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Thursday, February 5, 2009

thank you.

We have started our new year with a bang!
Paul cut his finger a couple of weeks ago, and had to have stitches.
It was lovely.
This I am not very thankful for, because I got the bill...only $700!
BUT I was thankful for Shane coming to the ER to watch Savannah!
Paul needed all the support he could get. =)

Today Van decided to shut her fingers in the car door.
They wouldn't even come out without opening the door.
Ouch, huh? I was dry heaving. It was gross.
So, what I'm thankful broken bones! Yeah!
Van is a strong little girl, and was quickly acting like herself!
Yes, her fingers are swollen and bruised, but she can bend them. =)

I'm just hoping that nothing happens to my fingers. lol.
Here's to another Thankful Thursday!


Cal said...

wow.. that is an expensive ER bill. Poor little Savannah- that breaks my heart. I hate it when my kids get hurt, but sounds like she is tough! I love the little letter that you wrote to her . good idea!

Emily Christine said...

Poor Van. That really stinks. I've had that happen before! Hurts so BAD!

Laura Marchant said...

OMG! OMG! OMG! Fingers stuck in the door and not able to come out unless door opens! OMG! OMG! OMG! Ouch.

Unknown said...

I have never done something like this before, but it was sooo disturbing to look at her little hand half way in the door...and her poor little face in pain! =(

Brenda said...

So sad. I'm glade she's okay.=)

Unknown said...

I accidentally shut Andy's finger in the door one time and it was the most mortifying experience of my life! (Yes you heard me, I shut my own child's finger in the door!!)

The funniest part is that I have slammed my own finger in a car door 3 times in my life and I realized after I shut Andy's finger in there that I am seriously a retarded door closer! I've had stitches from it and fingernails come off and it is SOOO NOT FUN!!! I hope she gets feeling better.

Lindsey from The R House said...

hey lady,

i can't see your email address anywhere on here. can you email me? i need to ask you something.


mrs. r
the r house at gmail dot com

Amber! said...

It was so sad. Did the swelling go down that day or did it take awhile?