guess what. I still had my babies and they've both survived well beyond infancy even though I didn't do anything to prepare for them other then you know the excessive weight gain.

Vanessa said...

Makes me want to have another one. Ok, maybe not. Just kidding.