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Monday, November 2, 2009

For Those Who Have Been There For ME!

It's been over a year since I decided to stop speaking to my parents. I get a lot of questions about this topic. The one that I get most frequently is "What do you do without family?" or "Don't you guys miss out on a lot?" My entire life there has always been someone that has been there for me when I needed it. I don't need to be related to have someone mean the world to me. I also want to teach Van something...just because you are related doesn't mean anything. You still deserve respect, and respect is something that is earned.

My life has always been a challenge. There is and always has been a person that awaits me after or during every challenge that helps me. I started thinking today about all those special people that I share my life with, and I wanted to share them with you...and these are not in any order.

Vanessa is my calming when I have a storm brewing. She is that person that I e-mail with while I sit in the bathtub late at night. She is my bandaid.

Awhile back I won a giveaway on Kamie's blog. She was giving away mixed tapes of her favorite songs. Somehow Van got a hold of one of them, and now listens to it every night for bed. It makes me smile. It makes Van smile, and it is just what we always need.

JoAnne is my boss. Honestly she gives me so much time off, it's ridiculous. She invites me to her ward parties, and has even invited me to Thanksgiving multiple years in a row. It is nice to have someone that I can go to and say "I need a Mommy day off!"

Margaret (also known as 6 pk on my blog) has a contagious kind of happiness. Every time I see her she rubs my belly, and is giddy about Vin. She is over the top nice to Van!

Jerilee is my church friend. The only person I have borrowed eggs from in my neighborhood, and the one that makes me feel like coming to church. I don't think that Jerilee realizes how much she really does mean to me. I feel like a fish out of water when I am at church, and she is my comfort zone.

All my cute nieces, the package you sent to Van for her birthday was spectacular. Of course the rawkin' jewelry is fantastic, but the special notes that now adorn her bedroom make us smile. Thank you.

Kristina doesn't realize how much her comments on my blog mean. How she keeps up on blogs is incredible. Loves.

Callee likes to keep it real. That is one of the many reasons why I love my Coke drinkin' friend. We need to plan a Maverick run when Vin comes out -k-?

Landon is the bestest lunch buddy, and I appreciate that he pretends to agree with me...even if he doesn't.

Camille has amazing giveaways, and I just so happened to win the family photo shoot. It really has given me something to look forward to! Oh, and she is a pretty amazing person too!

Tammy is my cubicle mate. I have known her since I was 12, don't ask her how old that makes her! ;) Tammy is the one that will watch our Van, while I bring our new son into this world. Tammy is the one that I text secrets to, even though we sit 5 steps aways from each other. I look forward to work, because I have her to talk to.

Then there is Janet, Krystal, Paige, Sam Jo, Rebecca, Steph, Mrs. R, Leisha, Kim, Whitley, Kendahl, and Brenda...hugs and kisses to my ladies!

Of course my list wouldn't be complete without BFF, Shane, Jackie, Sista, Paul, Van, and are what makes up my family, and that is what I couldn't be happier about!

So does this answer your question as to how I make it without my parents? Any other questions for me?


Krystal said...

I love you, Evonne... and seriously, if there is EVER anything I can do for you, I'm here for you! I *adore* you!! I hope and pray every day that you get feeling better and that baby Vin makes it here okay. (I never knew about all this stuff before, so thanks for sharing). AND, Kristina amazes me too! I love that she takes the time to read my blog and comment... it makes me feel very special and loved :)

Michelle said...

such a wonderful post :)

dust and kam said...

Loves to you.

Your my favorite.

Lyle Family said...

Thanks for this post!!! Just makes you look around and see who is actually there for you all the time!! Love you!!

Jerilee E. said...

I may or may not have been having an emotional day already, but this post got me all cry-ish. I'm so glad that you have so many people to be there for you. I want you to know that I feel the EXACT same way about you and I hope baby Vin starts letting you feel better so they never release you ;). I really don't know what I would do if you weren't there. I think you are awesome and amazing :) and I will always share eggs with you.

~j. said...

I like you.

Camille said...

Looks like you're surrounded by family! How lucky for you to have so many wonderful people who love you and care about you! And thanks for the kind words. Hang in there!

marci said...

Loves to Von!! I'm glad you have such a loving family around you. :)

Nicole said...

I'm not sure why it took me so long to get into your blog, but I have been reading it for an hour solid today. Love it! I'm your BFF's cousin and I've heard stories about you for years. I miss her too! I know you've been there for her countless times, so thanks for being a good friend through all of her tough stuff over the years.

Laura Marchant said...

Some of the best people in my life are blood related.

-nick and whitley- said...

Thanks sweetie!! oh how i wish that we were IRL friends! I want Van to meet my Brynlee. :) I know she'd love her! ahhh... i love you!

Cal said...

you are too cute. I am glad that we bonded so fast... we have so much in common. love you

Brenda said...

Your so sweet. Thanks! Hope you have an AWESOME day. =>

vanessa said...

Aww I luvs you
Did writing this make you feel better?
I hope so

Kristina P. said...

Evonne, my mom and I have a very strained relationship, so I have very little contact with her. People should not judge you.

I adore you!

tlkcreations said...

Kind words from a very kind person! Life is what you make it and surrounding yourself with those who believe in you helps even more. You are truely loved in this world don't ever doubt that for a second... your "family" is just a blend of good people who want the very best for you and your cute family! Love you to the moon and back! {tears}

Allred Family said...

So glad you have so many GREAT Friends in your life. I also want you to know that you are not alone, i have a very dysfunctional family, i have NOT spoken to my one and only sister for almost 2 years. Family means nothing when they do not love unconditionally. Friends are many times better than family :) You are Amazing!!!!!!

Paige Taylor Evans said...

Isn't blogland fun!?! I'm so glad there are so many wonderful people out there in the world.

Steph said...

Hi hi hi! Like I commented on FB... family is the support network around you who loves, supports, and builds a community with you. DNA is secondary.

And we need to play.

Rachel Sue said...

I love Steph's comment. And when you list it all out like that it really makes you appreciate all that you have. I think I need to do that with my life!

Janet said...

I am lucky and have an amazing family but I am lucky to also have amazing friends..Margaret, Tam and you to name a few that are there whenever and for whatever I need, which has been alot lately. I don't think it takes DNA to have the unconditional love and support from someone =)

Rebecca said...

Love you too! You are one of the funnest people to hang out with- people smile when they're around you!

kendahl a. said...

Family, schmamily. The people that really matter are the people you love, and that love and respect you back. That's what matters.