I am learning to not be so hard on myself.
I have learned that just because I stay home, doesn't mean my house is going to be spotless. Some days all I can do is keep the kids fed, clean, and happy.
I am learning that I have to stay at home most days, because my babies thrive on nap schedules. This means that my standing lunch date with Paul has been scratched. I make Devin and I a simple lunch at home instead, and then we take good long naps.
{she makes laundry look good.}
I have learned that I really like Monday's for structure, and I still look forward to a Friday. I don't love getting Savannah to school early in the mornings during the week.
I am learning it is okay to ask Paul for help. At first I had this idea that because I stay home, I had to do everything. Paul is awesome to see when I am struggling, and most times I don't have to ask. It is hard for me to admit I can't do it all.
{making a mess trying to find gems. this was a fun kit, and grandma sell totally gets brownie points.}
I have learned that I am lucky to stay home with these kids of ours. As I rocked Sabrina to sleep for her afternoon nap, I realized I couldn't ever remember doing this with Savannah. I love having no where to go, and everything that I could be doing doesn't feel as important as this moment.
I am learning that I need a bedtime, I also need to make time for me...which includes blogging, running to the gas station, or a late movie with my lady friends.
{if van only knew what he did while she was at school.}
I have learned that it is always easier to wake up after a long night knowing you don't actually have to get ready for work...pajama days are awesome.
I know that I will constantly be learning, growing, and getting better at this new gig. I will always be grateful for this opportunity, because I know what it feels like to be a working Mom.
{Devi is totally anti-camera right now,
but the girls are always happy to pose for me.}
Oh, your kids... so dang cute. Being a stay-at-home person (like what I was - no kids) is easy. Being a stay-at-home Mom is a full-time job. You are amazing. Never forget that!
You are doing an absolutely fabulous job with this SAHM thing. Seriously.
You totally rock the SAHM thing!! :-)
I am glad you can stay home with your babies. I love those pictures! So cute!
The "baby with laundry" picture is killing me! So cute.
I love your posts! You are so cute! And those babies! I've always been a working mom that works nights or only a few days!! I have the best of both worlds and I know how lucky I am. Sounds like you do too! See you in the am sista!
I can't believe I just found two old comments from you in my spam folder -weird! And it's not showing a profile pic on those comments. I don't know what's going on with that.
In other news I am sooo with you on the transition to full-time mommy gig! I am so NOT a morning person :( Does that make me "hormonal" too? I must think of some excuse for me being crazy!
I love that you are a SAHM. You are awesome. I wish I were a better SAHM. I stink at it. On e again, you inspire me. It's not that I want to BE you, but I kind of do.
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