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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

9 on the 29th.

9 years ago today Paul and I welcomed our first baby to this world, Savannah. As I tucked her in last night, I told her the story of the day she was born. As often as my memory fails me, it never does forget the details of the day each of our children were born. Thankfully.
Savannah is loyal like her Dad, and cries easily like her Mom. She has always been outgoing, talkative, and makes friends easily. At a very young age she showed us her independence, and it still is one of her greatest qualities.
Bottom right photo cred Jen Eliason Photography
Savannah has a boisterous laugh, and likes to be funny. She gets embarrassed easily, and that usually leads to tears. She loves to sing and dance, and knows the lyrics to most songs played on the radio. 
L to R photo cred Jen Eliason Photography // ME // Kim Orlandini Photography
I am thankful that Savannah enjoys learning and school. There is no begging for homework to be done, or calls from the school. She is smart, likes getting good grades, and loves to be active in everything the school offers. This year she enrolled in the after school art program, she has a part in the school play, show choir, and is hoping to make the orchestra too! 
We got lucky with Savannah. She makes parenting easy, and I am thankful she is apart of our family. Still blown away that it has already been 9 years...half way to 18. Doood. 

Happy Birthday Vannah. We love you!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

a pile of complaints

In an effort to be more real, open, and honest...this is the post I wrote yesterday. My thoughts aren't always pretty, but they belong to me nonetheless.
Oh hi. I have this blog that I use to like to update every day, and now...ugh. I sit down to update, and all I come up with is a collection of complaints in my head. 
I tell myself I am going to miss this stage I am in, but if I am being honest right now...I feel pretty ready to be past the diapers, teething, tantrums, and potty training. At the end of most days I feel totally spent, worn down, and absolutely exhausted. I may or may not think that going to work would be a nice break to this chaos. I thought that I would have this SAHM stuff all figured out by now, but every day is a learning experience for me. 
It is hard for me to admit that something I wanted to do so badly, I am not naturally good at. I have to try really hard to have patience with my little people. I sometimes find myself wanting to be really selfish, and wanting "my time" back. I have to give myself gentle reminders that I can do better, but have also had to learn to embrace who I am...a delicate balancing act indeed.
I try not to compare myself to what others can do, but dooood how do you ladies keep a clean house? I can spend all day working on it, and yet at the end of the day I could still make a list of things that need to be done. I was tempted to throw everything away this weekend, because that would make my life so much easier. Don't even get me started on the making 3 meals day, running around to all the events, looking like you stepped out of a salon, and finding time to exercise. Just typing it all makes me want to have a nap.
I am thankful I got lucky in the husband department. My kids would really be screwed without him. That guy has large amounts of patience with me, and helps me out tremendously. I know I wouldn't make it without his constant support. When I have given everything I can, he swoops in to make up the rest. 
At the end of the day, I crawl in bed knowing tomorrow I get another crack at this Motherhood gig {thank goodness}. I think of how awesome my kids are in their own unique way, hoping I can inspire them to be something better than myself, and wishing for great things to come our way.

Monday, October 21, 2013

we {heart} water gardens

When I sat down to write a post it turned in to a total downer. So, I walked away from the computer, got some sunshine, drank a Coke, and decided I would post that another day...maybe.

October has turned out to be one of Paul's busiest months. We love that he is successful, but I have become spoiled with the amount he helps me...and I am ready to go back to our regularly scheduled programming. 

We were thrilled when Water Gardens announced they were opening a new theater in Holladay, and asked Paul to do the vending/arcade area. It is definitely one of our favorite locations to work with. 
The grand opening was this past UEA weekend, and we hit up the theater every day of it! They had fun bounce houses in the parking lot, and free popcorn. We took the little ones to play during the day, while Savannah was at school. The next night we planned a little date with Savannah's friend Hali to go and see Monster University. Paul went the next night with Devin and his brother Shane to see a movie. 
It is definitely nice to go to a theater, spend $20, and that is going all out. All of us got our own drinks, treat, and popcorn. The kids thought it was so awesome to not have to share, little did they know I didn't spend hardly any money doing it.  Did I mention how nice it is inside? Definitely not like the other dollar theaters.
Water Gardens is definitely going to be our new go-to place, now that it is a little closer to home. Who wants to plan a play date? We still want to see Planes. :)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Bloggers Night Out at Gardner Village

I was invited by My Craft Channel to a fun night out at Gardner Village with 120 Utah bloggers. I have been going to Gardner Village since I can remember, so there was no doubt I would love an evening spent here.
Lucinda gave this frog as a prize for the "Froggers night out!"
We started off the night with appetizers, Lucinda the Witch {she was hilarious as always}, and getting to hear artist Eric Dowdle speak. He gave such simple, yet profound advice. I tried to take notes furiously so I wouldn't forget. He talked about getting out and meeting new people, to let go, give freely, stay true to yourself, and most importantly he said to "just do the best at what you do, know who you are, what makes you unique, tell the story from your perspective, and success will come back to you." It was really inspiring to listen to.
We were all let loose in the Village for shopping and fun photo ops with all the witches. You can imagine that I hit up the Naborhood Bakery first, shouldn't shock anyone. Just so happened that a fun group of ladies wanted to do the same thing. We chatted, we ate orange rolls, and it was really lovely reconnecting.
Sometimes when you get a bunch of ladies together you get crazy over seeing a tiny pony, and we all gather for pictures. We laughed when that tiny pony tried eating my leg. Just watch for me in the video below...1:50ish...the videographer caught that pesky pony in the act.  
A few of us went in some of the stores, and I decided that shopping without children is far more fun. What are my favorite stores you ask? The Bead Farm, Down to Earth, and Celebrations by Modern Display are just a few.  After a couple of hours all the bloggers met back up to end the night, and have more dessert. That Lucinda had me laughing, and it was good for my soul to let go for a night.
This past weekend we went back to Gardner Village as a family. I had heard that they do a little Farmer's Market on Saturdays. The kids always want to dress up, and every year I forget until we get there. This year we didn't forget, and all the kids were dressed in past years Halloween costumes. 

Paul and I couldn't resist the Breakfast at the Farm platter. It was delicious, and totally hit the spot. Then we walked a few yards, and knew we had to come back next week for the pizza. It all looked and sounded so good. We decided on a big bag of fresh peaches for dessert, and those were amazing. 

I love that this just happens to be close to my house, and we can stop in often. If you aren't as lucky to live close, it is worth the drive for the Witches in October...or if Witchfest isn't your thing go for the Elves at Christmas. It really is fun for the whole family.

Friday, October 11, 2013


Maybe some of you played along on Instagram, in February of this year, when Brooke from Studio 5 challenged everyone to share photos of their "real" life. #Livewithoutpretending is still one of my favorite hashy's. It feels so good to see people be real, authentic, and open up that life isn't always perfect. Like a breath of fresh air. Am I the only one who likes to see that one girl doesn't always have a spotless house, and that someone else goes without a shower all day? Maybe. It makes my imperfect self, feel a little more normal...whatever normal is.
I have been struggling. I don't want to be, I want to be fine. I don't want to be that friend that always seems to have an issue. It gets old for me, and I know it can get old for people to deal with around me {just ask Paul}. I feel ungrateful when I am depressed, because I can look around and see how awesome my life really is. Then my brain tells me that I am undeserving of such a life, and that I am never going to be the Wife, Mother, friend that I want to be. Depression is an odd beast.
LDS Conference was this past weekend. I usually don't watch, because I don't get much out of it. I blame my children, but I'll be honest and just say that I usually end up asleep...waking up at the closing prayer. This past weekend was different. I watched most, and was really uplifted. I cried when Elder Holland spoke on depression in his Like a Broken Vessel talk. It spoke right to my broken self.
Yesterday I decided that I want to be more honest, real, and open. I picked up my camera, and wanted to take some pictures of my "real" life. I didn't make the bed, I didn't do Sabrina's hair, I didn't change her stained shirt, and I even let her have that darn pacifier. My life is rarely pretty and perfect, and I am embracing it.

My life is exhausting enough without trying to make it look like it isn't. I am going to start living without pretending. You will most definitely see more bedhead, jammies, and mismatched clothes...and that is okay. This is my "real" life, and I am going to start loving all of it.