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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Jump Around Utah

I love when my friend Christy buys a Groupon, and then tells me to buy the same Groupon so that we can go on an adventure together. That is the definition of having my back. Hahaha.
So, we planned a day to go to Jump Around Utah, which was our first visit! 

It is a lot smaller than the bounce place that is closer to our home. This meant the older kids seem to get bored faster. It does have a play land type structure, and one of those big pillows you jump on in the middle...which was definitely a favorite amongst all of the kids.

Devin found a basketball hoop with a ball, and hasn't stopped talking about that. Savannah and her cute friend tried all sorts of tricks on the pillow. Bina was content to sit next to the Mom's eating snacks. 
And I won't soon forget that Drake was in rare form, and was AWFUL the entire time we were there. 

Name: Jump Around Utah
Address: 1519 S 700 W SLC, UT
Admission/Cost: $10 for 3 yrs+

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