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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

spongebob rocks her world

It is no secret that Van is IN LOVE with SpongeBob.  She has had 6 birthdays, and every year she wants a SpongeBob party!  One year I finally had to convince her to pick something else.
Of course when we went to Universal Studios her favorite part of the day was meeting her big yellow sponge. He was definitely entertaining with his crazy mechanical arms, that giggle of his, and him chasing the little ones out of bikini bottom.

As we were leaving the park I had my eyes on the SpongeBob gift shop...even though I knew we had already spent way too much money that day, I had to go in just to see if there was anything we couldn't live without.
Van found a toy, and after I talked it over with Paul...we decided no. I looked around some more, and I after much thought, indeed that was the coolest SpongeBob toy EVER and Van most definitely needed it!  I would be kicking myself for the next however long if I didn't buy it for my SpongeBob lovin' kid.  In the whole scheme of things...what is another 20 something bucks!
It is Mr Potato Head meets SpongeBob.  I think the best part is that at the little gift shop you got to pick which 18 different SpongeBob pieces you wanted to complete your set.

This toy has already seen hours of play, and I couldn't resist playing with it too!


Emily said...

Can I come over and play if I promise to share?

~j. said...

Yay! We love SpongeBob!

Tiffany said...


Jerilee E. said...

What a cool toy! I can't go into gift shops at places like that. I'm worse than the kids!!

Michelle said...

I love those new things like that. Never seen a Sponge Bob one, though. You're an awesome mom

Vanessa Brown said...

AWESOME! Does she like Phineus and Ferb too?

Unknown said...

Oh Vanessa...Van looooves Phineus and Ferb! She basically is addicted to TV, and we totally have to monitor it! =)