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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

twas good.

My morning started at 4:45 AM, and I was not so thankful for that. I did however have a positive attitude about it, and cracked open my left over chips and salsa from Cafe Rio for breakfast. It made me happy, even if I had to be up so early after a night of sleeping on the couch. 

When I loaded kids in the car to take Savannah to school, I noticed the most beautiful sky. Then my babies promptly fell asleep, because duh...waking up before 5 is crazy talk.

I volunteered to make some clay for Savannah's class, and it made for a fun project for all us. I delivered some love treats to friends. Doing these things always make me happy. If you need a pick me up? Get lost in service, it always works.

Paul bought me a yummy treat, which I didn't share with kids. Also, I got a lovely afternoon nap. 

I noticed at dinner how big our baby is getting, and it made me both happy and a bit sad. Definitely bittersweet. She is an adorable toddler, sitting up at the table like a big girl.

It was such a good day it was hard to narrow down all the awesome tonight. I have already discussed how much I love Wednesdays, and this one was no exception.


Emily said...

I love you. And I love that you're serving even when you're dog tired. You rock.

EMILY =) said...

I'm grateful that you served me, even if I gained 5 more pounds. ;)

kendahl a. said...

You are the sweetest of the sweet, doll. Serving others when life is handing you a heavy plate. You're amazing.

Tara said...

Thank you for this peek into your life! I needed to read your post today and put some things in perspective! Hope to see you soon at a blogging event!