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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween pic's!

A stop off at work.
A stop at Jordan Landing.
A walk around the neighborhood.
And to end the night South Towne Mall.
End result...LoTs-o-CandY!!
Oh, and one pooped out family. =)Savannah thinks that Liz is Dora, and calls her that too!Tammy is in her wheelchair for her broken leg...fitting for Halloween!Batman, Fairy, and our Cinderella!Cinderella with Maddie the MonkeySavannah boyfriend, Grayson and Alora the DoodleBop (minus the wig)


Emily Christine said...

What a fun halloween! Savannah looks so pretty and looks like you guys had a lot of fun!!

Christina said...

Fun Fun Fun!

Unknown said...

Savannah was so pretty! That is so cute that she has a boyfriend!

Cal said...

I love the last picture. WOW... you took her a lot of places, did they do trick or treating at Jordan Landings? you are a wonderful mother, I told my boys that we could go to 15 houses and that was it! I am mean.

Unknown said...

She is so FREAKING cute. Love her blondeness.

Tam said...

How cute!! What happened to Tammy?