I went to a fun party thrown by Mona-Kay this past weekend, and guess what I found for Vin?? Sprinkle Caps! Yup, I will not be getting anything sprayed on me from that thing! I obviously don't know if they work great or not, because I don't have a baby boy to use them on yet...I will keep you posted. Until then have a good laugh at what the sprinkle caps looks like, because I have laughed every time I have looked at them!.JPG)
You think that you need some of these sprinkle caps...go to Eighty Daisies.
We bought PeePee TeePees for Adam's cousin when they had a boy. Hilarious!
This is one adorable blog and you are just clever with all the cool info you share with young moms. I'm a grandma now (raised 7 children) and I'm inspired--I'm gettin' great ideas for grandmahood here! Thanks so much!
LOL!!!!!!!!!!! What the HECK!!!!!!!!
What will they think of next-can't wait to hear about the testing of the-Peepee hoods/Peepee Teepee's!!
LOL! Make sure you use it ALL the time. I've had to catch pee in my hand on more than a few occasions.
I Love em' They are SO CUTE, Thanks again for coming over!!!! I really wish i had some of those when i had my baby boys, i have been sprayed a few too many times...gross!!!
Still think they are super cute and will be nice to have :). I like the PeePee Teepee name better, though.
If it makes you feel any better, I have had 2 little boys and have never been peed on. And really, the time you have to watch out is not as much when you are changing their diaper as when you put them in the bath!
LOL! I wish they had those around with my baby boys. Mark got so annoyed with the peeing that he put a little space heater on the changing table and before he changed them he turned it on and got them all nice and warm, as to avoid the cold air shock and them peeing on him. It really worked!
Oh wow. Who knew? Glad someone thought of something to help the situation should it arise :)
Oh gosh! I can think of quite a few times that I wish I would have had those!!
those crack me up... in all my years of babysitting, I don't think I *ever* got peed on by a boy... I used to tend my cousin all the time and never had a problem... but I've seen these around and they crack me up!
oh, I have 2 friends that swear by the peepee teepees.
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