2. Since I had to work on our anniversary, I ate a huge ol' burrito by myself to celebrate.
3. The day I got the flu the kids kept me company in bed...and we read lots of books.
4. I am becoming a pro at making road trip entertainment bags...I really should write a whole post on this. Giving myself a pat on the back.
5. We went shopping at The Dub for Devi new bedroom furniture, dishwasher, rugs, electronics, and on, and on, and on...it was our last shopping spree...and it was fun.
6. Savannah wanted to watch our wedding video since we celebrated 13 years of marriage this week. It was a tender moment.
7. It was a big week for Savannah, she was William Dawes in a school play. She did a fantastic job, and remembered all her lines.
8. Devin loves to beg to go outside.
9. I wanted to take a picture of my shoes for day #3 of the photo challenge...I failed and mostly got belly. :)
10. Savannah lost another tooth.
11. This is the photo challenge I am working on with a friend on Facebook. It has been fun, you should join in.
12. Savannah got her blue belt this week. It was hard work, and well deserved.
13. Devin is completely addicted to The Muppets...of course, we needed Muppets sippy cups.
Have you been joining in on the photo challenges or the Instagram fun? You should link up, I wanna see your pictures.
Happy anniversary! 13; wow! I love that picture of your "shoes". :)
I miss sending and receiving pictures from you. :( 20 more days and I will have a phone that can once again take a photo! The count down is on. Happy day.
I seriously, really, super de-duperly miss you. A lot.
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