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Thursday, May 30, 2013

a first.

We went for a quick trip to the Daybreak Beach last week. The kids have been begging to go and use their new beach toys, and then I forgot to take them with us on this trip. ha ha ha!

Sabrina was properly introduced to this perfect {for Utah} sand, and attempted to do sand angels followed by finding the biggest clumps possible to shove in her mouth. {And if you are wondering if she successfully ate any, her diaper was full of sand the next day!}

What has been the most surprising thing for me having 3 kids is it doesn't matter how many times you do it...the firsts never get old. You still cheer them on when they learn new things, and you still laugh uncontrollably when they make funny faces while trying new food. Watching Sabrina in the sand was hilarious, and I loved every minute of it.
We are excited for many more trips back to this beach and our other favorite. Remind me to take the beach toys, and have Devin go to the bathroom before...k?


kendahl a. said...

Devin is so hilarious! That last picture kills me.

Emily said...

Pick me! Pick me! I want to come next time!