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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

a birthday party or not.

It is that time of year when I start wondering if this should be the year that I actually give in and let Van have a "friend party".  We already know my weird phobia of having parties.  I know...I should really just get over it already.

Her birthday is so close to Halloween, I have always wanted to have a big Halloween themed get-together.  Van picks Sponge Bob themed parties, like every. single. year!  So, when I got a big package of HEXBUG stuff to review, I knew this would be the year I put on a "spook"tacular birthday Halloween bash.  Van loves all bugs and creeping I know this will be right up her alley.  {pssst, Van doesn't know about the HEXBUG stuff...}

Some people do an every other year "friend party" thing.  Some people are just born to throw amazing parties

What do you do?  What is the best theme party you have been to or thrown yourself?

disclosure: A big thank you to MomSelect and HEXBUG who gave me some fun stuff to play with during the party, but the party planning crazy that I am becoming is all me.


Greg and Heather said...

I have the same phobia about parties. We have started to give our boys a choice: have a party with lots of friends at home OR a party outside the home with only 3 or so friends OR keep $50 for themselves. So far, I've gotten out of one party!

Vanessa Brown said...

my name is vanessa and i go overboard on parties. ;) You know growing up I just loved getting to invite like 2-3 of my favorite girlfriends and going to the movies and dinner! it was like the coolest thing ever!

Jil ~ said...

I was never a party mom. Yea I still get razzed by my kids about that one! Now that they are all grown I love finding cute party ideas all over the internet. Too bad their all grown. Anywho - the one time I decided to throw a party for my youngest (she was going to be 5). We did a pool party. The weekend that she was supposed to have her party a canal above my parent's home broke and we ended up cleaning mud all week! So much for the party! I was destined to not be a party mom! So good luck and I hope she loves the bugs!!

Cathy said...

If I can't be perfect at something then I don't even want to try. That's pretty much why I've never thrown a real party for my kids. Too overwhelming. So far they've just had cake and ice cream get togethers with cousins. I know someday they'll figure out what they're missing. Until then, family it is.

Hailee said...

We do parties every other year (on their even birthdays). They love it so it's just something that we do. Just remember that they are kids and they don't care about things that you might think. Simplicity is my only suggestion. Some people go way overboard. Have Fun!! Happy Birthday Savannah!!