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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

25 random things about ME!

This "tag" has been floating around blogville & facebook. I finally decided to see if I could actually come up with 25 things. ;)
  1. I have an obsession with things that say "new" on them. An example would be the Easter candy was just put out, and they have "new" chocolate peeps. What? Gotta try it, it says "new". This might also explain my cleaning supply problem. ;)
  2. I am secretly just as addicted as the boyz are to The Big Buck Safari Hunter!
  3. I notice when I have a new freckle, and I get excited.
  4. I have to have my food at a certain temperature, or I can't eat it.
  5. During the Winter I take a bath ALMOST every night to get warm.
  6. I'm allergic to the product that they use to do my nails. My fingers burn for 3-4 days after, but I love getting my nails done that much...I suffer through it.
  7. I totally singed my hair off with my HOT blow dryer...hence why my hair has been in the same hair do for the past few weeks.
  8. I don't like to cook for people. It makes me so nervous.
  9. I got married in high school.
  10. I have been at the RCW since I was 16.
  11. I love getting mail...e-mail included.
  12. I carry my camera in my purse, and take photo's daily.
  13. I totally have a "phone voice"! Who doesn'!
  14. I donated plasma for over 3 years.
  15. I don't like using public bathrooms...totally is gross!
  16. I am a SUPER speedy typer. Last time I took a test it was in the 90's wpm.
  17. I stopped talking to my parents. the. end.
  18. I sing like a rock star in the car!
  19. My nose is SO sensitive! You have no idea!
  20. I love saying things like "I know, right!" and "Oh, Snap!"
  21. Paul and I can't play games together, because we are TOO competitive.
  22. I can get lost in my own city. Probably because I have the worst memory in America.
  23. Paul and I use to go on walks to look for change before Van was born.
  24. I can't buy my meat at Wal Mart.
  25. I like when other people buy my clothes. I have been known to shed tears in the dressing room...I hate it that bad.

This is harder than it seemed...go try it for yourself.


dust and kam said...

Sometimes I wonder if it is even possible we could be more alike. I think we are long lost twins. :)

Cal said...

OH MY...... I can't buy meat at Walmart either, I am so glad someone understands! grosses me out! I have some questions about some other things, but I will email you because you LOVE to get emails. you rock

Kings said...

this is so cute. you are good at this, i could never come up with 25 things...maybe 5 :)