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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

remembering who I am.

After a nice chat with my lady friend Vanessa, I decided it was time to get me back. Whenever life is a little stressful my first response is to shut down, share less, and try to control more. This really isn't me, and I don't like being that way. I love that I have a good honest friend that tells me what I need to hear, and a husband that doesn't let me make emotional decisions {uhem, letting my blog go private!}.

I am letting go of what I can't control, and realizing a lot of things I thought I had control of...I never did anyway.

I am embracing who I am, again. Take it, or leave it.

I am remembering why I love blogging. There is a list of really good reasons I do it, and only a few things that really bug me. I started to worry that people might not want to read if I decide to talk about certain things, and then I realize they have a choice to do so. I love the relationships that I have because of blogging, and it all started because I dared to be myself...So, I am doing what I do best...I am back to being me.

PS Free Zoo day was fun, and not as cold as I thought it would be. I think the next play date will be the Treehouse Museum.  I will post more details when I figure it all out.


Kristina P. said...

Can't wait to see you!

dust and kam said...

I am glad you had a good Zoo day!

I love you and everything about you.
I need to learn to be brave enough to be myself.
I admire you.

Emily said...

Yay for you being YOU! (And yay for Vanessa. She rocks.)

Anonymous said...

People love you for being you, you don't need to apologize. I think that is what is wrong with adults and why kids are so wonderful. They are who they are and they don't care. I envy that about my children and I wish I let my own inhibitions and fears go, I'm working on that. Be true to yourself.

Unknown said...


Mrs. O said...

I love you and this is a great reminder to just be. And to be happy with the person you are (and you are great!)