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Monday, October 3, 2016

Cornbelly's at Thanksgiving Point

We wanted to have one last major hooray at the end of Summer. We thought maybe Lagoon, and then we thought maybe the circus when it came to town, and then guess what happened? The whole freakin' month of September flew by without one last shindig to say goodbye to Summer.

Savannah had been to Cornbelly's, but the rest of us never had. We went back and forth whether it would be worth the money, because for a family our isn't cheap. BUT you know what? Totally worth the money. We ended up buying the Lovin' pass, which is 27 bucks a person...and you get everything, and then some with it.
Because we were Cornbelly newbies, I wasn't sure if they had real food, if it was good, and all that jazz. We hit up Slab Pizza for an early dinner, and it was delicious! We ordered too much food, Bina and I tied for the least amount eaten. Of course, Paul ate his entire slab.
I loved hearing what each of my kids wanted to do, because it was all different...just like their personalities. Savannah wanted to zip line, Devin wanted to ride the mechanical bull, and Bina wanted to do the bungee trampoline. 
We did a lot of the main attractions, but still missed so much. We stayed for 5ish hours, and the kids could have kept going.
Our favorite was the Apple Blasters, Jumbo Jumpers, Corn Cob Beach, Cole's Corral, Rat Rollers, and of course the giant slide. The kids loved the big things they picked to do too. The highlight of my trip was getting picked for the piggy races, even though my little piglet came in last place. I told Paul that this definitely needs to become a tradition, we loved it!
Things we would do differently? Skip the hot chocolate and get the shaved ice, in hopes it is better tasting. Skip the fountain soda, and just buy a bottles. Other than that, our trip to Cornbelly's was pretty perfect!
Bring on our favorite month of the year!

Name: Cornbelly's
Address: 3003 N Thanksgiving Way Lehi, Utah

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