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Monday, January 21, 2013

working on a goal.

In December while I was thinking about goals I was going to set for the new year, I had this desire to start having more pictures taken with me in them...with my kids, of course! I even had my friend Kim come over, and take some of Sabrina and I together.

I actually have never had a problem with getting my picture taken, but after a couple of babies in 2 has left me feeling a little more camera shy. I wrote about my simple goals for 2013, and then a few days later a blog I read had the perfect post to sum up why I wanted to set this goal. 

Last week I got the pictures that Kim took in December, and every. single. image. gave me the warm fuzzies. Kim has a way of making you look and feel beautiful, and somehow manages to get all the emotions in a every image.
Kim already knows that I feel like I will forever be indebted to her for the beautiful pictures she has taken of my family. These pictures of Sabrina and I, just sealed the deal.
I am so excited to keep this goal going, I just wish that Kim could follow me around and take all of the pictures.
I hope that my children will look at the pictures of me lovin' on them, and know how much I truly adore each of them. I love that they are all so different, and bring something completely different to our family.

aaaand just because I can't resist sharing, here is a couple of the pictures Kim took of just Sabrina after she woke up from her peaceful slumber...


Emily said...

That Kim is amazing. Her work is absolutely beautiful. (Of course I don't think it takes much to make you look amazing...)

Jamie M. said...

The pictures are beautiful!! I wish sometimes I had someone following me around taking pictures of everything I want to remember, with me in them of course. It is hard as the Mom to get in more pictures, so I think this is a great goal!!

Brandie said...

I love these pictures!! so much!! I have set this as a goal too!

kendahl a. said...

These pictures are GORGEOUS. Just stunning. Kim is brilliant, but it helps to have gorgeous subjects. :) And that baby... my gosh, she is cute!

dust and kam said...

Love, love, love! Beautiful girls.

Cathy said...

I love the way she tilts her head and smiles. Adorable.

Lechelle said...

You are such a beautiful mother, and Kim captures that perfectly.