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Friday, September 6, 2013

giving you a high five.

I have noticed all of your awesome this week, and I'm impressed. A big high five.

High five for Paul because...
one of his 12 hour work days was converting this.
He went to Idaho on Monday, had a hellish work day...and survived. He thought he may just die from a toothache, and still managed to work on Tuesday. Wednesday he had a tooth pulled, and a impacted wisdom tooth removed. Thursday he worked another 12 hour work day, because someone has to pay the bills. Today he is busy working, swollen cheek and all. 

High five for Savannah because...
She has had the best attitude waking up early every day. It helps with my morning attitude when I don't have to fight to wake her up.

High five for Devin because...
Well, he was naughty for most of the week. I guess I could give him a high five for not hurting himself while he practices his flying skills, like Buzz Light Year. I don't really need another medical bill. He did thank me for the new toy, so I guess I could give him credit for that too.

High five for Bina because...
She has slept through the night every night since Savannah started school. It may have taken her over a year to figure it out, but it was good timing for her to get it.

Since I can't really give myself a high five, I am giving myself a pat on the back because...
I cooked dinner every night this week. Yep, that isn't a typo. I went grocery shopping with all the kids, by myself. I survived without Paul a lot, and I don't do that well. It has gotten easier for me to wake up super early, probably why I gave Sabrina and Savannah high fives. I didn't burn down the house when I baked, it was a close call. 
Hoping to have some giveaways up next week. They will be worth the wait. 


Emily DeBry said...

I'll give you a high five for dinner that's awesome!! I hope Paul gets feeling better sounds like you're quite the super mom :)

Vanessa Brown said...

Shut up! Every night this week, that is awesome :)

Nicole said...

Hooray for Sabrina sleeping through the night!!!!! That makes a huge difference. Darling pictures of your kids!

kendahl a. said...

Wait, dinner every night?! I don't know that I've done that, ever, the entire time I've been married. That's so impressive! TWO high fives for you! You are so amazing. You might not think so all the time, but I do.

dust and kam said...

You are the best.