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Thursday, March 7, 2013

don't judge.

Awhile back we were chatting with one of our neighbors. One topic lead to the next, and pretty soon they were telling us they were eating cereal for dinner.

I was like, whaaa. Nooo. Cereal is not dinner.

Paul and I talked about it after they left, how the heck does someone eat cereal as dinner!? Mind boggling.

Last night I poured myself a bowl of cereal for dinner. I asked the kids what they wanted for dinner, and they said they would have what I was having. Lucky charms for all, and for all a good night.

That will teach me to judge someone for eating cereal for dinner.

Never know when you just might be doing the same.


No post is complete without a picture, even if it has nothing to do with the post. You're welcome.


Jamie M. said...

HAHA, my kids often have cereal for dinner, especially when we have had a big lunch and are not very hungry :).

Cathy said...

I was eating Nutella on graham crackers one morning for breakfast. I offered some to Cate. Her reply, "Mommy, nobody eats chocolate for breakfast! Nobody!" Perhaps I should introduce her to the chocolate Cheerios in the pantry. Or maybe a chocolate donut or two.

Cathy said...
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Unknown said...

When Mark is on graveyard, I swear the kids eat cereal for dinner half the time. I do encourage them to eat a banana with it. Hahaha! They typically fight with me every other night when I cook a wholesome meal, so I figure why put in the effort when I'm the only one who is going to eat it. Plus, I remember thinking how cool my Mom was when she let us eat cereal for dinner, so I figure I'm increasing my coolness points. Lol

kendahl a. said...

I tried to have ice cream for lunch and Punk shut me down. Talk about a role reversal. I don't eat a lot of cereal, but I have been known to eat popcorn for dinner. Possibly twice in the last week. But you can't prove it.

Paige Taylor Evans said...

I eat cereal for dinner more than I care to admit....

Emily said...

Cereal for dinner is the best. We also love Eggo waffles and PB&J sandwiches.

Jenni and Chad Stewart said...

When Chad and I go out and leave my eldest in charge I usually leave them something for dinner. If I didn't have time, I tell them they can have leftovers, or a sandwich, or whatever. They usually pick cereal! I will admit to having done that once or twice for dinner too when the hubs is out of town. We do what we can!

Tiffany said...

Cereal for dinner has happened over here more than I care to admit.