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Monday, November 26, 2018

Thanksgiving 2018

This is the first year that we have spent Thanksgiving with my side of the family since Savannah was born, so 2004. It worked out that Jeff and Deanna were already going to be coming the week before, so we made plans for everyone to meet up in good ol' SLC.
Although Thanksgiving dinner was underwhelming at the Zermatt, it was so fun to be together (minus Kyle + family who joined us later). After dinner we went back to a condo and played games, and laughed ourselves silly. Lots of teasing, and a few tears...but it felt like a real holiday with so many people together. 
The next day we all checked in to the Little America to keep the party going, and it is a tradition of our childhood. Emilie had planned so many fun games, we went swimming, we went to Temple Square for lights, we stayed up late chatting, and icing on the cake was the scooters that some of us enjoyed seeing the city on.
We went to lunch and Nickelmania after checking out of the hotel the next day, and it was the best way to end our weekend together. We ended up with an astronomical amount of tickets, which means lots of prizes with happy kids.

Something about a long weekend with family to make you a little more thankful for who you are related to. Our family can be messy, but we are learning to be more accepting, a little more forgiving, and trying to work on the here and now. 

I came away loving everyone a little more, and realizing how much I love spending time with my people. We are crazy, loud, and I love it all so much. 

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