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Sunday, May 31, 2015

a goal turned in to another.

Way back in January of 2013 I set a goal to "get in the picture" more with my kids. I actually did really well, and feel like I have made it a habit. You will see me sprinkled in photos of most of the adventures we do. Paul also got me a selfie stick, making family photos more common too! 
So, in July of 2014 I set another goal to take pictures of my 3 kids together. If you follow me on Instagram you can usually see at least a weekly photo of my 3 kids together. The only way I knew this goal was going to work is if I made it fun for the kids. They get to pose themselves, which means they don't even have to always look or smile. It has made some of my favorite pictures of them.
We recently went to Camera Shy to have the kids' pictures done. I let the kids each pick something they could bring to get their picture taken with. I decided I just really love an authentic picture, showing you exactly what my kids personalities are like. I think it shocked the cute little photographer when I didn't care that Devin was holding his "Cheeto" in the pictures, and Sabrina was wearing her shoes on the wrong feet. 
These picture goals have been way more fun to work on than that pesky weight goal I keep setting and failing at. 


Also, my favorite individual pictures of the 3 with their favorite things...

Savannah chose Sisters Grimm book series, her absolute favorite.
Devin chose his "Cheeto", and a Ninja Turtle car. I would definitely say he can't live without one more than the other.
Sabrina chose a Doc McStuffin's doll, that just so happened to be dressed up like a princess. I think this little girl owns every Doc toy on the market, she is obsessed!! 

Sunday, May 24, 2015

L Floral Studio

This is NOT a sponsored post, I have just been blessed with some pretty incredible people in my life. One of those people is Delene, whom I have known long before children came along. That lady is the best of the best. She works at L Floral Studio, and graciously invited us to hang out with her in the studio one afternoon.
I went in thinking Savannah would love making floral arrangements, but I wasn't expecting much from the 2 littles. It turned out to be one of our favorite afternoons of adventure.
Delene had cute little glass vases with floral foam ready for the kids to make their own arrangements. She had a wide variety of flowers, and the kids oooh'ed and aaaah'ed over every one...and maybe even fought over some of the unique ones. Delene was so nice to teach the kids the names of flowers, and show them how to make the flowers look good in the arrangements.
They were all so proud of what they made. Devin was under the impression his arrangement would grow when he watered it, and was disappointed when it started dying a few days later.
It was so fun to try something new, and absolutely love it. We went away thinking we need to invite friends next time. There is something awesome about the smell of fresh flowers, making something with your hands, and hanging out with people you love. It made for a perfect afternoon.
Thank you Delene, and L Floral Studio for having us! Get ready for us, because we are comin' back soon!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

brush myself off.

I let someone on the internet hurt my feelings.

There. I said it. 

I cried. I vented. I gave that person space in my head they didn't deserve. I let them control my actions, second guessing every move I made on the world wide web. Saddest part of it all, they probably went on about life without ever thinking about me again.

I forgot the reason why I share my pictures, my stories, my life. It isn't for someone else to tell me I am important, or matter. It isn't so I can show my kids they got so many likes, because they are stinkin' adorable. I do it for me, I do it because I love looking back on my blog, Instagram, and Facebook. 
I was at dinner with Cathy, and she gave me a good talkin' to about changing my ways. It really was something I needed to hear. 

Not everyone will want to be my friend. Some people will "unfriend" me, and instead of wondering/worrying what I did wrong...I am going to move on with the people who want to be there. I won't change because of the fear of losing a "follower". My life is more than a blog, or a number.
So, here I am. Ready to catch up on all the happening in our little house. Share the large amounts of pictures I take, and with Summer right around the corner...we are gearing up for another round of "Adventure a Day".