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Monday, June 10, 2013

Summer: Day 5 + our weekend.

Day 5 of Summer was Friday.

When we woke up I quickly put the kids to work unwrapping crayons so that we could work on our hot rocks project. This project was fun because it took a lot of little steps that we could work on it through out the day.

In the afternoon, we took our nature walk to find all of the smooth/flat rocks to color. 
We came home and washed and scrubbed all of our rocks, and put them in the oven. While those were getting warm enough, I planned on making moon dough while we were waiting.
Our moon dough worked, but I would do a few things differently. I would just keep it white, because mixing food coloring with your hands was kind of a disaster. Not sure what I was thinking. I just put a few pieces of wax paper down in front of the kids to mix up the shaving cream and corn starch...uh, another dumb idea. I would put it in some sort of container next time, and do it all without hands. Live and learn.

So, we cleaned up that mess when the rocks were ready, and I don't know that we will try that recipe again. 
The rocks on the other hand were so much fun, and I even couldn't stop coloring on the hot rocks. It was a perfect activity for both of my kids, and I can see us doing this a lot. Who doesn't have loads of crayons, and rocks?! Easy and free. Definitely my type of craft.

Saturday Paul and Savannah went to Idaho, and I was left to fend for myself with the babies. Good thing I have a really awesome friend that doesn't mind going to an early dinner at Popeye's, and walk around the Thanksgiving Point Farm Country with my kids.  It took up most of our afternoon, and was the perfect distraction for me...because I needed one.

Today is prep day for our Cupcake Wars party tomorrow. Can't wait to tell you about it.


Emily said...

Those hot rocks look like such fun! Also? I'm stressing about tomorrow. Can the next play date just be the park or beach or pool?!?

Jamie M. said...

I think we need to try making those hot rocks around here :)