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Wednesday, April 30, 2014



Today we celebrate.
photo bomb by Devi
Today is the day, 15 years ago, we got married.

Can you believe it? Neither can we. We aren't old enough for this, or maybe we are in denial about our age. Just a couple more years, and I will have been married to Paul just as long as I was single.

The past few weeks I have spent a large portion of my quiet time thinking about our marriage. One night Paul and I had a long talk about why we even love each other {if you are wondering, it was intense}, and a night I won't soon forget. 

This world is full of people who can't believe you "put up" with certain things, and people who believe divorce is always the answer. When we first got married, I was surrounded by those kind of people. They made comments that I would be happier divorced, and Paul not being good enough for me. I listened to them, and believed it. I know, shame on me. I am so thankful Paul believed in us, reassured me, showed me immeasurable amounts of love, and didn't ever want to give up.

He is why we have made it. 

He recently asked me if I was ready to give up half way through the race, and I am not. Our marriage, our friendship, our family will always be worth it. I will always be thankful for the life I have been given, because of my Paul. We have accomplished a lot in these 15 years, can't wait to see what we get done in the next 15.

Happy Anniversary Paul. Glad we are stuck for eternity.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

VTECH Easter Giveaway.

Disclosure: The VTech product, gift card, information, and additional gift pack have been provided by VTech.


I don't know about you guys, but I hate all the extra candy that comes with a holiday. Paul and I would rather buy a few nice toys, and make a scavenger hunt to find them. Who am I kidding? Paul doesn't make the scavenger hunt, I do it to make things a little more fun. We did have that one year that the Easter Bunny totally flopped, bringing a broken toy, but I try to forget that one. Overall we have had success going with less candy, more toys.

This year VTech stepped up, and gave us some pretty awesome gifts for our kids. We still are using our InnoTab on a daily, and it is now perfect for all 3 kids. That Bina girl is growin' up. Sob. So instead of candy Devin and Bina both got a cartridge for the InnoTab. Disney Planes for Devi, Bubble Guppies for Bina. 

They also sent us one of their new Switch & Go Dinos® Turbo, which turned out to be much more awesome than I thought from looking at it in the package. It is a 2-in-1 toy that easily transforms from a dinosaur to a vehicle and back again. It was most definitely love at first play for our Devin. 

The one toy they sent that I thought would be perfect for Devin, ended up being a score more for Bina. It is the Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Vehicle. I think it is more for the younger crowd, and although Devin has played with it from time to didn't keep his attention like the other VTech toys. 

VTech has graciously offered to give one of my readers an Easter gift pack of awesome things to fill up that basket instead of candy.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

my hope.

The past couple of weeks have been good, like really good. We got really fantastic news, upon other incredible news, and it has put me on somewhat of a high. I have stuck to my cooking and no gas station runs, and that has helped my mood. I am known for giving up easily, 3 weeks is a big deal for me.

I have had lots of moments of looking around lately, and wanting to pinch myself that I get to live this life. It doesn't mean I don't have my witching hours still, I do, don't you worry your pretty little head. I am just loving the simple moments more. 
Sometimes it feels good to try really hard to be a better person, Mom, Wife, friend, neighbor, etc. I have had lots of time to ponder where I have been putting my time and effort in, and tweaking it to make me feel better. 

This new path I am going down is a good one.

My hope is that I always find the time to listen to a friend who is hurting.
My hope is that Savannah always wants me to come to her school to volunteer and watch her perform.
My hope is that I will continue to push myself to learn new things.
My hope is that I will always find joy in serving.
My hope is that Devin will always want to take naps with me {this is long shot}.
My hope is that I will always be able to laugh at myself.
My hope is that I can forgive easily, wasting less time in funks.
My hope is I will always sit and enjoy a snuggle with my baby. 
My hope is I will take the time out of every day to connect with Paul, and not always complain about what didn't go right in mine.
And as always my hope is to pick up my big camera again, because I can't ever have enough pictures.