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Friday, December 28, 2012

2012 aka The Roller Coaster.

Who knew after I wrote my year end review for 2011 we would have the biggest shock eva. A baby, we were having a baby this year. Oh, 2012 you had us on the biggest roller coaster all year, and we can only hope 2013 is something more along the lines of the lazy river instead of a roller coaster.
We didn't go on any big vacations, unless you count multiple trips to Twin Falls, Idaho something to brag about. Oh, and that quick trip to Rexberg to see Bear World.
I can honestly say the Summer of 2012 will go down in the books for one of the most memorable for me. I have never played so hard with my kids, and that felt good.
Savannah {age 8} - Savannah decided to be baptized a member of the LDS church, and now is really good at pointing out when her parents are being sinners. She has advanced to a high blue belt in Tae Kwon Do, and hated most of the journey getting there. She is excellent at making Devin mad, and blaming him for everything...I guess what an oldest sibling is good for. :)
Savannah wants a singing career, a dancing career, and could spend hours doing both. She joined Girl Scouts this year, and it took her a few meetings before she realized they didn't just sell cookies.
Devin {age almost 3} - Well, Devi's biggest moment was potty training, I definitely was more excited for this event than he was, I am sure. We started this year wondering when he would ever really learn to talk, and we finished it wishing he would give us a moment of silence every once in awhile. He definitely perfected the art of pitching the biggest tantrums, and we are hoping those are going to start getting far and few between.
Devin is the child that is proud when he eats a booger, likes being the center of attention, and jumping from high places. If you wonder if there is ever a dull moment in our house, I will tell you, there is not.
Sabrina {age 6 months} - Of course it was a pretty big year for our baby, how do you top being born!? She showed us how strong she was by enduring, and then even decided being in utero wasn't so bad...and showed up a week after her due date.
Sabrina has learned to hold her head up, roll over, eat, smile, put up with her siblings, did I mention eat already? She has delicious thighs, gorgeous eyes, and is really good at getting what she wants.
Paul {age 34} - I think this year was probably in the top 5 most stressful years for Paul. He was working 7 days a week for most of my pregnancy, had a wife that had to quit working to keep a baby from coming early, bought a car, had lots of business opportunities, made a new friend {hi, Steve!}, been in 4 car accidents, and somehow managed to come out of 2012 okay.
He still is a movie junkie, bakery addict, and lover of sports. The San Fransisco Giants pulled out another World Series win, and he is still ridin' high from it. We are still holding out hope that the San Fransisco Niners decide to win the Super Bowl, because wouldn't that be amazing?!
Evonne {age 31} - Hey, I grew a baby this year. I didn't start exercising like I hoped, maybe 2013 will be the year...or not...making no promises. In those first few weeks of having 3 kids, I wondered if I would make it. Guess who made it? This girl did.
After 15 years of working, I finally got my wish of being a stay at home Mommy granted. Boy has it been a change for me. Everyday is a new adventure, a different challenge, and sometimes I wonder if I am going insane. I tried to be Wonder Woman, and when I fell short...I settled on just being me. It has worked out much better.
{Don't you love Devin's face, he clearly didn't get a good nap this day!}
It is amazing that a year can hold so many miracles and happiness for us, and yet be one of the hardest that we have lived through. With all the stress, it really has only made us a stronger family unit...and for that I can say I am thankful.
We came into 2012 a family of 4, wondering if everything was really going to work out...and we came out a family of 5. This year wasn't perfect, but we somehow managed to work out all the kinks.

I love a new year, like I love Mondays. A fresh start, a clean slate. We have plans for this new year, I am sure some will work out and some won't.

Thanks for being around these parts for another year. We love the support and friendships that we have.

Happy 2013!!

Year end review 2011.
Year end review 2010.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Polar Express

So, here in Utah they have a train that puts on the Polar Express. It honestly has never been something I have wanted to make a tradition...although it is all the rage. Maybe in a few years when my babies are older, it will be more enticing. Who knows.

My friend Amy posted about doing the Polar Express in your own car, and I decided we could most definitely give this a whirl this year. She had so many cute ideas, but the truth is if I make it too complicated...I won't end up doing it.

Tickets to get on the Polar Express, pj's, hot cocoa, treats, a bell for each child, the sound could really be creative.

I told the kids we were going on the Polar Express, I thought of printing tickets...and then never got the time to do it.
{poor Bina being manhandled by Devin.}

I told the kids to put on cute pj's. Savannah came back in some mismatched ensemble, Devin came back wearing fleece pants and a polo shirt, and Sabrina looked ready for bed. :)
{and when I rescued her, Devin was sad and wouldn't play along with the picture taking.}

I had the route we were going to take all mapped out with the perfect lights on it. Probably the only thing I actually got right.

When we loaded in to the Polar Express, our train was out of gas. We stopped, and I decided to buy treats at the gas station instead of planning ahead with hot cocoa and some homemade goodness. 

I played conductor well, and would randomly turn off the music to tell the kids {in my best conductor voice} where the train was stopping next. They found this the most entertaining. 
Our music was some random Whitney Houston CD that I found in the basement, I thought about getting the Polar Express soundtrack...well, I only had 37 cents on my iTunes account. So, I went with what we had.
We oooh'ed and aaaah'ed at all the pretty lights, and talked about how we might just have to pay someone to hang lights at our house one year. We sang loudly, and Savannah recited some of her Christmas poems she has learned at school.
We came home, and I honestly had the best feeling inside. I realize our Polar Express experience wasn't anything like it was suppose to be, but it was still fun. My kids loved it, and maybe every year I can add a little something to the experience...starting with remembering to fill the tank up with gas.  

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Apparently today is a big day, because it is 12/12/12.

I am half tempted to have an impromptu 12 party, because the next time we have a triple date like this will be 2101.

I decided to take pictures of the kids at 12:12 PM. I was wishing I had Savannah home to play along with us.
What my babies were doing at 12:12 PM...Bina was fast asleep, and Devin was fighting sleep. I am sure Savannah was playing on the monkey bars, taking a test, or fighting with one of the girls at school. :)
I obviously was taking pictures of them at 12:12 PM, and as soon as Devin saw the camera come out he quickly rolled over to pretend to sleep.
What were you doing? Something more fun than trying to get babies to sleep?

Thursday, December 6, 2012

the one thing I really love.

We have discussed it here on the blog before that I was raised with lots of traditions, but for whatever reason I don't do very many in my own family. So, I decided that my tradition was going to be doing different stuff every year.

Except, I did find something that I hope never goes away...

Last year my Sista and I decided to do the 12 days of Christmas for our kids. After we had so much fun with it, we decided to have a repeat of it this year. And a tradition was born, I can't believe I have actually done something 2 years in a row.

It is by far my favorite, and my kids adore it. I will admit my Sista is much better at finding awesome deals, and saving it through out the whole year. I am more on the find it the week before I am suppose to send it out type.
{getting my package ready to send to our Alice in Wonderland}

The kids were excited when they opened a gigantic box full of wrapped presents, and we quickly put them under the tree. What I didn't take into consideration is that my 2 year old would unwrap every single present with his name on it before December even started. Oh well, he is enjoying his new truck, shirt, Pez dispenser, etc. I will remember this for next year when Sabrina will be at that mischievous stage. :)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

i'm surviving potty training.

Last week in the middle of the flu, I got this wild hair to potty train Devin. I clearly wasn't in my right mind, but hey...
I started off at Winco in the bulk food section. I spent $10 on all the candy that boy could ever ask for. To say he loves gumballs would be an that was the biggest bag of candy we got. Devin also picked gummy worms, gummy bears, sour worms, gummy butterflies, Christmas wreaths, and on and on and on. He was so proud of his loot, and was busting at the seams to go home and get his potty on. 

He quickly caught the hang of it, and was going every 5 minutes for more gum. Smart kid.

After his first big accident which ended in throwing underwear away, I got a little discouraged...but he didn't. 

I was soon at WalMart buying more underwear, pull ups, more diapers, and hoping this was going to be my last big purchase for him in the diaper isle.

I decided to back off for a day or two, he was still randomly trying though.

All the sudden something clicked.

I was sitting in the nursery rocking Bean to sleep, and I hear him go in the bathroom. Normally I would be worried, because he likes to get in trouble in the bathroom...but I listened, and waited.  I hear the door close, the fan comes on, and then I hear the wipe container open. Mmm, I instantly get up to check on him expecting to find something disastrous. All I found was Devin just doing his business on his own.
I promised him a new Spiderman bike if he would just potty train already, but what I should have promised was Buzz Light Year undies and a star balloon...because that is what did the trick.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Zupas Night Out.

We were invited to attend a party to celebrate Zupas opening up in Sandy, Utah. It was lovely to actually get to take my family with me, and let them experience a little bit of the fun. :)

We are Zupas regulars, but it took us awhile to get to this point. We had a few trips that we didn't know what to order, and ended up being disappointed.  But, but, but...we finally found things that we love.
Paul always orders the Turkey Cranberry sandwich {which I like to call Thanksgiving in a sandwich}, with a bowl of Chicken Enchilada Chili. I am a fan of the chocolate dipped strawberries with a side of chocolate fondue. Bwahaha. Okay, I am only slightly kidding. I order the Chicken Chop Salad, with extra dressing...because I am healthy like that. I like the Turkey Cranberry sandwich too, and mix things up occasionally with a bowl of Wisconsin Cauliflower soup. If I could eat their bread with every meal, I would...we have been known to fight over Devin's piece if he doesn't eat it.
What is your favorite menu item? Please tell me you have tried the chocolate fondue, because it is our favorite dessert to splurge on.  Oh, and how did I forget to mention the italian sodas??  This really is the only place that I don't get a Coke, Berry Spritzer is my fav.
Disclosure: Zupas gave us free food, and a night out as a family. All opinions are mine.

Monday, December 3, 2012

go ahead and like it.

I usually sit down on Sunday nights and write and schedule all my posts. The only one I got to last Sunday was the one I posted Friday. I wasn't in a good mood, and this past week I took a break...and it was probably good for more than just my sanity.

I did want to mention that I started a Sell, Party of 5 Facebook page again. We have already started making plans for play dates again. We are doing the zoo lights with kids this month, and we tried to round up some ladies for the movies this past Saturday.

Go head on over there and follow along to get all the info as it happens...much easier to make plans on Facebook, IMO.

I promise to try not to bug you. ;-) 

Jerilee and I at that silly vampire movie Saturday night. There was one time we may have totally started laughing uncontrollably. I was baby free for the longest amount of time in 5 months...totally weird, and totally what I needed. Thank you Paul for holdin' down the fort.