Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
acting out the art
Like I said before I was AMAZED at how excited Van got about this...I ended up taking oodles of pictures, because of it. =)
Van decided to tell me how each picture made her feel. How funny are some of these?!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Art Day with the bloggin' gals.
(17. A close shot of two people holding hands)
Thank you for inviting us Vanessa!
um, yeah!
So, here's the deal, be the first 5 people to comment on a this post, and you will get a lil' somethin', somethin' from ME!! =) The catch is this, YOU must now blog about this, and volunteer to give things to your first 5 commenters! It can be ANYTHING, nothin' expensive! A pay it forward game, fun huh?
If you didn't catch that...recap...
1. Be one of the first five people to respond to this post and you get a present, if that is what you want to call it, from me!
2. Re-post this on YOUR page for five of your friends! It's like a chain letter, only without the threats -AND- not annoying because you GET a present in the end.
3. AND hopefully one of my friends will do this, and I will get to comment and get a prize back. ;)
4. Oh, and make sure you leave your e-mail address!
Good luck!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
baby Alice
Monday, February 23, 2009
van explains

monday, monday!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
new fav
Sometimes they knock me down but
Keep climbing
(258. your childhood home)
This is the house that while we lived there I was baptized. We had a lot of fun neighbors like The Blake's, and this is the house that I remember playing "farm" with Kyle. I also remember this being the house that my parents got in "the fight". It was the grand daddy of them all, and that is when we moved so that my parents could then get divorced.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
primary partay
#1 fans
Friday, February 20, 2009
aaah, my birthday isn't for months!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
if only.
Sidenote: You should be proud that I didn't order a Coke, because Mickey D's has the BEST Coke EVER! I'm tryin' to cut back, again. I feel like a broken record.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
25 random things about ME!
- I have an obsession with things that say "new" on them. An example would be the Easter candy was just put out, and they have "new" chocolate peeps. What? Gotta try it, it says "new". This might also explain my cleaning supply problem. ;)
- I am secretly just as addicted as the boyz are to The Big Buck Safari Hunter!
- I notice when I have a new freckle, and I get excited.
- I have to have my food at a certain temperature, or I can't eat it.
- During the Winter I take a bath ALMOST every night to get warm.
- I'm allergic to the product that they use to do my nails. My fingers burn for 3-4 days after, but I love getting my nails done that much...I suffer through it.
- I totally singed my hair off with my HOT blow dryer...hence why my hair has been in the same hair do for the past few weeks.
- I don't like to cook for people. It makes me so nervous.
- I got married in high school.
- I have been at the RCW since I was 16.
- I love getting mail...e-mail included.
- I carry my camera in my purse, and take photo's daily.
- I totally have a "phone voice"! Who doesn'!
- I donated plasma for over 3 years.
- I don't like using public bathrooms...totally is gross!
- I am a SUPER speedy typer. Last time I took a test it was in the 90's wpm.
- I stopped talking to my parents. the. end.
- I sing like a rock star in the car!
- My nose is SO sensitive! You have no idea!
- I love saying things like "I know, right!" and "Oh, Snap!"
- Paul and I can't play games together, because we are TOO competitive.
- I can get lost in my own city. Probably because I have the worst memory in America.
- Paul and I use to go on walks to look for change before Van was born.
- I can't buy my meat at Wal Mart.
- I like when other people buy my clothes. I have been known to shed tears in the dressing room...I hate it that bad.
This is harder than it seemed...go try it for yourself.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
My BFF is better than yours...
It gets better. When I dropped Van off...BFF gave me "Sell...Party of 3, 2008"! Everything that I published on my blog in '08, she had made into a book. Who has the BESTEST best Friend? Uh, me!
my film
mini mani
Friday, February 13, 2009
I was feeling especially low this morning.
Do you ever have those mornings when you know you look like crap?
It was one of THOSE mornings.
I got in the car, and Paul was immediately tipped off by my silence.
He grabbed my chin, and turned my face toward his.
I immediately broke down in to tears.
Paul knows just what to say to me...
"You have never looked more beautiful, than today."
Of course I started to cry more!
I am married to a pretty amazing man!
I am so lucky!
Happy Valentine's Day to the love of my life!
I have never been more in love with you, than today!
Thank you for always knowing just what to say, and loving me just the way that I am. You are my best friend, and I will happily stand by your side for eternity.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Balentime's Party!
Who wouldn't give this at least an "honorable mention"? The candy side was on free spin...yup, all the free candy one could desire. The other side was where I made a slot in the plastic for my Valentine's. I even painted the base to look lovey-dovey!
Here's my competition...that won!
I at least should have won ahead of one of these...and I'm not saying which one (top left corner). Don't ya think? =/