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Sunday, May 10, 2015

brush myself off.

I let someone on the internet hurt my feelings.

There. I said it. 

I cried. I vented. I gave that person space in my head they didn't deserve. I let them control my actions, second guessing every move I made on the world wide web. Saddest part of it all, they probably went on about life without ever thinking about me again.

I forgot the reason why I share my pictures, my stories, my life. It isn't for someone else to tell me I am important, or matter. It isn't so I can show my kids they got so many likes, because they are stinkin' adorable. I do it for me, I do it because I love looking back on my blog, Instagram, and Facebook. 
I was at dinner with Cathy, and she gave me a good talkin' to about changing my ways. It really was something I needed to hear. 

Not everyone will want to be my friend. Some people will "unfriend" me, and instead of wondering/worrying what I did wrong...I am going to move on with the people who want to be there. I won't change because of the fear of losing a "follower". My life is more than a blog, or a number.
So, here I am. Ready to catch up on all the happening in our little house. Share the large amounts of pictures I take, and with Summer right around the corner...we are gearing up for another round of "Adventure a Day".


Heather said...

If it was me, then I absolutely apologise. I would never intentionally hurt your feelings and I think your family is amazing and you're an amazing mum. Your kids are thriving and happy so whatever you're doing, you're doing right. If it is ever me, please let me know because I'm not mean by nature but sometimes (like everyone does), I can put my foot in my mouth. I'd definitely rather know if I do, so I can apologise!

Unknown said...

I love your blog, fb posts and Instagram. You have the cutest family!!

Emily said...

We all need to do some brushing off sometimes. It's not easy but it is so worth it. And it makes us stronger. Love you. xoxo

Jil ~ said...

I think you do fantastic as a woman and as a mom! Keep up the wonderful work that you do. And even though you do it for you ~ Thanks for sharing. It's fun to see a woman succeed in what she loves!!

Cathy said...

Gigantic fist bump, baby! Love you!!

dust and kam said...

I miss blogging. And you. But mostly you.