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Friday, November 5, 2010

a boy.

It's amazing to me that one little boy could change me so completely.
I didn't even know I wanted a son until I had Devin in my arms.
His tooth-E smile can literally make every problem disappear.
I love you Dev.
Thank you for being another reason why I love my life.


Unknown said...

boys are a whole new world. A great world. I love my boys to pieces too!

Kristina P. said...

I've actually always wanted boys. Never wanted girls. But my year-old niece came around, and she's pretty darn cute.

Cranberryfries said...

So sweet! I didnt think I could raise a boy. I grew up with two sisters and then had two little girls myself. But when I held my son, I sure was excited to try!

Jerilee E. said...

seriously- boys are so much fun! It's strange how, even after such a short time- it's hard to remember what life was like before they came along... like they were always there.
He certainly is one super cute boy!

jayni & ben said...

i kind of love him too :)

jayni & ben said...

boys rock!

Steph said...

OMG! He is cuter everytime I see a pic. How is that possible?