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Monday, September 21, 2015

Silver Lake Adventure.

Uncle Kyle moved from Idaho to a cute cabin super close to Silver Lake up Big Cottonwood Canyon. Even though we live by the mountains, it is rare we ever go up and explore. We were excited when Kyle invited us to come for a picnic, and scope out Silver Lake. 
It really isn't a hike, which was right up our alley. It is mostly flat, and some of it is even deck-like material you walk on.
It was a good amount of adventure for us, and definitely worth taking another trip up to explore. We got lucky on the day we went, and saw a moose out in the water. It was made for a pretty cool experience.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Silver Lake is one of my favorite walks with the kids. For reals. Easy and not too long and lots of ducks. :)