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Friday, August 28, 2015


Devin wasn't excited to start Kindergarten, and I am not gonna lie...I wasn't thrilled about the change either. It was a lot easier to send Savannah off to school at this age, because she was ready and wanted it.

Devin sometimes has a hard time warming up to people. He is still taking and needing naps, and we of course got the afternoon block...making it impossible for him to have one now. 
I cried for most of his first day. 

Devin is quirky and can be hard. I hope and pray his teacher will fall in love with him like we do. I hope he thrives, learns, and decides to love it.

There is still a lot of wanting to stay home, and coming home to crash after a huge meltdown.
It would be easy to let him stay secure under my wing, but I know we can conquer big things...and this is just the first of them for us.

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