All Our Stockings Are Hung...
Yes, I realize we give Thanksgiving the shaft at the Sell home, and it's okay with me. Don't get me wrong we celebrate it, but with our Christmas decorations up! I had every intention of cooking Thanksgiving dinner this year, because last year we went to Little America for Thanksgiving dinner. Then I came home from work a couple of nights ago, and Paul says "Where are we going to eat for Thanksgiving this year?" I guess that is my out of cooking. =) So while I hunt for our Thanksgiving place to dine, I thought why not adorn my home with the Christmas spirit! Well, and I also thought I was feeling good today, and you can't chance that...motivation kicked in! Our tree is up, Christmas music is playing in the back ground, and the smell of pine (Scentsy, of course!) is filling the air! Bring on Santa, because we are ready!
I love, love, love Christmas, and even went to Pier One yesterday to look at the Christmas decorations, but I just can't bring myself to put them out until Thanksgiving.
I LOVE that you have Christmas stuff up! Have I mentioned that I am SO happy that it's Christmas time? Well, I am! You guys are totally welcome to come to our house for Thanksgiving :). I make an awesome turkey, if I do say so myself. If you think I'm weird for inviting you, I don't care. I like you. In a normal, non-creepy way. Also, I really want to order a Christmas Scentsy warmer.
I am still undecided about decorating this year. Do I do all the decorating and take it down on the 23rd or leave it up till the 15th of January? Is it worth it? Looking at your pics makes me think it is... crap you made me think! ♥
oh my gosh you crack me up!
How was Little Americas Thanksgiving dinner?-we are trying to figure out what to do/where to go also.I can't go to far because I am a "Black Friday" shopp'in freak!! lol!!!!
ooxoo Me
P.s You are seriously all ready for Christmas!!??WOW!!!! IF you are!
Little America is expensive, we could have definitely cooked a really good meal for as much as we spent...and we would have had left overs. Nothing like eating a whole pumpkin pie by yourself. =)
I don't have presents bought, because I can't keep a secret. That will come much later!
Fun fun...I love this time of year too, but never dare put up my tree any sooner than Thanksgiving.. I am dreading the cold winter, but still love Christmas! This year will be a bit different my hubby and I still jobless and all, but it will be good. All our decorations packed away in Kamies shed and living in my parents basement...but blessed we have a place to go. Things always have a way of working out. We get to celebrate my birthday, anniversary and Christmas all in on week, so it keeps it fun and exciting.
I also love the cider sentsy smells this time of year!
Love the tree!
awesome! I think I am going to put mine up the weekend before thanksgiving this year. That way I will really get to enjoy everything.
So festive yet way to early. I still like you even if you are an early decorator.
How pretty! I was thinking of you this week and wondering if you were decorating or not. This answers my thoughts!!
Awesome! Way to go Von! I love Christmas!
We are going to go out and eat for thanksgiving this year. It will only be MIL, Dustyn and I. We figure why not? :)
I SO need to get my holiday sentsy ordered!
Loves yoU!
I'm so the same way! Christmas decorations go up in November! Heck, the radio stations are already festive with the Christmas music they play, why not? There's just something magical about that holiday. Thanksgiving, meh, not so much. But it could be personal experiences surrounding that holiday that turn me off to it.... but, Christmas, that's a different story. Good for you!
thanksgiving at Little America? Really?? That's funny... that is where my daddy works and where my parents met many moons ago... but in all my years of life, we've never done thanksgiving there! I think you're off the hook this year since you're pregnant, but next year you totally need to cook!
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