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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Minted {dot} com

Now that we are a couple of days past Thanksgiving, I am safe to talk about Christmas, right? Even though my Christmas tree was up long before Thanksgiving, and the Christmas music has been playing for just as long...I know some of my friends have a strict rule of "no Christmas anything, until after Thanksgiving!".

First thing on my agenda, Christmas cards!
Last year we sent out Valentine cards, and Thanksgiving cards with the idea we wouldn't send out Christmas ones. But there is just something about a fabulous Christmas card, and when December rolled around...I couldn't help myself, and ended up sending out some anyways. What can I say, I am a sucker for snail mail!
how true this is in our house!
This year I am excited to try a new place for our cards, Minted. Anyone tried this site before? They have over 600 designs {just in their holiday line}, so obviously I am having a hard time deciding what to send out. 
Do you have certain requirements when sending out your cards? My sister says you have to do a family picture {not just kids}, some people add the letter, and some people like to personalize each one with something handwritten.

PS I may have ended up browsing a little too much on Minted, and found some adorable have been warned.

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