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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Tracy Aviary

We were invited to a fun bloggers day out at the Tracy Aviary last week. It was a no-brainer to go, because we already have a deep love for Tracy Aviary. It was about 18 months ago Bina and Devin had the opportunity to take the Little Chicks Classes. As soon as I told the kids we were going to aviary, Devin instantly remembered all he had learned in those classes...just when you think they aren't listening {wink, wink}.

Just because we have been to the aviary quite a few times, we still managed to do and see things that were new and exciting this trip. 
We had never done the Amazon Adventure, which is an additional cost to the entry fee {but totally affordable}. We were able to feed the Wild Sun Conures, and the kids were totally thrilled with this opportunity. It gives you an up close experience with a bird, and watching them eat it pretty interesting.
We enjoyed seeing the newly built vet clinic, and seeing some of the patients they have in the clinic currently. Devin thought this was especially cool, because he has recently been talking about becoming a vet himself when he is older.
We, of course, got to do some of our long standing family favorite things, like the bird show. We also snuck some peeks into cages to check on some of our bird friends we have missed like the flamingos, owls, and the ducks.
Just to give you an idea how warm we got in the Rainforest, look at Drake's rosy cheeks!
Tracy Aviary has added the Treasures of the Rainforest exhibit since we had been there last. It really is a fun and humid little building. It rains twice a day in the building, lots of unique birds flying overhead, a few special birds in cages to admire while you walk through. We also were able to do a ladybug release while there, which was especially memorable. The ladybugs help eat bugs that are harmful for the plants in the exhibit. 
We definitely enjoyed our morning at Tracy Aviary, and never get tired of our visits. Never been? I am giving away a 4 pack of tickets on my Instagram account this week. You might want to hop on over there to enter.

Thank you Tracy Aviary for another memorable adventure. We have plans to come back when we kick off our Summer adventures.

Name: Tracy Aviary
Address: 589 E 1300 S SLC, UT
Admission: $5.95 for kids, $9.95 for adults


Cathy said...

When I win, will you plan a date to go meet me there so you can be our tour guides around the place? WHEN I win. 😉

Heather said...

And now I wanna go there...