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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

my letter to you.

I saw this idea on one of my favorite sites
A letter to my Van. I am going to try to do this often.


You and I have had a rough couple of days getting along. Maybe it is my lack of patience, because I have had the flu. Maybe it is because you are growing up, and have an opinion that you like to voice to everyone. Or maybe it is just because we are so much alike. Whatever it is I still love you.

I saw you get really embarrassed for the 1st time on Sunday. Your face turned red and all. I didn't know that was even possible, you are my child after all. You were being brave and reciting the 2nd Article of Faith all by yourself in front of people. I was proud of you.

I love that you are still brutally honest. Like the other day when I put on my sweatshirt, and you told me that it makes me look fat. I knew you really meant phat. =) Or when you told me to stop singing, because it didn't sound very good. I understand, I guess! Let us not even mention the multiple times lately that you have said really loud in front of people that are smoking "smoking is bad, and so is drinking coffee!". That is not embarrassing at all, no ma'am!

I got all of your baby clothes out so that we could start passing some of them along. I have a horrible memory with just about everything, but not with those clothes. I could tell you who gave you each outfit, and where you wore it. You have given me so many good memories. Thank you. I love being your Mom. I have said this multiple times, but you were SO WORTH THE WAIT!

I will try hard to always understand you. I will let you be yourself. I will support you. I will instill confidence in you, and I will always love you.

Love Always,



Brenda said...

You are such a sweet momma.

Christina said...

That is a super sweet sentiment and I know she will always cherish that letter from momma.

Emily Christine said...

What a great idea! Ohh how sweet! How are you feeling? I'm feeling much better! Are the pictures on the top new?

Amber! said...

Beautiful. I love your honesty to her.