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Wednesday, November 9, 2016


When you turn 12 in the LDS faith, it is a big milestone. Savannah had been counting down the weeks until she got to join the Young Women in our ward, instead of being in Primary. 
The Young Women Presidency and a few girls came over the morning of her birthday to kidnap her for breakfast! They put a cute sign on our door, and Savannah felt so special.
She has gone to a couple of activities, and a had a couple of Sunday lessons she attended...and she loves it! The girls have been so welcoming, and she is definitely loving being with the older girls in our ward.

It has been nothing but a joy watching Savannah grow, change, and develop into a little lady! We feel lucky to have her as our oldest child, and have her be such a awesome part of our family!

1 comment:

sai santosh techno said...

What a great article! I knew a lot of the stuff but I have been filled in on some knowledge I was missing. Hopefully catch you soon on the social network scene!
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