Thursday, May 27, 2010
weight and wait go hand in hand.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
14 days.
I remember those first couple of weeks on maternity leave.
Monday, May 24, 2010
baby legs review and giveaway
AND let me tell you why.
Besides being ridiculously cute, of course.

Van is really picky about pants. She gets the "itchies" with pretty much everything. With the unpredictable weather we have been having in Utah I thought these would be perfect. Van could wear them in the morning with her shorts, and when it warms up she could just take the leg warmers off. Well, they created "itchies"! So, we tried them the next day on her arms...MUCH BETTER, and just as cute!
Don't have a baby? Don't have kids? No problem. Did you know that adults can wear the legs warmers. Oh yeah, my Sista tried it with some she already had...and yes they are smokin' hott on ladies! ;)
Baby Legs doesn't just have the legs warmers...they have adorable socks and tights too! The tights are over the top. Really.

Wanna know how to enter?
I guess if you want to blog about Baby Legs, I will give you extra points too. Shall we say 5 extra entries.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Food Review: Tepanyaki Japanese Steakhouse
Have you been here before? What do you order? Tell me what you love or hate?
Thursday, May 20, 2010
2 month stats.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
wordless wednesday: vin's first road trip to meet his cousins
(and yes that is Alice in Wonderland on iChat)
Monday, May 17, 2010
shake your groove thang...
This is what Van and I like to do in our spare time with Vin. He doesn't seem to mind our goofy ways. We are teachin' him young to enjoy shakin' what his Mommy gave him! =)
Sunday, May 16, 2010
It was spiritual.
It was personal.
It had all four of us in smiles.
The love that I have for my children.
The love that I felt for our Bishop who held our baby with Paul to give him this blessing.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
vin's big day.
We don't bless our babies at church.
We don't invite everyone.
We don't do it on a Sunday.
Paul is blessing Vin today.
We will celebrate by going to a new restaurant.
Vin is going to look supa fly.
Pink looks good on boys too! =)
I will share the details, but right now I have got to go enjoy my children...and make today special.
Friday, May 14, 2010
car seat pictures weeks 5-8
He prefers his fist over a pacifier.
He rolled from his stomach to his back. Paul and I both missed it.
He doesn't scream as loud anymore, because he knows just a whimper will have me running to his rescue.
He smiles.
He will get the cutest sad face eva when he hears loud noises.
AND we are all still in love with our big boy!
Food Review: Kneaders
Our first addiction was the turkey sandwich. It is perfection. It's like the turkey sandwich you make with your left over turkey from Thanksgiving...which I believe is the only reason to cook on Thanksgiving.
As of this week our addiction is the soup and bread bowls. Paul is always up for the chicken noodle soup, and I can't get enough of the broccoli.
This is our average order of desserts...
Van picks out one dessert, and Paul and I always each get two. What can I say? We like our desserts. I am not a huge fan of the sugar cookie, but it is always so cute...and changes with the holidays. Paul's favorite is the fruit tart, and I would definitely say mine is the turtle cheesecake. Just typing that I want to run there for breakfast...and eat cheesecake.
What is your favorite thing to order when you go to Kneaders?
Thursday, May 13, 2010
in all my random glory.
Tonight is Survivor. I have never been much into TV, but now that I am home...I look forward to shows like never before. Weird. Between Glee, Dancing with the Stars, and Fresh makes for entertainment almost every night.
I starting thinking today I am going to start my Friday Food Reviews again. I stopped, because I was pregnant...and let's be honest who wants to hear about Taco Bell, Mickey D's, and other gross food that I craved. So, tomorrow I share a new joint.
What do you think of me doing giveaways again? I wouldn't mind sharing really awesome products, I would be picky only sharing uh-mazingly awesome ones...but is there already enough blogs doing giveaways??
Why do I have dog poop in my back yard when I don't even have dog? Oh, the answer...because my neighbor doesn't care and let their dog(s) dig holes under our fence. Van said that she was going to go and talk to them, she loves a good confrontation...and I made her clean up the she was more bitter than I was.
Thanks for the comments yesterday. It helped cheer me up. Really it did.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
is this REALLY my life?

Sunday, May 9, 2010
mother's day.
On Tuesday while sitting at Carl's Jr Paul said..."This can be your Mother's Day gift."
On Wednesday while sitting at Cafe Rio Paul said..."This can be your Mother's Day gift."
On Thursday while sitting at Baskin Robbin's Paul said..."This can be your Mother's Day gift."
On Friday while sitting at Wendy's Paul said..."This can be your Mother's Day gift."
On Saturday while sitting at Texas Roadhouse Paul said..."This can be your Mother's Day gift."
I am a well takin' care of Mommy. Here at the Sell house we don't need a day to tell us to celebrate each other, because we appreciate and show our love every day! Try celebrating without a is way more fun.
To all my ladies...every. single. one. of. you. YOU RAWK!! Remember that ALWAYS!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
my sweet set up
CSN Stores Review.
Everyone knows that I searched far and wide for a bedding set for Vin. What I liked, Paul didn't. When we were down to the wire (or what I felt like was the wire) we finally went to an overly priced place locally. I had to special order things, and one of the pieces of his bedroom set didn't come in until the week before Vin was born. Talk about stressin' a pregnant woman out...I had to have his room perfect before he came. (Which is really ridiculous when you think about it, because he didn't sleep in his room for a month! LOL. ) If I would have only known about CSN stores...still makes me a little bitter. EVERYTHING. I mean EVERYTHING that we bought from that locally over priced place I found on this site. Super bummer for me, right? The only good thing is that I didn't buy everything that I wanted, because things started to add up. I found the wall hangings to match his crib set at a fraction of the price that the "other" place wanted to charge me. Yeah, Von!! It gets even better, they are in stock, no waiting 6 weeks. Can't wait to get them! Between the wall hangings, and the framed pictures that Kim took...his room will be well on it's way to being perfect. =)
*I haven't been compensated to write this post, yet. My stuff hasn't shipped to me. =) I would say all of this stuff regardless of what they were giving me, because I really did get jipped out of money I could have saved on their websites.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Jennifer Eliason Photography Workshop.

we are workin' on it.
go here if you wanna buy one of these cute shirts =)